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[基础理论] Flow Physics and Simulation Group

发表于 2005-7-15 16:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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<H1>Publications and Presentations</H1></CENTER>
<H2>Flow Physics and Simulation Group</H2></CENTER>
<P>All online publications are in Adobe PDF format. A free PDF viewer is available for most computer systems by clicking on the icon shown below. </P><A>
<H3>Quick Navigation Links</H3></A>
<DT><IMG src="http://www.mems.rice.edu/~collis/images/ball.blue.gif"> <a href="http://www.mems.rice.edu/~collis/papers/#articles" target="_blank" >Referreed Journal Articles</A>
<DT><IMG src="http://www.mems.rice.edu/~collis/images/ball.blue.gif"> <a href="http://www.mems.rice.edu/~collis/papers/#notes" target="_blank" >Lecture Notes</A>
<DT><IMG src="http://www.mems.rice.edu/~collis/images/ball.blue.gif"> <a href="http://www.mems.rice.edu/~collis/papers/#papers" target="_blank" >Conference Papers</A>
<DT><IMG src="http://www.mems.rice.edu/~collis/images/ball.blue.gif"> <a href="http://www.mems.rice.edu/~collis/papers/#theses" target="_blank" >Research Theses</A>
<DT><IMG src="http://www.mems.rice.edu/~collis/images/ball.blue.gif"> <a href="http://www.mems.rice.edu/~collis/papers/#presentations" target="_blank" >Presentations</A> </DT>
<H3>Journal Articles</H3></A>
<LI>Srinivas Ramakrishnan and S. Scott Collis, <I><!a href="aiaa-j-26213.pdf">Turbulence Control Simulations using the Variational Multiscale Method<!/a></I>, To appear in the AIAA Journal <!(MEMS preprint
no. 2002-031)><BR>  
<LI>S. Scott Collis, Kaveh Ghayour, and Matthias Heinkenschloss, 2003, <I><a href="http://fidelio.ingentaselect.com/vl=25771389/cl=61/nw=1/rpsv/cw/aiaa/00011452/v41n7/s6/p1257" target="_blank" >Optimal Transpiration Boundary Control for Aeroacoustics</A></I>, AIAA Journal <B>41</B>(7), 1257-1270.<BR>  
<LI>S. Scott Collis, Kaveh Ghayour, and Matthias Heinkenschloss, 2002 <I><a href="http://www.mems.rice.edu/~collis/papers/mems-2002-025.pdf" target="_blank" >Optimal Control of Aeroacoustic Noise Generated by Cylinder Vortex Interaction</A></I>, International Journal of Aeroacoustics, <B>1</B>(2), 97-114 <!(MEMS preprint no. 2002-025)>.<BR>  
<LI>S. Scott Collis and Matthias Heinkenschloss, <I><a href="http://www.mems.rice.edu/~collis/papers/supg_analysis.pdf" target="_blank" >Analysis of the Streamline Upwind/Petrov Galerkin Method Applied to the Solution of Optimal Control Problems</A></I>, Submitted for publication (MEMS preprint no. 2002-008).<BR>  
<LI>Srinivas Ramakrishnan and S. Scott Collis, <I><a href="http://www.mems.rice.edu/~collis/papers/mems-2002-007.pdf" target="_blank" >Planar Variational Multi-Scale Modeling</A></I>, Submitted for publication <!(MEMS preprint no. 2002-007)><BR>  
<LI>Yong Chang, S. Scott Collis, Srinivas Ramakrishnan, 2002, <I><a href="http://www.mems.rice.edu/~collis/papers/chang-etal-pof-2002.pdf" target="_blank" >Viscous Effects in Control of Near-Wall Turbulence</A></I>, Physics of Fluids, <B>14</B>(11), 4069-4080 <!(MEMS
preprint no. 2001-024)><BR>  
<LI>S. Scott Collis, Kaveh Ghayour, Matthias Heinkenschloss, Michael Ulbrich, and Stefan Ulbrich, 2002, <I><a href="http://www.mems.rice.edu/~collis/papers/ccns.pdf" target="_blank" >Optimal control of unsteady compressible viscous flows</A></I>, International Journal of Numerical Methods in Fluids, <B>40</B>, 1401-1429 <!(MEMS preprint no. 2001-014)><BR>  
