funi 发表于 2015-10-15 21:51


step by step操作

Setting up MathType to work with Maple
From MathType's Preferences menu choose: Cut and Copy Preferences. On the Macintosh, this will be in the Preferences flyout of the MathType menu.
Choose: Equation for application or website > Maple. Click OK.
Add an equation to Maple
Select the equation or equation fragment you want to insert into Maple, and copy it.
Paste the equation into a Maple worksheet.
After pasting the equation, Maple will ask you if you want to convert the equation into 2D math; answer Yes. The equation may now be used just like any other Maple equation.
Copy equations from Maple
Recommended steps are different depending on your version of Maple.

Maple 13-16
Right-click (Mac: Ctrl+Click) the equation and choose Copy as MathML from the contextual menu. (See picture below.) Alternatively, you can use the Copy as MathMLfrom the Edit menu.
Paste into MathType. The equation may now be edited and used just like any other MathType equation.

Maple 12
Right-click the equation and choose Conversions > MathML from the contextual menu. (See picture below.)
Maple will display a MathML string that you can then copy and paste into MathType. The equation may now be edited and used just like any other MathType equation.
Note: When Maple converts the equation into MathML it will first evaluate and simplify it, then display the MathML string for the simplified equation. For example, if the equation isy = 2x + x, Maple will produce the MathML that represents y = 3x, so what you'll see in MathType is y = 3x. Furthermore, if x already had a value of 2, then it would result in the equation y = 6. You can prevent this from happening by converting the equation into an Inert equation in Maple (right-click > 2D Math > Convert to > Inert form) and only then converting it into MathML.

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查看完整版本: 把mathtype中输入的公式直接导入maple秘笈