holdson 发表于 2018-10-23 10:09

错误提示 kinematic coupling neither mass nor stiffness”

我建立了一个各向异性材料(无剪切模量、泊松比接近0.5)被各向同性材料包围的模型,他们之间通过切向无摩擦、法向“hard”的surface-surface(standard)模式,其中采用小滑移方法。可我进行Job分析时就会出现:“Three factorizations in a row failed. Check the model. It is possible that the model contains the kinematic coupling definition set up in a way that a degree of freedom has neither mass nor stiffness”这样的错误提示。我并没有定义什么“kinematic coupling (运动耦合)”,为什么会出现这样的提示阿!    急着要结果呢,恳求高人指点!
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