liheng4745056 发表于 2014-11-24 10:40


qxwu 发表于 2014-12-3 12:06


watcher9527 发表于 2014-12-10 15:25


qimukaka78965 发表于 2014-12-12 21:48


qimukaka78965 发表于 2014-12-15 16:34


dabaobao1986 发表于 2014-12-16 13:44


qimukaka78965 发表于 2014-12-16 17:37


qimukaka78965 发表于 2014-12-16 17:44


qimukaka78965 发表于 2014-12-16 17:54


小海豚zc 发表于 2014-12-18 17:10

2013a   安装出现的问题,求楼主指导

>> install_emd
cannot open output file C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\×à??\package_emd\EMDs\emdc.mexw32:

D:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB~2\BIN\MEX.PL: Error: Link of 'C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\×à??\package_emd\EMDs\emdc.mexw32' failed.

cannot open output file C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\×à??\package_emd\EMDs\emdc.mexw32:

D:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB~2\BIN\MEX.PL: Error: Link of 'C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\×à??\package_emd\EMDs\emdc.mexw32' failed.

cannot open output file C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\×à??\package_emd\EMDs\emdc_fix.mexw32:

D:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB~2\BIN\MEX.PL: Error: Link of 'C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\×à??\package_emd\EMDs\emdc_fix.mexw32' failed.

cannot open output file C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\×à??\package_emd\EMDs\emdc_fix.mexw32:

D:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB~2\BIN\MEX.PL: Error: Link of 'C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\×à??\package_emd\EMDs\emdc_fix.mexw32' failed.

lcc preprocessor error: cemdc.c:19 Could not find include file <complex.h>
Error cemdc.c: .\cio.h: 31syntax error; found `*' expecting `;'
Error cemdc.c: .\cio.h: 31skipping `*' `y'
Error cemdc.c: .\cio.h: 39syntax error; found `*' expecting `;'
Error cemdc.c: .\cio.h: 39skipping `*' `pointer'
Error cemdc.c: .\cio.h: 53syntax error; found `*' expecting `)'
Error cemdc.c: .\cio.h: 53skipping `*' `,'
Error cemdc.c: .\cio.h: 53missing name for parameter 1 to function `add_imf'
Error cemdc.c: .\cio.h: 53syntax error; found `int' expecting `{'
Error cemdc.c: .\cio.h: 53empty declaration
Error cemdc.c: .\cio.h: 53syntax error; found `)' expecting `;'
Error cemdc.c: .\cio.h: 53skipping `)'
Error cemdc.c: .\cextr.h: 28syntax error; found `*' expecting `)'
Error cemdc.c: .\cextr.h: 28skipping `*' `,'
Error cemdc.c: .\cextr.h: 28syntax error; found `double' expecting `;'
Error cemdc.c: .\cextr.h: 28empty declaration
Error cemdc.c: .\cextr.h: 28syntax error; found `,' expecting `;'
Error cemdc.c: .\cextr.h: 28skipping `,'
Error cemdc.c: .\cextr.h: 28empty declaration
Error cemdc.c: .\cextr.h: 28syntax error; found `,' expecting `;'
Error cemdc.c: .\cextr.h: 28too many errors

D:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB~2\BIN\MEX.PL: Error: Compile of 'cemdc.c' failed.

cannot open output file C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\×à??\package_emd\EMDs\cemdc.mexw32:

D:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB~2\BIN\MEX.PL: Error: Link of 'C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\×à??\package_emd\EMDs\cemdc.mexw32' failed.

lcc preprocessor error: cemdc_fix.c:19 Could not find include file <complex.h>
Error cemdc_fix.c: .\cio_fix.h: 27syntax error; found `*' expecting `;'
Error cemdc_fix.c: .\cio_fix.h: 27skipping `*' `y'
Error cemdc_fix.c: .\cio_fix.h: 34syntax error; found `*' expecting `;'
Error cemdc_fix.c: .\cio_fix.h: 34skipping `*' `pointer'
Error cemdc_fix.c: .\cio_fix.h: 48syntax error; found `*' expecting `)'
Error cemdc_fix.c: .\cio_fix.h: 48skipping `*' `,'
Error cemdc_fix.c: .\cio_fix.h: 48missing name for parameter 1 to function `add_imf'
Error cemdc_fix.c: .\cio_fix.h: 48syntax error; found `int' expecting `{'
Error cemdc_fix.c: .\cio_fix.h: 48empty declaration
Error cemdc_fix.c: .\cio_fix.h: 48syntax error; found `)' expecting `;'
Error cemdc_fix.c: .\cio_fix.h: 48skipping `)'
Error cemdc_fix.c: .\cextr.h: 28syntax error; found `*' expecting `)'
Error cemdc_fix.c: .\cextr.h: 28skipping `*' `,'
Error cemdc_fix.c: .\cextr.h: 28syntax error; found `double' expecting `;'
Error cemdc_fix.c: .\cextr.h: 28empty declaration
Error cemdc_fix.c: .\cextr.h: 28syntax error; found `,' expecting `;'
Error cemdc_fix.c: .\cextr.h: 28skipping `,'
Error cemdc_fix.c: .\cextr.h: 28empty declaration
Error cemdc_fix.c: .\cextr.h: 28syntax error; found `,' expecting `;'
Error cemdc_fix.c: .\cextr.h: 28too many errors

D:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB~2\BIN\MEX.PL: Error: Compile of 'cemdc_fix.c' failed.

cannot open output file C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\×à??\package_emd\EMDs\cemdc_fix.mexw32:

D:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB~2\BIN\MEX.PL: Error: Link of 'C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\×à??\package_emd\EMDs\cemdc_fix.mexw32' failed.

lcc preprocessor error: cemdc2.c:19 Could not find include file <complex.h>
Error cemdc2.c: .\cio.h: 31syntax error; found `*' expecting `;'
Error cemdc2.c: .\cio.h: 31skipping `*' `y'
Error cemdc2.c: .\cio.h: 39syntax error; found `*' expecting `;'
Error cemdc2.c: .\cio.h: 39skipping `*' `pointer'
Error cemdc2.c: .\cio.h: 53syntax error; found `*' expecting `)'
Error cemdc2.c: .\cio.h: 53skipping `*' `,'
Error cemdc2.c: .\cio.h: 53missing name for parameter 1 to function `add_imf'
Error cemdc2.c: .\cio.h: 53syntax error; found `int' expecting `{'
Error cemdc2.c: .\cio.h: 53empty declaration
Error cemdc2.c: .\cio.h: 53syntax error; found `)' expecting `;'
Error cemdc2.c: .\cio.h: 53skipping `)'
Error cemdc2.c: .\clocal_mean2.h: 23syntax error; found `*' expecting `)'
Error cemdc2.c: .\clocal_mean2.h: 23skipping `*' `,'
Error cemdc2.c: .\clocal_mean2.h: 23syntax error; found `double' expecting `;'
Error cemdc2.c: .\clocal_mean2.h: 23redeclaration of `complex' previously declared at .\cio.h 53
Error cemdc2.c: .\clocal_mean2.h: 23syntax error; found `*' expecting `;'
Error cemdc2.c: .\clocal_mean2.h: 23illegal expression
Error cemdc2.c: .\clocal_mean2.h: 23type error: pointer expected
Warning cemdc2.c: .\clocal_mean2.h: 23Statement has no effect
Error cemdc2.c: .\clocal_mean2.h: 23syntax error; found `double' expecting `;'
Error cemdc2.c: .\clocal_mean2.h: 23too many errors

D:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB~2\BIN\MEX.PL: Error: Compile of 'cemdc2.c' failed.

cannot open output file C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\×à??\package_emd\EMDs\cemdc2.mexw32:

D:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB~2\BIN\MEX.PL: Error: Link of 'C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\×à??\package_emd\EMDs\cemdc2.mexw32' failed.

lcc preprocessor error: cemdc2_fix.c:19 Could not find include file <complex.h>
Error cemdc2_fix.c: .\cio_fix.h: 27syntax error; found `*' expecting `;'
Error cemdc2_fix.c: .\cio_fix.h: 27skipping `*' `y'
Error cemdc2_fix.c: .\cio_fix.h: 34syntax error; found `*' expecting `;'
Error cemdc2_fix.c: .\cio_fix.h: 34skipping `*' `pointer'
Error cemdc2_fix.c: .\cio_fix.h: 48syntax error; found `*' expecting `)'
Error cemdc2_fix.c: .\cio_fix.h: 48skipping `*' `,'
Error cemdc2_fix.c: .\cio_fix.h: 48missing name for parameter 1 to function `add_imf'
Error cemdc2_fix.c: .\cio_fix.h: 48syntax error; found `int' expecting `{'
Error cemdc2_fix.c: .\cio_fix.h: 48empty declaration
Error cemdc2_fix.c: .\cio_fix.h: 48syntax error; found `)' expecting `;'
Error cemdc2_fix.c: .\cio_fix.h: 48skipping `)'
Error cemdc2_fix.c: .\clocal_mean2.h: 23syntax error; found `*' expecting `)'
Error cemdc2_fix.c: .\clocal_mean2.h: 23skipping `*' `,'
Error cemdc2_fix.c: .\clocal_mean2.h: 23syntax error; found `double' expecting `;'
Error cemdc2_fix.c: .\clocal_mean2.h: 23redeclaration of `complex' previously declared at .\cio_fix.h 48
Error cemdc2_fix.c: .\clocal_mean2.h: 23syntax error; found `*' expecting `;'
Error cemdc2_fix.c: .\clocal_mean2.h: 23illegal expression
Error cemdc2_fix.c: .\clocal_mean2.h: 23type error: pointer expected
Warning cemdc2_fix.c: .\clocal_mean2.h: 23Statement has no effect
Error cemdc2_fix.c: .\clocal_mean2.h: 23syntax error; found `double' expecting `;'
Error cemdc2_fix.c: .\clocal_mean2.h: 23too many errors

D:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB~2\BIN\MEX.PL: Error: Compile of 'cemdc2_fix.c' failed.

cannot open output file C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\×à??\package_emd\EMDs\cemdc2_fix.mexw32:

D:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB~2\BIN\MEX.PL: Error: Link of 'C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\×à??\package_emd\EMDs\cemdc2_fix.mexw32' failed.

Warning: The compilation of the following files failed:
> In make_emdc at 48
In install_emd at 26

Some errors occurred during compilation. See details above.

Installation complete. Run index_emd for a list of functions.

IMPORTANT: After running INSTALL_EMD you must run the "savepath" command to save the installation
but be careful that if you previously removed parts of the path (using e.g. the "rmpath" command)
these will be permanently removed after you run "savepath"

qimukaka78965 发表于 2014-12-21 18:14


qimukaka78965 发表于 2014-12-24 09:34


qimukaka78965 发表于 2014-12-24 09:35


marshal007 发表于 2014-12-29 15:08


一朝入红楼 发表于 2014-12-30 10:51

页: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 [10] 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
查看完整版本: 给应用G.Rilling的EMD、但又没完成编译的朋友