zx535777679 发表于 2015-7-29 22:09

请问双谱函数 bispecd 的参数设置问题

bispecd (y,nfft, wind, segsamp, overlap)里面的各个参数怎么设置啊,原始信号是x1=A1*cos(2*pi*f1*t);%信号x2=A2*cos(2*pi*f2*t+C*cos(2*pi*fn*t));y=x1+x2


happy 发表于 2015-9-23 09:55


function = bispecd (y,nfft, wind, nsamp, overlap)
%BISPECD Bispectrum estimation using the direct (fft-based) approach.
% = bispecd (y,nfft, wind, segsamp, overlap)
%y    - data vector or time-series
%nfft - fft length
%wind - window specification for frequency-domain smoothing
%       if 'wind' is a scalar, it specifies the length of the side
%          of the square for the Rao-Gabr optimal window
%       if 'wind' is a vector, a 2D window will be calculated via
%          w2(i,j) = wind(i) * wind(j) * wind(i+j)
%       if 'wind' is a matrix, it specifies the 2-D filter directly
%segsamp - samples per segment
%      - if y is a matrix, segsamp is set to the number of rows
%overlap - percentage overlap
%      - if y is a matrix, overlap is set to 0.
%Bspec   - estimated bispectrum: an nfft x nfft array, with origin
%          at the center, and axes pointing down and to the right.
%waxis   - vector of frequencies associated with the rows and columns
%          of Bspec;sampling frequency is assumed to be 1.

%Copyright (c) 1991-2001 by United Signals & Systems, Inc.
%       $Revision: 1.8 $
%A. Swami   January 20, 1993.

% Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is subject to
% restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c) (1) (ii) of the
% Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause of DFARS
% 252.227-7013.
% Manufacturer: United Signals & Systems, Inc., P.O. Box 2374,
% Culver City, California 90231.
%This material may be reproduced by or for the U.S. Government pursuant
%to the copyright license under the clause at DFARS 252.227-7013.

% --------------------- parameter checks -----------------------------

    = size(y);
    if (ly == 1) y = y(:);ly = nrecs; nrecs = 1; end

    if (exist('nfft') ~= 1)            nfft = 128; end
    if (exist('overlap') ~= 1)      overlap = 50;end
    overlap = min(99,max(overlap,0));
    if (nrecs > 1)                  overlap =0;end
    if (exist('nsamp') ~= 1)          nsamp = 0;   end
    if (nrecs > 1)                  nsamp = ly;end

    if (nrecs == 1 & nsamp <= 0)
       nsamp = fix(ly/ (8 - 7 * overlap/100));
    if (nfft< nsamp)   nfft = 2^nextpow2(nsamp); end

    overlap= fix(nsamp * overlap / 100);             % added 2/14
    nadvance = nsamp - overlap;
    nrecs    = fix ( (ly*nrecs - overlap) / nadvance);

% ------------------- create the 2-D window -------------------------
if (exist('wind') ~= 1) wind = 5; end
= size(wind);
window = wind;
if (max(m,n) == 1)   % scalar: wind is size of Rao-Gabr window
   winsize = wind;
   if (winsize < 0) winsize = 5; end      % the window length L
   winsize = winsize - rem(winsize,2) + 1;% make it odd
   if (winsize > 1)
      mwind   = fix (nfft/winsize);            % the scale parameter M
      lby2    = (winsize - 1)/2;

      theta= -lby2:lby2;
      opwind = ones(winsize,1) * (theta .^2);       % w(m,n)=m^2
      opwind = opwind + opwind' + theta' * theta;   % m^2 + n^2 + mn
      opwind = 1 - (2*mwind/nfft)^2 * opwind;       %
      hex    = ones(winsize,1) * theta;             % m
      hex    = abs(hex) + abs(hex') + abs(hex+hex');
      hex    = (hex < winsize);
      opwind = opwind .* hex;
      opwind = opwind * (4 * mwind^2) / (7 * pi^2) ;
      opwind = 1;

elseif (min(m,n) == 1)% 1-D window passed: convert to 2-D
   window = window(:);
   if (any(imag(window) ~= 0))
      disp(['1-D window has imaginary components: window ignored'])
      window = 1;
   if (any(window < 0))
      disp(['1-D window has negative components: window ignored'])
      window = 1;
   lwind= length(window);
   windf= ;    % the full symmetric 1-D
   window = ;
   opwind = (windf * windf')      ...
            .* hankel(flipud(window), window); % w(m)w(n)w(m+n)
   winsize = length(window);

else                  % 2-D window passed: use directly
    winsize = m;
    if (m ~= n)
       disp('2-D window is not square: window ignored')
       window = 1;
       winsize = m;
    if (rem(m,2) == 0)
       disp('2-D window does not have odd length: window ignored')
       window = 1;
       winsize = m;
    opwind= window;

% ---------------- accumulate triple products ----------------------

    Bspec    = zeros(nfft,nfft);

    mask = hankel(, );   % the hankel mask (faster)
    locseg = ';
    for krec = 1:nrecs
      xseg   = y(locseg);
      Xf   = fft(xseg-mean(xseg), nfft)/nsamp;
      CXf    = conj(Xf);
      Bspec= Bspec + (Xf * Xf.') .* ...
         reshape(CXf(mask), nfft, nfft);
      locseg = locseg + nadvance;

    Bspec = fftshift(Bspec)/(nrecs);

% ----------------- frequency-domain smoothing ------------------------

if (winsize > 1)
      lby2 = (winsize-1)/2;
      Bspec = conv2(Bspec,opwind);
      Bspec = Bspec(lby2+1:lby2+nfft,lby2+1:lby2+nfft);
% ------------ contour plot of magnitude bispectum --------------------

   if (rem(nfft,2) == 0)
       waxis = [-nfft/2:(nfft/2-1)]'/nfft;
       waxis = [-(nfft-1)/2:(nfft-1)/2]'/nfft;

   hold off, clf
   contour(waxis,waxis,abs(Bspec),4),grid on
   title('Bispectrum estimated via the direct (FFT) method')
   xlabel('f1'), ylabel('f2')
   set(gcf,'Name','Hosa BISPECD')
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查看完整版本: 请问双谱函数 bispecd 的参数设置问题