楼主 |
发表于 2005-11-24 01:19
回复:(gghhjj)CAM Digest, 星期六, 2005年11月19日...
<STRONG>续上......</STRONG><BR><BR>中外数学家在南开大学纪念陈省身94岁诞辰<BR>http://www.sina.com.cn 2005年10月28日16:14 人民网
<P> 人民网天津10月28日电 今天是已故国际数学大师陈省身先生的94岁诞<BR>辰。来自中、美、德三国的数十位数学家来到南开大学省身楼,参加一年一度的<BR>京津几何工作营,以学术会议的方式纪念这位数学领袖。</P>
<P> 由南开数学研究所主办的2005年京津几何工作营于10月27日-29日召开。<BR>中国科学院院士丁伟岳以及特邀代表德国马克思-普朗克研究所教授约斯特(J.<BR>Jost)、美国加州大学伯克利分校教授项武义参加这次会议。项武义教授还专门做<BR>一场题为“几何学在文明中扮演的角色”的“南开名人讲座”,向陈省身先生致<BR>敬。来自北京大学、清华大学、南开大学、复旦大学的数学教授龙以明、马力、<BR>朱小华、忻元龙、周坚分别在会上发表1小时学术演讲。</P>
<P> 南开数学研究所所长张伟平说,陈省身先生十分关心各地数学界的友好交<BR>流。京津几何工作营是由陈先生亲自创立并命名的,迄今已在京津地区轮流举办<BR>多年。去年庆祝93岁生日时,陈先生就曾在京津几何工作营上呼吁数学家们加<BR>强交流,得到了参会者的积极响应。今年,众多数学界代表再次来到这里研讨几<BR>何进展,是献给陈先生最好的生日纪念。 </P>
<P>(张国 赵婀娜)</P>
<P>========================================================================<BR>关于冯康先生的纪念文章<BR>Date: Sun, 13 Nov 2005 01:20:43 +0800 (HKT)<BR>From: Yu Dehao <ydh@lsec.cc.ac.cn></P>
<P>(以下信件经余德浩教授允许刊登 -- 特此感谢余教授)</P>
<P>On Fri, 11 Nov 2005, [gb2312] ydh wrote:</P>
<P>鉴于一些同行常向我索要关于冯康先生的资料,明平兵主动将我保存的一些有关<BR>纪念文章扫描成ppt文件,我已请张文琼将这些文件链接到‘冯康奖’网页中<BR>‘About Feng Kang’栏目下‘Memorial Articles’中。你若有兴趣,可以看看。<BR>其中包含的文章有:</P>
<P>P. Lax: Feng Kang, SIAM News, 26:11,1993.</P>
<P>1.冯端:冯康的科学生涯 (一),《科学时报》,1999,8,11.<BR>2.冯端:冯康的科学生涯 (二),《科学时报》,1999,8,12.<BR>3.冯端:冯康的科学生涯 (三),《科学时报》,1999,8,16.<BR>4.冯端:冯康的科学生涯 (四),《科学时报》,1999,8,17.<BR>5.石钟慈、崔俊芝:深切怀念我国计算数学的奠基人和开拓者——冯康教授,<BR>《中国科学报》,1994,8,19.<BR>6.林群、郭本瑜、周天孝:缅怀冯康老师,《中国科学报》,1994,8,19.<BR>7.王烈衡、余德浩、汪道柳:怀念恩师冯康教授,《中国科学报》,1994,8,19.<BR>8.余德浩:冯康——中国科学计算的奠基人和开拓者,《科学》,53:1(2001), 49-51.<BR>9.余德浩、汪道柳:为计算数学的发展奋斗终生 —— 追忆冯康院士,《中国科<BR>学院院刊》,1998年第二期,143-147.<BR>10.徐福臻、余德浩:冯康,《中国现代数学家传》第三卷,江苏教育出版社,1998.<BR>11.徐建辉:在祖国坚实的土地上 —— 记冯康院士和他开创的科学计算事业,<BR>《科学时报》,1999,9,2.<BR>12.余德浩:冯康院士与科学计算,《数学通报》,44:9(2005),6-9.<BR>13.余德浩:冯康院士与科学计算(续),《数学通报》,44:10(2005),4-7.</P>
<P>======================================================================== <BR>沉痛悼念刘旭东博士: Stanley Osher 教授的悼词<BR>Date: Fri, 28 Oct 2005 22:26:54 -0700 (PDT)<BR>From: Hongkai Zhao <zhao@math.uci.edu></P>
<P>Stanley Osher (UCLA): Xudong's Ph.D advisor, NAS member.<BR>(刘旭东博士的博士导师,美国科学院院士)</P>
<P>''The mathematical community suffered a huge loss with the untimely<BR>passing of Xudong Liu. Our world is colder and darker today with the<BR>absence of one of its most lovable and talented members.However, his<BR>work on WENO, central and positive schemes and on interface problems will<BR>live on. His unique positive and charming personality will also live on.<BR>We will always miss him.<BR>Xudong Liu made many contributions to scientific computation and<BR>other areas of applied mathematics. He will always be remembered<BR>for his 1994 paper in which the notion of weighted essentially<BR>non-oscillatory schemes was introduced. This paper has 227 links<BR>on Google and there are almost 600 links to "weighted essentially<BR>.." This idea allows one to improve the performance of essentially<BR>non-oscillatory schemes for shock capturing dramatically. WENO schemes<BR>are the method of choice for many researchers in a wide variety of<BR>areas. In addition, he made state-of-the-art contributions t positive <BR>schemes, central schemes, and introduced convex ENO methods. These are <BR>all part of many users' toolbox. He also helped develop the ghost fluid <BR>method, extending it to viscous flows. This is also widely used, <BR>e.g., in computer graphics. His work was not only innovative, but <BR>also rigorous. He has some very nice papers involving rates of <BR>convergence for these and related methods. He was also a fine educator, <BR>turning out excellent Phd students. He was a leader in his field and <BR>now he is the WENO angel.''</P>
