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[阅读写作] 8个问题教你如何选择目标期刊

发表于 2016-6-2 10:26 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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  1.How to judge which journal or conference fits me?
  The important things to consider when selecting a journal or conference are:
  What result do you have?
  What method do you want to get across?
  Knowing your audience your audience.
  Deciding who you want to read your paper or result.
  More complete and relevant your results are, the higher impact journal or high impact filed or conference you can target. I think the really important thing is to decide who you want to read your paper or listen to your results. Decide your audience and aim accordingly.

  2.Normally how long does it take from selecting a targeted journal to getting the article published?
  This is a tough question to answer. It really depends on the journal and the quality of your paper. I will give you the most general answer I can.
  When you first submit your paper, it usually goes through an editor. He or she will assign it to 2 or 3 peer reviewers. The peer reviewer usually has a deadline of 4 to 6 weeks – so 1 month to 2 months to actually do the peer reviews. Then peer reviewers send it back to the editor who read the comment and email the author to tell them if the paper is accepted or rejected. So from the date you first submit your paper to when you receive an answer of acceptance or rejection, it is usually about 2 months or 8 weeks.
  Once you have word back whether it is rejected or accepted, usually you have to address the reviewers’ comments, though the journal usually gives you a deadline to do this. This really depends on how many revisions you have to do – it could be 4 weeks or it could be 1 year. And once you do the experiment, you have to re-submit your paper, it has to go back to the reviewers– they have to re-review it, and it will be sent back to you. So it could take another 4 weeks or another year.
  I would say the quickest time with perfect results will be a couple of months - maybe 3 or 4 months; and the longest time could be years. So it really, really depends.

  3.What should a feasible timetable for research look like?
  A timetable for research is almost impossible to predict. I am sure everyone here knows experiments do not work, animals die, cell culture gets infected, materials do not show up, etc. – there are so many things that could go wrong. So it really depends on how many experiments you need to do, and how complex these experiments are. Also you usually have co-authors, so you have to wait on their experiments. So I cannot really answer this question directly.

  4.Should we communicate with the editor of the targeted journals in advance? How should we do it?
  This question is actually answered on slide 7 when we talked about pre-submission inquiry. You can definitely do that, but you should know some journals accept it, and some do not. So read the website first. If you are ever unsure if the journal accepts pre-submission inquiry or not, you can send them an email or call them. This can also help you decide if it is a phony journal or not. They should give you contact information, and they should get back to you and let you know an answer. You can try this to identify if they are phony or not, and get to know if they accept pre-submission inquiry.

  5.Will the OPEN ACCESS journal be easier to be accepted by editor compared with other SCI Journals?
  The answer is no. It is not necessarily easier to publish in open access vs. none open access journal. For example, there is a journal called Journal of Clinical Investigation, known as JCI. Its impact factor is 13.3 – pretty high, but its acceptance rate of article is 8%, and it is a fully open access journal. So it is well respected with high impact factor and it’s hard to publish in, but it is completely open access. To give you another example, Journal of Physiology, it is not open access. It is a hybrid journal – some with open access, some not. Journal of Physiology has impact factor of 5.04, and its acceptance rate is about 25%. Another example is Journal of Biological Chemistry – JBC. It is not open access – you have to pay to read all of their articles. It has impact factor of 5.3, but its acceptance rate is 45%. So I would say impact factor is a better indicator of the selectness of the journal, because it usually indicates prestige. I suggest look at impact factor rather than is it open access or not to determine how difficult it is to publish in that specific journal.

  6.How to trace the leading edge of my research domain? Or choose the famous journal to trace? How to keep updated with the latest information about particular journals?
  You can keep update with your research domain or your journal by checking the website of important journals in your fields frequently. Personally what I have done is to subscribe CIRCULATION summary. Basically what they do is to email me a contact alert. Every day I get an email from CIRCULATION and it shows me the abstract of the articles they accept on that day. In this way, I can keep updated with the journal and the research they publish, and it also keeps me updated to my field. You can also keep updated by following their Facebook, Twitter, or other social media sites. I follow CIRCULATION on Twitter and it is very useful to keep updated.

  7.My research area is business process management, so I want to know how to choose the related journals? The topics of these journals involve service computation and database.
  Regarding business process management question, we covered it a little bit on slide 8. You can use the links - https://doaj.org and http://www.scimagojr.com - to search journals in your fields. You can enter the key words of your research field and you should be returned with a list of journals in the area.

  8.How to find free journals?
  Again on slide 8, I listed https://doaj.org/ which is a database with free journals. I assume by ‘free journals’, you mean free access or open access journals.
  If you are publishing article and you want to publish it for free, you will have to look at journals that are NOT open access. For that, you can choose http://www.scimagojr.com and you will get a list of non-open-access journals to choose from.



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