<LI>Alexander Dobrinsky and S. Scott Collis, <I><a href="http://www.mems.rice.edu/~collis/papers/mems-2000-019.pdf" target="_blank" >Adjoint Methods for Receptivity Prediction in Nonparallel Flows</A></I>, Submitted for publication (MEMS preprint no. 2000-019)<BR>  
<LI>S. Scott Collis, 2001, <I><a href="http://www.mems.rice.edu/~collis/papers/collis-pof-13-6-2001.pdf" target="_blank" >Monitoring Unresolved Scales in Multiscale Turbulence Modeling</A></I>, Physics of Fluids, <B>13</B>, (6), 1800-1806.<BR>  
<LI>R.D. Prabhu, S. Scott Collis, and Yong Chang, 2000, <I><a href="http://www.mems.rice.edu/~collis/papers/prabhu-collis-chang-2001.pdf" target="_blank" >The Influence of Control on Proper Orthogonal Decomposition of Wall-Bounded Turbulent Flows</A></I>, Physics of Fluids, 13(2), 520-537<BR>  
<LI>S. Scott Collis &amp; S. K. Lele, 1999, <I><a href="http://www.mems.rice.edu/~collis/papers/jfm99.pdf" target="_blank" >Receptivity to Surface Roughness Near a Swept Leading-Edge</A></I>, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, <B>380</B>, 144-168.<BR>  
<LI>K. E. Jansen, S. Scott Collis, C. Whiting, &amp; F. Shakib, 1999, <I><a href="http://www.mems.rice.edu/~collis/papers/cmame-174-153-170.pdf" target="_blank" >A Better Consistency for Low-Order Stabilized Finite Element Methods</A></I>, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, <B>174</B>, (1-2), 153-170. <BR>  
<LI>S. Scott Collis, S. K. Lele, R. D. Moser, &amp; M. M. Rogers, 1994, <I><a href="http://www.mems.rice.edu/~collis/papers/pof94.pdf" target="_blank" >The evolution of a plane mixing layer with spanwise nonuniform forcing</A></I>, Physics of Fluids, <B>6</B>, (1), 381-396. <BR></LI></OL></DT></DL>

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 楼主| 发表于 2005-7-15 16:01 | 显示全部楼层
<H3>Lecture Notes</H3>
<LI>S. Scott Collis, <I><a href="http://www.mems.rice.edu/~collis/papers/vki2002_notes.pdf" target="_blank" >Notes: Multiscale Methods for Turbulence Simulation and Control</A></I>, 32nd Computational Fluid Dynamics Lecture Series, von Karman Institute, Belgium. (MEMS preprint no. 2002-034)<BR>  
<LI>S. Scott Collis, <I><a href="http://www.mems.rice.edu/~collis/papers/vki2002_lecture1.pdf" target="_blank" >Lecture 1: Monitoring Unresolved Scales in Multiscale Turbulence Modeling</A></I>, 32nd Computational Fluid Dynamics Lecture Series, von Karman Institute, Belgium.<BR>  
<LI>S. Scott Collis, <I><a href="http://www.mems.rice.edu/~collis/papers/vki2002_lecture2.pdf" target="_blank" >Lecture 2: Variational Multiscale Methods for Turbulence Simulation and Control</A></I>, 32nd Computational Fluid Dynamics Lecture Series, von Karman Institute, Belgium.<BR>  
<LI>S. Scott Collis, <I><a href="http://www.mems.rice.edu/~collis/papers/vki2002_lecture3.pdf" target="_blank" >Lecture 3: Multiscale Methods for Complex Flows</A></I>, 32nd Computational Fluid Dynamics Lecture Series, von Karman Institute, Belgium.<BR></LI></OL>
 楼主| 发表于 2005-7-15 16:01 | 显示全部楼层
<H3>Conference Papers</H3>
<LI>S. Scott Collis and Kaveh Ghayour, 2003, <I><a href="http://www.mems.rice.edu/~collis/papers/fedsm2003-45632.pdf" target="_blank" >Discontinuous Galerkin Methods for Compressible DNS</A></I>, ASME Paper FEDSM2003-45632 (MEMS preprint no. 2003-007).<BR>  
<LI>Guoquan Chang and S. Scott Collis, 2003, <I><a href="http://www.mems.rice.edu/~collis/papers/chen-collis-aiaa-2003.pdf" target="_blank" >Optimal Control for Burgers Flow using the Discontinuous Galerkin Method</A> </I>, 2003 AIAA Region IV Student Paper Conference (MEMS preprint no. 2003-006).<BR>  
