马明 发表于 2008-5-20 15:42


本人急着毕业在仿真的时候遇见这样的问题,请高手指点。warning:Temporarily disababling 'signal storage reuse' to allow use with sldebug.
power systen blockset processing hhh...
???Error using ==>sldebug
invalid dimensions encountered while setting dimensions of input port of input port of demux block 'hhhh/Machines Measurment Demux/Demux'. We are attempting to set the dinensions to 3 [-1][-1],1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 while the dimensions have already been set to 27.本人正做毕业设计QQ369178459

lixiaodao01 发表于 2011-5-30 14:48

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查看完整版本: 出现这样的问题怎么办?!