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[编程技巧] 用matlab对象进行数字基带调制解调(M-DPSK)

发表于 2016-5-11 10:17 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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  1. <font face="Times New Roman">%% 仿真实现基带M-DPSK调制与解调
  2. %% 利用Matlab modem object
  3. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  4. %   h = modem.dpskmod(property1, value1, ...)
  5. %   h = modem.dpskmod(DPSKdemod_object)
  6. %   h = modem.dpskmod(DPSKdemod_object, property1,value1, ...)
  7. %   h = modem.dpskmod
  8. %   if you have creat an object h for DPSK modulate, then the method
  9. %   'modulate' can be used to modulate your signal x such as:
  10. %   y = modulate(h, x)
  11. %   and demodulation method need to creat an object
  12. %   h = modem.dpskdemod(property1, value1, ...)
  13. %   h = modem.dpskdemod(DPSKmod_object)
  14. %   h = modem.dpskdemod(DPSKmod_object, property1,value1, ...)
  15. %   h = modem.dpskdemod
  16. %   if you have creat an object h for DPSK demodulate, then the method
  17. %   'demodulate' can be used such as
  18. %   y = demodulate(h, x)
  19. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

  20. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  21. clc
  22. clear all
  23. close all hidden
  24. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

  25. M = 4;                   % The order for modulate of DPSK
  26. nPacket = 5000;           % The signal length
  27. x = randint(nPacket,1,M); % Signal for modulate

  28. h = modem.dpskmod('M',M);      % Creat an object of DPSK modulation
  29. y = modulate(h,x);        % modulate x get y
  30. scatterplot(y);
  31. yn = awgn(y,15,'measured'); % Pass the gauss channel with SNR=15dB
  32. scatterplot(yn);
  33. reset(h);                     
  34. h = modem.dpskdemod('M',M);
  35. z = demodulate(h,yn);
  36. [num,rt]= symerr(x,z)

  37. %% Process rectanglar pulse shaping
  38. Nsamp = 4;               % Oversampling rate
  39. ypulse = rectpulse(y,Nsamp);
  40. ynoisy = awgn(ypulse,15,'measured');
  41. ydownsamp = intdump(ynoisy,Nsamp);
  42. scatterplot(ydownsamp);
  43. reset(h);
  44. h = modem.dpskdemod('M',M);
  45. z = demodulate(h,ydownsamp);
  46. [num,rt]= symerr(x,z)</font>

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