<LI>Srinivas Ramakrishnan and S. Scott Collis, 2003, <I><a href="http://www.mems.rice.edu/~collis/papers/ramakrishnan-collis-aiaa-2003.pdf" target="_blank" >Tubulence Control Using the Variational Multiscale Method</A></I>, 2003 AIAA Region IV Student Paper Competition (MEMS preprint no. 2003-005).<BR>  
<LI>S. Scott Collis, 2002, <I><a href="http://www.mems.rice.edu/~collis/papers/collis-ctr-2002.pdf" target="_blank" >Discontinuous Galerkin Methods for Turbulence Simulation</A></I>, Proceedings of the 2002 Center for Turbulence Research Summer Program (MEMS preprint no. 2003-002).<BR>  
<LI>S. Scott Collis, 2002, <I><a href="http://www.mems.rice.edu/~collis/papers/aiaa-2002-3124.pdf" target="_blank" >The DG/VMS Method for Unified Turbulence Simulation</A></I>, AIAA Paper No. 2002-3124 (MEMS preprint no. 2002-029).<BR>  
<LI>Srinivas Ramakrishnan and S. Scott Collis, 2002, <I><a href="http://www.mems.rice.edu/~collis/papers/aiaa-2002-3280.pdf" target="_blank" >Variational Multiscale Modeling for Turbulence Control</A></I>, AIAA Paper No. 2002-3280 (MEMS preprint no. 2002-024).<BR>  
<LI>S. Scott Collis, Kaveh Ghayour, and Matthias Heinkenschloss, 2002, <I><a href="http://www.mems.rice.edu/~collis/papers/aiaa-2002-2757.pdf" target="_blank" >Optimal Control of Aeroacoustic Flows: Transpiration Boundary Control</A></I>, AIAA Paper No. 2002-2575 (MEMS preprint no. 2002-023).<BR>  
<LI>S. Scott Collis, Kaveh Ghayour, Matthias Heinkenschloss, Michael Ulbrich, and Stefan Ulbrich, 2001, <I><a href="http://www.mems.rice.edu/~collis/papers/aiaa-2001-0821.pdf" target="_blank" >Towards Adjoint-Based Methods for Aeroacoustic Control</A></I>, AIAA Paper No. 2001-0821 (MEMS preprint no. 2000-032)<BR>  
<LI>S. Scott Collis, Kaveh Ghayour, Matthias Heinkenschloss, Michael Ulbrich, and Stefan Ulbrich, 2001, <I><a href="http://www.mems.rice.edu/~collis/papers/oberwolfach_2000.pdf" target="_blank" >Numerical Solution of Optimal Control Problems Governed by the Compressible Navier-Stokes Equations</A></I>, International Series of Numerical Mathematics, <B>139</B>, Birkhauser Verlag, pp. 43--55. (MEMS preprint no. 2000-031)<BR>  
<LI>Alexander Dobrinsky &amp; S. Scott Collis, 2000, <I><a href="http://www.mems.rice.edu/~collis/papers/aiaa-2000-2651.pdf" target="_blank" >Adjoint Parabolized Stability Equations for Receptivity Prediction</A></I>, AIAA paper 2000-2651 (also as MEMS preprint no. 2000-007)<BR>  
<LI>S. Scott Collis, Yong Chang, Steven Kellogg, &amp; R.D. Prabhu, 2000, <I><a href="http://www.mems.rice.edu/~collis/papers/aiaa-2000-2564.pdf" target="_blank" >Large Eddy Simulation and Turbulence Control</A></I>, AIAA paper 2000-2564 (also as MEMS preprint no. 2000-006)<BR>  
<LI>S. Scott Collis &amp; Alexander Dobrinsky, 1999, <I><a href="http://www.mems.rice.edu/~collis/papers/iutam99.pdf" target="_blank" >Evaluation of Adjoint Based Methods for the Prediction of Receptivity</A></I>, Laminar-Turbulent Transition, H.F. Fasel and W.S. Saric (Eds.), Springer, New York, pp. 111-116. (also as MEMS preprint no. 1999-031)<BR>  
<LI>S. Scott Collis &amp; Y. Chang, 1999, <I><a href="http://www.mems.rice.edu/~collis/papers/afosr99.pdf" target="_blank" >On the Use of LES with a Dynamic Subgrid-Scale Model for Optimal Control of Wall Bounded Turbulence</A></I>, Recent Advances in DNS and LES, D. Knight and L. Sakell (Eds.), Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 99-110. (also as MEMS preprint no. 1999-025)<BR>  
