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<P>在论坛上看到不断有人得到帮助,很是羡慕~我的问题一直没有得到解决,不知道能不能行行好,给我解答一下,小人先在这里叩头了!<BR>Ansys输流管耦合边界条件的加载..<BR>/BATCH,LIST <BR>/PREP7 <BR>/TITLE,vibration of pipe with fluid in </P>
<P>!单元 </P>
<P>et,1,42,,,3 <BR>et,2,45 <BR>et,3,29 <BR>et,4,30,,0 ! structure present <BR>et,5,30,,1 ! structure absent <BR>r,1,0.0036 </P>
<P>!材料 </P>
<P>mp,ex,1,69e9 <BR>mp,dens,1,2700 <BR>MP,DENS,2,1030 <BR>MP,SONC,2,1460 </P>
<P>!建模、分网 </P>
<P>cyl4,,,0.0228,,0.0248 <BR>lesize,all,,,8 <BR>mshkey,2 <BR>mshape,0,2d <BR>aatt,1,,1 <BR>amesh,all </P>
<P>cyl4,,,0.0228 <BR>asel,s,,,2 <BR>lsla,s <BR>lesize,all,,,8 <BR>mshkey,0 <BR>mshape,0,2d <BR>aatt,2,,3 <BR>amesh,all <BR>allsel </P>
<P>!由面单元生成体单元 </P>
<P>asel,s,,,1 <BR>extopt,attr,1,1,1 <BR>extopt,esize,200 <BR>extopt,aclear,1 <BR>type,2 <BR>vext,all,,,,,0.849 <BR>allsel <BR>asel,s,,,2 <BR>extopt,attr,1,1,1 <BR>extopt,esize,200 <BR>extopt,aclear,1 <BR>type,4 <BR>vext,all,,,,,0.849 <BR>allsel <BR>nummerg,all <BR>!单元属性修改 </P>
<P>esel,s,type,,4 <BR>nsle,s,all <BR>csys,1 <BR>nsel,s,loc,x,0.0228 <BR>esln,s,0,all <BR>esel,inve <BR>nsle,s <BR>emodif,all,type,5 <BR>allsel </P>
<P>!流固耦合单元标识 <BR>nummrg,node <BR>csys,1 <BR>nsel,s,loc,x,0.0228 <BR>esln,s,type,,4<BR>sf,all,fsi,1 <BR>allsel <BR>finish <BR>就是这段程序,在计算机上进行模态的分析,为什么运行事,计算机出现<BR>*** WARNING *** CP = 2.578 TIME= 20:50:59<BR> ANSYS.. Is not a recognized BEGIN command, abbreviation, or macro. <BR> This command will be ignored. </P>
<P> *** WARNING *** CP = 2.672 TIME= 20:50:59<BR> The /BATCH command must be the first line of input. <BR> The /BATCH command is ignored. </P>
<P> *** WARNING *** CP = 7.938 TIME= 20:51:41<BR> Real constant 1 referenced by at least element types 5 and 4. </P>
<P> *** WARNING *** CP = 8.172 TIME= 20:51:42<BR> Element 1 (SOLID45) uses material 1 for which Poisson's ratio is <BR> undefined. A default value of 0.3 will be used. Input MP,PRXY, 1,0.3 <BR> to eliminate this warning. </P>
<P> *** WARNING *** CP = 8.188 TIME= 20:51:42<BR> No constraints have been defined using the D command. </P>
<P> *** WARNING *** CP = 18.641 TIME= 20:51:55<BR> Coefficient ratio exceeds 1.0e8 - Check results. </P>
<P> *** WARNING *** CP = 90.781 TIME= 20:53:16<BR> There are 1 positive pivots with ratios less than 1.E-13 indicating a <BR> possible poorly conditioned stiffness matrix. </P>
<P> *** WARNING *** SUPPRESSED MESSAGE CP = 129.828 TIME= 20:54:06<BR> Lanczos recursions terminated after 5 vectors. Apply a new shift <BR> (FREQB) using MODOPT command and re-run for additional eigenvalues of <BR> the problem. <BR><BR>计算到第四步后,计算机提示<BR>Error messages discontinued after 5 messages was displayed<BR>到底,究竟是怎么回事呢?</P> |