LOAD Load workspace variables from disk.
LOAD FILENAME retrieves all variables from a file given a full pathname
or a MATLABPATH relative partial pathname (see PARTIALPATH). If FILENAME
has no extension LOAD looks for FILENAME and FILENAME.mat and treats it
as a binary "MAT-file". If FILENAME has an extension other than .mat, it
is treated as ASCII.
LOAD, by itself, uses the binary "MAT-file" named 'matlab.mat'. It is
an error if 'matlab.mat' is not found.
LOAD FILENAME X loads only X.
LOAD FILENAME X Y Z ... loads just the specified variables. The
wildcard '*' loads variables that match a pattern (MAT-file only).
LOAD -ASCII FILENAME or LOAD -MAT FILENAME forces LOAD to treat the file
as either an ASCII file or a MAT file regardless of file extension. With
-ASCII, LOAD will error if the file is not numeric text. With -MAT, LOAD
will error if the file is not a MAT file generated by SAVE -MAT.
If FILENAME is a MAT file, requested variables from FILENAME are created
in the workspace. If FILENAME is not a MAT file, a double precision array
is created with name based on FILENAME. Leading underscores or digits in
FILENAME are replaced with X. Other non-alpha chars in FILENAME are
replaced with underscores.
S = LOAD(...) returns the contents of FILENAME in variable S. If
FILENAME is a MAT file, S is a struct containing fields matching the
variables retrieved. If FILENAME is an ASCII file, S is a double
precision array.
Use the functional form of LOAD, such as LOAD('filename'), when the
file name is stored in a string, when an output argument is requested,
or if FILENAME contains spaces.
Overloaded methods
help activex/load.m
Overloaded methods
help ccshelp/load.m
help mdevproject/load.m
help cgproject/load.m
help xpc/load.m |