<LI>Y. Chang &amp; S. Scott Collis, 1999, <I><a href="http://www.mems.rice.edu/~collis/papers/asme99.pdf" target="_blank" >Active Control of Turbulent Channel Flows Based on Large Eddy Simulation </A></I>, Proceedings of the 1999 ASME/JSME Joint Fluids Engineering Conference. <BR>  
<LI>S. Scott Collis &amp; Y. Chang, 1998, <I><a href="http://www.mems.rice.edu/~collis/papers/ices98.pdf" target="_blank" >Computer Simulation of Active Control in Complex Turbulent Flows</A></I>, Modeling and Simulation Based Engineering, Volume I, 851-856. <BR>  
<LI>S. Scott Collis &amp; S. K. Lele, 1996, <I><a href="http://www.mems.rice.edu/~collis/papers/aiaa96.pdf" target="_blank" >A Computational Approach to Swept Leading Edge Receptivity</A> </I>, AIAA Aerospace Sciences Conference, AIAA-96-0180, Reno NV. <BR></LI></OL>
 楼主| 发表于 2005-7-15 16:02 | 显示全部楼层
<LI>Srinivas Ramakrishnan, 2002, <I><a href="http://www.mems.rice.edu/~collis/papers/srinivas_ms_thesis.pdf" target="_blank" >Variational Multiscale Methods for Turbulence Control</A></I>, M.S. Thesis, Rice University <BR>  
<LI>Alexander Dobrinsky, 2002, <I><a href="http://www.mems.rice.edu/~collis/papers/dobrinsky.pdf" target="_blank" >Adjoint Analysis for Receptivity Prediction</A></I>, Ph.D. Thesis, Rice University <BR>  
<LI>Yong Chang, 2000, <I><a href="http://www.mems.rice.edu/~collis/papers/chang_thesis.pdf" target="_blank" >Approximate Models for Optimal Control of Turbulent Channel Flow</A></I>, Ph.D. Thesis, Rice University <BR>  
<LI>Steven Kellogg, 2000, <I><a href="http://www.mems.rice.edu/~collis/papers/kellogg_thesis.pdf" target="_blank" >Immersed Boundary Methods with Applications to Flow Control</A></I>, M.S. Thesis, Rice University <BR>  
<LI>S. Scott Collis, 1997, <I><a href="http://www.mems.rice.edu/~collis/papers/collis_thesis.pdf" target="_blank" >A Computational Investigation of Recepvitity in High-Speed Flow Near a Swept Leading-Edge</A> </I>, Ph.D. Thesis, Stanford University. (Also Flow Physics and Computation Division report TF-71).<BR></LI></OL>
 楼主| 发表于 2005-7-15 16:02 | 显示全部楼层
<LI>S. Scott Collis, 2003, <I><a href="http://www.mems.rice.edu/~collis/papers/collis-usnccm03-present.pdf" target="_blank" >Multiscale Turbulence Modeling in the Discontinuous Galerkin Method,</A> </I>US National Congress on Computational Mechanics, Albuquerque, NM, July, 28, 2003.<BR>  
<LI>S. Scott Collis, 2002, <I><a href="http://www.mems.rice.edu/~collis/papers/sandia_lecture2.pdf" target="_blank" >Discontinuous Galerkin Methods for Turbulence Simulation and Optimization,</A> </I>Sandia National Laboratory, Albuquerque, NM, December, 11, 2002.<BR>  
<LI>S. Scott Collis, 2002, <I><a href="http://www.mems.rice.edu/~collis/papers/sandia_lecture1.pdf" target="_blank" >LES as a Reduced Order Model for Optimal Control of Turbulence,</A></I> Sandia National Laboratory, Albuquerque, NM, December, 9, 2002.<BR>  
<LI>S. Scott Collis &amp; Timothy Barth, 2002, <I><a href="http://www.mems.rice.edu/~collis/papers/collis-barth-aps2002.pdf" target="_blank" >Discontinuous Methods for Turbulence Simulation,</A></I> 55th APS-DFD Annual Meeting, Dallas, TX, November, 25, 2002.<BR>  
<LI>Guoquan Chen, S. Scott Collis, Kaveh Ghayour &amp; Matthias Heinkenschloss, 2002, <I><a href="http://www.mems.rice.edu/~collis/papers/gqchen-collis-etal-aps2002.pdf" target="_blank" >Optimal Control for Coupled Near-Field/Far-Field Domains,</A></I> 55th APS-DFD Annual Meeting, Dallas, TX, November, 25, 2002.<BR>  
<LI>Srinivas Ramakrishnan &amp; S. Scott Collis, 2002, <I><a href="http://www.mems.rice.edu/~collis/papers/srinivas-collis-aps2002.pdf" target="_blank" >Partition Selection in the Variational Multiscale Method</A></I> 55th APS-DFD Annual Meeting, Dallas, TX, November, 25, 2002.<BR>  
