softwarelist 发表于 2008-4-22 11:08


北京百汇数字星空科技有限公司(License事业部)我们License事业部提供各学科国外重点软件的销售和支持职位:兼职技术支持招聘人数:不限职位要求:全国院校在校本科生、硕士生或博士生,对以下某学科具有较深入的研究。 岗位职责:基于 平台,提供以下专业(生物化学、数学经济统计、物理、工程科学、工业制造、地球物理、人工智能等)国外软件的技术支持,包括该学科软件的在线客服技术答疑、客户技术讲解、培训等。 此职位工作时间灵活,基本上不占用上课时间。一经录用,工作稳定,待遇优厚。 可以登陆有针对性地找到您熟悉的产品,点击下面的“技术支持招募”,填写申请表格。 或者投递简历到:
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softwarelist 发表于 2008-4-22 11:08



LISREL V 8.8 | GLIMMIX | MARS | TreeNet | EQS V 6.1 | HLM 6 | PC-MDS V 5.1
EQS4WIN | Topix | FPLO 6 | EMBED | CHARMM C31b2 | WODCA | STOBe V3.0 | NBOView1.0 | Virtual NanoLab 1.4

PlanningPME | Micro Saint Sharp V 2.5 | X-Win32 8 | Genie Backup Manager Pro (GBM Pro) V 8.0 | NXPowerLite 3 | Genie Backup Manager Home V8.0 | ConceptDraw Project

Physics Simulation Programs | Virtual Spectroscope | CUPLE 2.0 | Virtual E-Field Lab | Fourier Series in Mathematical Physics | Atomic Scattering | RelLab | Solid State Physics | Physics Interactive Lectures and Studies | Excel Spreadsheet Tutorial | Variational Method | ODE Workbench | The C.U.P.S. Utilities

xuruikl 发表于 2008-4-22 13:41


softwarelist 发表于 2008-4-23 12:05



EM Field 6.0 | RealTime Maxwell | Dipole Magnets | Electric Field Hockey 3.0 | DC Circuits | Motion in Electromagnetic Fields 1 | Electric Field Plotter | BandSOLVE 4.0




Physics Simulation Programs | Virtual Spectroscope | CUPLE 2.0 | Virtual E-Field Lab | Fourier Series in Mathematical Physics | Atomic Scattering | RelLab | Solid State Physics | Physics Interactive Lectures and Studies | Excel Spreadsheet Tutorial | Variational Method | ODE Workbench | The C.U.P.S. Utilities




Physical Academic Software | Vibrational Modes | Forces | Objects in Motion | Physics of Oscillations | Newtonian Sandbox | Mechanics in Motion | Planets and Satellites 1 | Vectors | WaveMaker | Relativistic Collision | Force and Motion Microworld | BellBox | MouseLab | PEARLS | Quantum Scattering | VideoGraph | Nonstationary Problems In Quantum Mechan 1 | Chart of the Nuclides A Tutorial | Chaotic Mapper | Physics By Pictures 1 | Graphical Schr?dinger's Equation | Chaos Data Analyzer | Dynamic Analyzer | Atoms in Motion | Freebody | Conceptual Kinematics | Chaotic Dynamics Workbench | Physics Demonstrations | Orbits | Chaos simulations | Thermodynamics Lecture Demos | Chaos Demonstrations 3.0




VPIlinkConfigurator | VPItransmissionMaker WDM | RAY | Geometric Optics | Photoelectric Tutor | Wave Interference | Lighting Up Circuits | Optics Phenomena | The Cathode Ray Oscilloscope | Audioscope | Spacetime 1 | VPIcomponentMakerTM Optical Amplifiers | VPItransmissionMakerTMCable Access | VPIcomponentMakerTM Active Photonics | FRED


softwarelist 发表于 2008-4-30 14:35



fengchunlijdb 发表于 2008-5-3 15:07


softwarelist 发表于 2008-5-4 11:24

:victory: :victory:

softwarelist 发表于 2008-5-5 14:22

:@) :@) :@) :@)
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