<STRONG>Program Description <BR><BR></STRONG><I><UL>
<LI>Program to demonstrate Bessel Coefficients Subroutine
<LI>Program to demonstrate the Bessel Function Asymptotic Series
<LI>Program to demonstrate Bessel Series Summation Subroutine
<LI>Program to demonstrate Integer Order Bessel Function Subroutine
<LI>Roots of Fist Kind Bessel Functions of order N
<LI>Calculate the Kth zero of the first derivative of BESSEL functions<BR>of order N, J(N,X)
<LI>Compute the zeros of Bessel functions Jn(x), Yn(x), and their<BR>derivatives using subroutine JYZO
<LI>Complex Bessel Function of the 1st Kind of integer order
<LI>Complex Bessel Functions (1st to 3rd Kind) <B>NEW</B>
<LI>Header file of module below
<LI>Module for complex numbers used by programs below
<LI>Module #0 for complex Bessel functions used by programs below
<LI>Module #00 for complex Bessel functions used by programs below
<LI>Module #1 for complex Bessel functions used by programs below
<LI>Module #2 for complex Bessel functions used by programs below
<LI>Module #3 for complex Bessel functions used by programs below
<LI>Complex Bessel Function of the 1st Kind
<LI>Complex Bessel Function of the 2nd Kind
<LI>Complex Bessel Function of the 3rd Kind <BR><BR><BR><a href="" target="_blank" ></A></I></LI></UL>