<LI>Kaveh Ghayour, S. Scott Collis, &amp; Matthias Heinkenschloss, 2001, <I><a href="http://www.mems.rice.edu/~collis/papers/aps01_aero.pdf" target="_blank" >Optimal Control of Aeroacoustic Noise,</A> </I>54th Annual Meeting of the Division of Fluid Dynamics, Americal Physical Society, San Diego, CA, November, 18--20 2001.<BR>  
<LI>S. Scott Collis, 2001, <I><a href="http://www.mems.rice.edu/~collis/papers/collis_siam2001.pdf" target="_blank" >POD Descriptions of Controlled Turbulent Flows: Towards Reduced Order Models for Predictive Control,</A> </I>SIAM Conference on Control and Its Applications, San Diego, CA, July, 11 2001.<BR>  
<LI>S. Scott Collis, 2001, <a href="http://www.mems.rice.edu/~collis/papers/collis_mech2001.pdf" target="_blank" >Optimal Control Theory and Computational Fluid Dynamics,</A> <I></I>Rice Mechanics and Materials Meeting, Houston, TX, June 7, 2001.<BR>  
<LI>S. Scott Collis, 2001, LES as a Reduced Order Model<I> </I>University of California San Diego, San Diego, CA, March, 11 2001.<BR>  
<LI>S. Scott Collis, Kaveh Ghayour, Matthias Heinkenschloss, Michael Ulbrich, and Stefan Ulbrich, 2001, <a href="http://www.mems.rice.edu/~collis/raac/aiaa-2001-0821-presentation.pdf" target="_blank" >Towards Adjoint-Based Methods for Aeroacoustic Control,</A> <I></I>AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Reno, NV, January, 11 2001.<BR>  
<LI>S. Scott Collis, 2000, <I><a href="http://www.mems.rice.edu/~collis/papers/collis_utrc00b.pdf" target="_blank" >Flow Physics and Simulation,</A></I> UTRC Site Visit, Houston, TX, December, 12 2000.<BR>  
<LI>S. Scott Collis &amp; Yong Chang, 2000, <I><a href="http://www.mems.rice.edu/~collis/papers/collis_aps2000.pdf" target="_blank" >Viscous Effects in Turbulence Control Simulations,</A></I> APS-DFD Annual Meeting, Washington D.C., November, 21 2000.<BR>  
<LI>S. Scott Collis &amp; Alex Dobrinsky, 2000, <I><a href="http://www.mems.rice.edu/~collis/papers/nasa00.pdf" target="_blank" >Efficient Linear and Nonlinear Receptivity Prediction for Nonparallel Flows,</A></I> Breakthrough Innovative Technologies Workshop, NASA Langley Research Center, November, 1 2000.<BR>  
<LI>S. Scott Collis, 2000, <I><a href="http://www.mems.rice.edu/~collis/papers/rea00.pdf" target="_blank" >Controlling Turbulence,</I></A> Rice Engineering Alumni Association, October 12, 2000.<BR>  
<LI>S. Scott Collis, 2000, <I><a href="http://www.mems.rice.edu/~collis/papers/mems00.pdf" target="_blank" >Combining Optimization and Computational Fluid Dynamics,</I></A> Rice Mechanical Engineering Graduate Seminar, October 4, 2000.<BR>  
<LI>S. Scott Collis, 1999, <I>Adjoint Based Methods for Transition Prediction and Turbulence Control, </I>MMAE Graduate Seminar, Illinois Institute of Technology, December 8, 1999.<BR>  
<LI>S. Scott Collis &amp; Alex Dobrinsky, 1999, <I>The Evaluation of Adjoint Methods for Receptivity Prediction, </I>The 5th IUTAM Conference on Laminar Turbulent Transition, September, 13-17 1999.<BR>  
<LI>S. Scott Collis &amp; Alex Dobrinsky, 1999, <I><a href="http://www.mems.rice.edu/~collis/papers/nasa99.pdf" target="_blank" >The Evaluation of Adjoint Methods for Linear and Nonlinear Receptivity Prediction,</A></I> Breakthrough Innovative Technologies Workshop, NASA Langley Research Center, September, 9 1999.<BR>  
<LI>S. Scott Collis, Steven Kellogg &amp; Yong Chang, 1999, <I>Towards Numerical Simulation of Turbulence Control using Discrete Actuators and Sensors, </I>TEX-MEMS Workshop, Texas A&amp;M University, September, 1999.<BR>  
