AGT is a fully refereed journal covering all of topology, understood broadly. AGT is published in free electronic format by Geometry and Topology Publications, with papers appearing a few days after a...
Center for Nanoscale Materials experiments will be coordinated with theory and multiscale computer simulations to provide the interpretive and predictive framework for understanding fundamental studie...
埃森大学 理论物理学研究
The main research fiels of theoetical physics in the University of Essen concern as follows: (1)Bose-Einstein Condensation(BEC):--- The theoretical group is at present mostly interested in the fo...
伏瑞德里奇希勒大学 理论物理研究所
The main research fields of the Institute of Theoretical Physics include: * Gravitational Theory, Gravitational Wave Astronomy; * Quantum Field Theory, String Theory; * Quantum Optics.
柏林自由大学 物理系
Traditionally, Department of Physics at Free University Berlin emphasises fundamental research. Its research currently focuses on areas of solid-state, cluster and biophysics as well as theoretical p...