shhu 发表于 2014-10-11 20:39


计算acoustic response solution set.1模块时出现如下错误,判断是License 哪边有问题,但没能查出,求助论坛哪位高手能指点下?
virtual.Lab 13版本,64位win7系统,论坛里面的试用license.

“(12) RLM: Cannot connect
server 5053@ZS-PC reported for feature LMS_VL_ACM_41(lms_vltoken:39): Communications error with license server. (RLM error -17) ERROR : NO LICENSE GRANTED FOR MODULE LMS_VL_ACM_41.
**** ERROR has occurred during computation ****
You may try to compute the solution in manual mode and try to attach the results afterwards.
SYSNOISE Rev 5.6Windows_x86_64MAR2003 DATE: 11-OCT-2014 20:33:13
CPU Stats --- Delta:0:00:05 (      4.97)Total:0:00:05 (      4.97)
ERROR: Sysnoise terminated with an error!
**** ERROR has occurred during computation ***”

shhu 发表于 2014-10-11 20:44

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查看完整版本: 求助,计算时出现错误