hexiaobin 发表于 2007-6-24 20:45

请教,leave-1/5-out 交叉验证是怎样的操作?谢谢!

leave-1/5-out cross validation 是怎样操作的?望高手赐教!

cora 发表于 2007-6-24 21:22

Cross Validation

一般而言, SVM 使用的方式(在决定参数时)常是这样:

1.      先有已分好类的一堆资料

2.      随机数拆成好几组 training set

3.      用某组参数去 train 并 predict 别组看正确率

4.      正确率不够的话,换参数再重复 train/predict


wj118 发表于 2008-9-19 10:48

我知道leave one out是随机拿一个做测试,其余剩下的做训练.如此反复循环多次.
leave 1/5out是不是拿1或者5的数量做测试,其余做训练呀.只是猜测,呵呵

frogfish 发表于 2008-9-21 07:45

= crossvalind('LeaveMOut', N,M), where M is an integer, returns logical index vectors for cross-validation of N observations by randomly selecting M of the observations to hold out for the evaluation set. M defaults to 1 when omitted. Using LeaveMOut cross-validation within a loop does not guarantee isjointed evaluation sets. Use K-fold instead.
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查看完整版本: 请教,leave-1/5-out 交叉验证是怎样的操作?谢谢!