<LI>Y. Chang &amp; S. Scott Collis, 1999, <I>Active Control of Turbulent Channel Flows Based on Large Eddy Simulation </I>, The 1999 ASME/JSME Joint Fluids Engineering Conference, July 22, 1999. <BR>  
<LI>S. Scott Collis, 1999, <I>Differentiating the Dynamic Model: Turbulence Control Based on LES</I>, Hermann-Foettinger-Institute fuer Stroemungsmechanik, Technische Universitaet Berlin, Germany, July 12-13, 1999. <BR>  
<LI>S. Scott Collis &amp; Y. Chang, 1999, <I>Large Eddy Simulation of Active Turbulence Control</I>, The Fourth International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Edinburgh, Scotland, July, 8 1999. <BR>  
<LI>S. Scott Collis, 1999, <I>Issues in Adjoint Computation for Optimal Control of Turbulence Based on LES</I> The NSF Workshop on Control of Flows, San Diego, CA, June 1, 1999. <BR>  
<LI>S. Scott Collis &amp; Y. Chang, 1999, <I>On the Use of LES with a Dynamic Subgrid-Scale Model for Optimal Control of Wall Bounded Turbulence</I>, The Second AFOSR International Conference on Direct Numerical Simulation and Large Eddy Simulation at Rutgers University, NJ, June 1999. <BR>  
<LI>S. Scott Collis &amp; Y. Chang, 1999, <I>Optimal Control of Turbulence Based on Approximate Flow Models </I>, The 1999 SIAM Annual Meeting, Symposium on Advanced Theoretical and Numerical Methods in Control of Fluids, May 12 - 15, 1999, Atlanta, GA. <BR>  
<LI>S. Scott Collis, 1999, <I>At the Crossroads of Receptivity and Flow Control </I>, ME Graduate Seminar, University of Houston, TX, April 1999. <BR>  
<LI>S. Scott Collis &amp; Y. Chang, 1998, <I><a href="http://www.mems.rice.edu/~collis/papers/ices98_talk.pdf" target="_blank" >Computer Simulation of Active Control in Complex Turbulent Flows</A></I>, The ICES'98 conference in Atlanta, GA, October 1998. <BR>  
<LI>S. Scott Collis &amp; C. L. Streett, 1997, <I><a href="http://www.mems.rice.edu/~collis/papers/aps97.pdf" target="_blank" >Computation of Acoustic Receptivity for a Transition Experiment</A></I>, Bulletin of the American Physical Society, <B>42</B>, (11), 2173. <BR>  
<LI>S. Scott Collis, 1997, <I><a href="http://www.mems.rice.edu/~collis/papers/asee97.pdf" target="_blank" >Numerical Simulation of Receptivity for a Transition Experiment</A></I>, NASA/ASEE Summer Program Seminar presented to the Fluid Mechanics and Acoustics Division of NASA Langley Research Center. <BR>  
<LI>K. E. Jansen, C. Whiting, S. Scott Collis, &amp; F. Shakib, 1997, <I><a href="http://www.mems.rice.edu/~collis/papers/nccm97.pdf" target="_blank" >The Effect of Residual Completeness on Stabilized Methods</A></I>, 4th United States National Congress on Computational Mechanics, San Francisco, CA. <BR>  
<LI>S. Scott Collis &amp; S. K. Lele, 1996, <I>Receptivity of a Three-Dimensional Boundary Layer to Surface Roughness</I>, Bulletin of the American Physical Society, <B>41</B>, (9), 1776. <BR>  
<LI>S. Scott Collis &amp; S. K. Lele, 1995, <I>Compressible Leading Edge Receptivity </I>, Bulletin of the American Physical Society, <B>40</B>, (12), 1942. <BR>  
<LI>S. Scott Collis, S. K. Lele, R. D. Moser, &amp; M. M. Rogers, 1992, <I>The evolution of a plane mixing layer with spanwise nonuniform forcing</I>, Bulletin of the American Physical Society, <B>36</B>, (10), 2660. </LI></OL>
 楼主| 发表于 2005-7-15 16:03 | 显示全部楼层
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<P>thanks a lot</P>
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