因为做混沌同步,要用到图的Laplacian谱,有些知识不太明白,需要请教。 什么问题?几年前学过一点,简单的可能知道些 这是我在Yahoo Graph Group 中问的,可还没人回Given a graph G(E,V), |V|=n,its Laplacian matrix L=D-A, the second
smallest eigenvalue Lambda_2 of L is called algebraic connectivity.
Assume X= (x1,...,xn) is the corresponding eigenvector of Lambda_2.
My Question is:
If |x1-x2| is the maximum among all difference of |xi-xj|,i,j=1,...n
can we deduce that vertices 1 and 2 have the longest path among all pair of vertices? Is the inverse true? 没太看明白你的问题,不好意思