<P>========================================================================<BR>沉痛悼念刘旭东博士: Peter Lax 教授的悼词<BR>Date: Fri, 28 Oct 2005 22:26:54 -0700 (PDT)<BR>From: Hongkai Zhao <zhao@math.uci.edu></P>
<P>Peter Lax (Courant Institute, NYU): Xudong's postdoc mentor and collaborator.<BR>member of NAS, American Philosophical Society.<BR>Receipient of Abel Prize, Wolf Prize, National Medal of Science.<BR>(刘旭东博士的博士后导师, 美国科学院院士, Abel 及 Wolf 奖得主)</P>
<P>''I am very sad and downcast to learn the inevitable.The death of a young<BR>man,with family, and so much to look forward to, is a tragedy very hard<BR>to bear. I had a very fruitful of collaboration with Xudong; he was very<BR>imaginative,and once he had an idea he did not hestate to carry it out. I<BR>admired him; what a loss to the scientific computing community, and an equal<BR>loss to his friends.''</P>
<P>========================================================================<BR>沉痛悼念刘旭东博士: 石钟慈院士的悼词及部分慰问名单<BR>Date: Tue, 1 Nov 2005 08:23:29 +0800 (CST)<BR>From: "[gb2312] shi" <shi@lsec.cc.ac.cn></P>
<P>惊悉刘旭东博士 不幸病故, 深表哀悼!</P>
<P>旭东热爱他从事的计算流体专业 ,有许多Original idea,对中国计算数学做了许多贡献,<BR>是一位十分有前途的青年计算数学家。</P>
<P><BR>中国科学院, 数学与系统科学研究院石钟慈 (Shi Zhong Ci)<BR>北京 2005年10月24日</P>
<P>****************************************<BR>Also condolences from:</P>
<P>Weinan E (Princeton Univ.),<BR>Ronald Fedkiw (Stanford Univ.),<BR>Smadar Karni (Univ. of Michigan),<BR>Doron Levy (Stanford Univ.),<BR>Jian-Guo Liu (Univ. of Maryland),<BR>Chi-Wang Shu (Brown Univ.),<BR>Eitan Tadmor (Univ. of Maryland),<BR>Tao Tang (HK Baptist University),<BR>Weiping Zhang (Director of the Math Institute at Nankai, China).</P>
<P>Condolences from other organizations:</P>
<P>Chinese Consulate General in Los Angeles.<BR>Fudan Alumni Association in Southern California<BR>Institute of Applied Physics and Computational Mathematics, Beijing, China.</P>
<P>========================================================================<BR>第五届科学计算及其应用国际会议将在加拿大举行<BR>Date: Mon, 31 Oct 2005 20:10:06 -0700<BR>From: yanping lin <yanlin@ualberta.ca></P>
<P>Fifth International Conference on Scientific Computing and Applications<BR>May 18-May 21, 2006 Banff, Alberta, Canada<BR>Short Course on Multigrid Methods, May 22, 2006</P>
<P>This will be the fifth of a sequence of conferences on Scientific Computing<BR>and Applications held in the Pacific Rim region. The focus of this <BR>particular conference will be on the problems and methods related to image<BR>processing, financial applications and modelling of multiphase flows. The <BR>theoretical areas of interest include fundamental methods and algorithms <BR>for solving PDE's and linear systems of equations. More information can be <BR>found at<BR>http://www.ualberta.ca/~sca2006/</P>
<P>Plenary speakers<BR>Tony Chan, UCLA<BR>Zhiming Chen, Chinese Academy of Sciences<BR>Ivar Ekeland, Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences<BR>Olivier Pironneau, University of Paris VI<BR>T. Tang, Hong Kong Baptist University</P>
