代数及几何拓扑AGT is a fully refereed journal covering all of topology, understood broadly. AGT is published in free electronic format by Geometry and Topology Publications, with papers appearing a few days after a...
http://www.emis.de/journals/UW/agt/index.html 详细资料
Center for Nanoscale Materials experiments will be coordinated with theory and multiscale computer simulations to provide the interpretive and predictive framework for understanding fundamental studie...
http://nano.anl.gov/research/virtual_fab_lab.html 详细资料
埃森大学 理论物理学研究
The main research fiels of theoetical physics in the University of Essen concern as follows: (1)Bose-Einstein Condensation(BEC):--- The theoretical group is at present mostly interested in the fo...
http://www.theo-phys.uni-essen.de/tp/ 详细资料
伏瑞德里奇希勒大学 理论物理研究所
The main research fields of the Institute of Theoretical Physics include: * Gravitational Theory, Gravitational Wave Astronomy; * Quantum Field Theory, String Theory; * Quantum Optics.
http://www.tpi.uni-jena.de/ 详细资料
柏林自由大学 物理系
Traditionally, Department of Physics at Free University Berlin emphasises fundamental research. Its research currently focuses on areas of solid-state, cluster and biophysics as well as theoretical p...