escapist 发表于 2006-11-16 23:43



supervb 发表于 2006-11-17 10:44


xjtu211 发表于 2006-11-17 13:52


supervb 发表于 2006-11-26 20:05


escapist 发表于 2009-2-14 23:54

回复 楼主 escapist 的帖子


zhj307 发表于 2009-2-16 16:14

回复 楼主 escapist 的帖子

thank you!!!!!

ym_tang1225 发表于 2009-2-17 12:16


xueshixin02 发表于 2009-2-17 19:07

三重点理论 你可以 google 一下。

escapist 发表于 2009-2-17 23:52

Huang Wenhu.Free and forced vibrations of closely coupled turbo-machinery blades.AIAA Journal,1981,19(7).

xueshixin02 发表于 2009-2-18 10:50

回复 9楼 escapist 的帖子

Free and Forced Vibration of Closely
Coupled Turbomachinery Blades
Wen-hu Huang*
Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China
This paper deals with the free and forced vibration of closely coupled turbomachinery blades on a disk which
are connected by elements forming a circumferentially continuous periodic structure that will be called a
rotationally periodic structure in this paper. A computational procedure for calculating the free vibration of
rotationally periodic structures with various types of connecting elements is obtained by a transfer matrix
method. The method of analysis for a packet formed by a finite number of blades is also discussed. The forced
vibration and the condition of resonance of a rotationally periodic structure under a time-varying periodic
excitation are studied, and a vibration design criterion is suggested.
As these three quantities must coincide with each other,
hence this condition of resonance may be called "the triplecoincidence
condition," The condition of avoiding triple
coincidence may be suggested as a vibration design criterion
for blades of this type.
The above conclusion

xueshixin02 发表于 2009-2-18 10:54

Vibration of Some Structures with Periodic Random Parameters
Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China
In a periodic structural system, such as blades in a closed packet of turbomachinery, the natural frequencies of
the individual blades can be randomly different from one another. This paper describes a solution for such a
periodic structure in which the distributions of blade frequencies are random processes with small standard
deviations. A spectral method is suggested to solve differential equations with random coefficients. The expressions
for vibration modes are given; the standard deviations of natural frequencies are estimated, and the
results of forced vibration are presented. Some special features of vibration characteristics of this system are
shown as well.

xueshixin02 发表于 2009-2-18 10:55

回复 沙发 supervb 的帖子

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