<P>financial support:<BR>Limited financial support will be available to graduate students and young<BR>researcher.</P>
<P>Publication:<BR>All submitted papers will be refered and, if approved, published in the <BR>International Journal of Numerical Analysis and Modelling.</P>
<P>Important dates: Abstract submission and financial support: December 31, 2005. <BR>Early registration: April 15, 2006.</P>
<P>Sponsors:<BR>Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences<BR>Informatics Circle of Research Excellence<BR>The Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences of the University of Alberta</P>
<P>Organizing committee: W. Allegretto, J. Bowman, Y. Lin, P. Minev and Y. Wong.</P>
<P>Contact:<BR>Contact person: Peter Minev, e-mail: minev@ualberta.ca, phone: 1 780 492 3398, <BR>fax: 1 780 492 6826.</P>
<P>======================================================================== <BR>数学系介绍: 南京大学数学系<BR>摘自中国数学与系统科学信息网<BR>http://www.chinamath.cn/</P>
<P>该系培养德、智、体全面发展,具备良好数学素养和较高外语水平,能熟练运用计<BR>算机,并在深层次研究和实际应用两方面均具备较强实力和发展潜力的复合型人才。<BR>该系的毕业生,基础知识扎实,具有较强的观察能力、抽象思维能力和创造潜力,<BR>深受用人单位的欢迎。硕士生直博比例已达30%,获学位率为100% ;获得博士学位<BR>的毕业生中不少人已成为国内外著名大学和研究机构的学术带头人。田刚、戴建岗<BR>等国际一流数学家乃是杰出的代表。</P>
<P>目前,该系已成为南京大学有活力、发展前景看好的院系之一。 新世纪里,该系<BR>将继续坚持“以学科建设为龙头、以人才培养为核心”的指导方针,强化优势、发<BR>挥特色,努力开拓新的学科生长点,不断提高办学水平,使之成为有较高国际影响<BR>的高水平数学科学专业人才的培养和研究基地。在此,我们竭诚欢迎国内外数学工<BR>作者加入南京大学数学系的教学科研队伍。</P>
<P>网址: http://www.nju.edu.cn/njuc/dep/shuxue/math_index.htm</P>
<P>========================================================================<BR>期刊内容: Communications in Mathematical Sciences (Vol 3, No.4, 2005)<BR>Date: Mon, 24 Oct 2005 11:00:07 -0500<BR>From: Communications in Math Sciences <jcms@math.wisc.edu></P>
<P>Communications in Mathematical Sciences (CMS) Vol 3, No.4, 2005<BR>to be published in December 2005</P>
<P>Abstract is available at www.math.wisc.edu/~jcms<BR>full articles will be available at www.intlpress.com/CMS</P>
<P>O. Scherzer, Wotao Yin and S. Osher<BR>Slope and G-set characterization of set-valued functions and<BR>applications to non-differentiable optimization problems</P>
<P>Zhimin Chen, Weibing Deng and Huang Ye<BR>Upscaling of a class of nonlinear parabolic equations for the flow<BR>transport in heterogeneous porous media</P>
<P>Hsiao-Bing Cheng, Li-Tien Cheng and Shing-Tung Yau<BR>Minimization with the affine normal direction</P>
<P>Jorge C. Lucero<BR>Bifurcations and limit cycles in a model for a vocal fold oscillator</P>
<P>Peter Constantin<BR>Nonlinear Fokker-Planck Navier-Stokes Systems</P>
<P>S. Gottlich, M. Herty and A. Klar<BR>Network Models for Supply Chains</P>
<P>Alessandro Morando and Denis Serre<BR>On the L2-well posedness of an initial boundary value problem for<BR>the 3D linear elasticity</P>
<P>M. Hairer, A.M. Stuart, J. Voss and P. Wiberg<BR>Analysis of SPDEs arising in path sampling Part I: the Gaussian case</P>
<P>Qi Wang, Sarthok Sircar and Hong Zhou<BR>Solutions of the Smoluchowski equation for nematic polymers under<BR>imposed fields</P>
<P>M. Bostan<BR>Boundary value problem for the three dimensional time periodic<BR>Vlasov-Maxwell system</P>
<P>Markus Berndt, Konstantin Lipnilov, Pavel Vachal, and Mikhail Shashkov<BR>A node reconnection algorithm for minetic finite difference<BR>discretizations of elliptic equations on triangular meshes</P> |