求助:如何把VC++源文件 转换成 在matlab下 可以使用的文件?
我想把这个tree.c 文件转换,提示错误如下:请问是什么原因?谢谢指教!
mex -setup
Please choose your compiler for building external interface (MEX) files:
Would you like mex to locate installed compilers [y]/n? y
Select a compiler:
[1] Digital Visual Fortran version 6.0 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio
[2] Lcc C version 2.4.1 in D:\MATLAB\sys\lcc
[3] Microsoft Visual C/C++ version 6.0 in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio
[0] None
Compiler: 3
Please verify your choices:
Compiler: Microsoft Visual C/C++ 6.0
Location: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio
Are these correct?([y]/n): y
Try to update options file: C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\MathWorks\MATLAB\R14SP3\mexopts.bat
From template: D:\MATLAB\BIN\win32\mexopts\msvc60opts.bat
Done . . .
Warning: The file extension of 32-bit Windows MEX-files was changed
from ".dll" to ".mexw32" in MATLAB 7.1 (R14SP3). The generated
MEX-file will not be found by MATLAB versions prior to 7.1.
Use the -output option with the ".dll" file extension to
generate a MEX-file that can be called in previous versions.
For more information see:
MATLAB 7.1 Release Notes, New File Extension for MEX-Files on Windows