书上写最大Lyapunov指数如果小于零,为平衡点。那么在曲线图上小于零的区间能判断一定是周期运动吗? 最大Lyapunov指数曲线图是不能区分周期运动和拟周期运动运动的 最大Lyapunov指数曲线图等于零呢 我个人理解,最大Lyapunov指数曲线图等于零的时候,需要通过相图,Poincare图进一步判断是准周期还是周期运动。 最大LE可以判定混沌和周期区域,但是最大LE等于零的时候 要看两种情况! 那你就把几个李指数都画出来啊,不要只保留最大的李指数!关于李指数,我感觉还存在很多问题,我们只能从最大李指数图中得到大概的结果,还需要用其他图来辅助!从最大李指数图唯一能分辨的也就是混沌和周期了! 周期与拟周期还有待商榷,但可以判断混沌与周期 upctalent 发表于 2011-4-7 20:15 static/image/common/back.gif
回复 8 # kangarooli 的帖子
σ2《0,为周期运动,σ2=2为准周期运动。通过李图就能知道这些了,剩余的得借助其他图了 最大李雅普诺夫的计算其实依赖与初值的选取,比如在研究某些吸引子时,如Lozi 吸引子时,如果初始值所在的轨线能被吸引至吸引域中,那么依据这个初值计算的LE值就小于零,而如果初值恰好选在了不稳地的轨道上,则可能算出的LE等于零,这也应该是需要注意的地方吧!最大李雅普诺夫指数大于零与系统混沌应该不是充分必要条件! 回复 8 # kangarooli 的帖子
A system may have more than one Lyapunov exponent. Then, to detect the onset of chaos, only the largest exponent λmax needs to be calculated . If λmax < 0, the disturbed trajectory is attracted eventually to a stable periodic orbit. In the limit λmax→1, the system is said to be super-stable, i.e. no disturbance of any magnitude can permanently displace the oscillations. By contrast, λmax > 0 denotes an unstable and chaotic trajectory, which is the subject of the present investigation. The intermediate situation of λmax = 0 signifies a neutrally stable orbit. In the present context this means the disturbed oscillations and the original deterministic oscillations stay apart by a constant mean distance for an indefinite duration until perturbed again. Such a system is said to be Lyapunov stable.