tangwx 发表于 2016-5-10 14:57


  Running Parallel job on Windows XP SP2:
  Microsoft has increased the security level for recent Windows versions which
  will cause all DDM jobs to fail unless you are running as Adminstrator.
  The workaround for this problem is to do the following:
  From a command prompt, run gpedit.msc.
  Select Computer Configuration,
  Expand Administrative Templates, expand System
  click Remote Procedure Call,
  Double click RPC Endpoint Mapper Client Authentication.
  Change the value to "Enabled".
  Next, check the DEP settings:
  Data Execution Prevention (DEP) settings
  The DEP settings should be checked using the following steps:
  Right click My Computer
  Go to Properties
  Select the Advanced tab
  Select the Performance Settings button
  Select the Data Execution Prevention tab
  Select the button for
  "Turn on DEP for essential Windows programs and services only".
  Security Settings:
  For users to be able to run a parallel jobs on Microsoft Windows,
  the security settings should be checked.
  Go to Control Panel->Administrative tools->Local security settings
  and check the following under Local Policies->User Rights Assignment.
  Note that you can add your own username to these if needed by
  right clicking and going to Properties.
  Windows XP
  "Adjust memory quotas for a process"
  "Replace a process level token"
  If you log in through a domain controller, you will also have to
  check those settings.
  Before running a parallel job using Intel MPI, you must setup an account for the
  Intel MPI mpiexec program using marc2010\intel_mpi\bin\wmpiregister.
  Enter a valid username/password and click the Register button.
  The Python program located in the mentat20xx\bin directory was built with
  Microsoft Visual Studio 8 and is required to be able to use the PyPost and
  PyMentat modules.


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