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- %%%%%%%%%%% Developed for 16 QAM %%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- clear all
- close all
- t0=clock;
- %%%%%%% INPUT PARAMETERS %%%%%%%%%%%
- %%%%% N=, Number of FFT Points
- N=1024;
- %%%%% M=, Number of OFDM Sub Carriers
- M=512;
- %%%%% L=, Number of Symbols
- L=10;
- MMMa=16;%%%% Modulation Method %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% QPSK 16QAM
- MMM1a=log2(MMMa);
- %%%%% Tg=, Gurd Interval Ratio %%%%%%%%
- Tg=0.1;
- W=10;%%% Bandwidth(MHz)
- DFF=W/M;
- %%%%%% ts=, Effective Sumbol Duration (Micro Sec) %%%%%%%
- ts=M/W;
- %%%%%% D=, Gurd Interval Duration (Micro Sec) %%%%%%%
- D=ts*Tg;
- %%%%%% Ts=, Symbol Duration (Micro Sec) %%%%%%%%%%
- Ts=ts+D;
- st1=ts/N;
- %%%%%%% Ng=, Number of Samples for Gurd Interval %%%%%%%
- Ng=round(D/(ts/N));
- %%%%%%% Nt=, Number of Samples for a Symbol %%%%%%%
- Nt=(N+Ng);
- %%%%%%% NNt=, Number of Samples for a Flame %%%%%%
- NNt=Nt*L;
- %%%%%%%%% Sampling frequency (usec) %%%%%%%%%%
- tbw=1/st1;
- %%%%%%% tsw=, Total Allocated Signal Bandwidth (MHz) %%%%%%%
- tsw=(1/ts*M);%%%% W bandwidth
- ddf=tbw/NNt; %%%% Frequency resolution
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- dt=0.1;%%%%%% delay spread
- ds=st1;%%%%%% delay spacing
- NP=10; %%%%%% number of delay path
- %%% Power Delay profile with Exponential decay constant
- amp(1)=0.7854;
- amp(2)=0.4861;
- amp(3)=0.3009;
- amp(4)=0.1863;
- amp(5)=0.1153;
- amp(6)=0.0714;
- amp(7)=0.0442;
- amp(8)=0.0273;
- amp(9)=0.0169;
- amp(10)=0.0105;
- dts1(1:NP)=0:9;
- %[amp,dst,dts1]=f_MUL(NP,dt,ds,st1);
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- cn=30;%%% dB
- cn1=10^(-cn/10);
- LLL=1;%%% Number of trial
- for KLL=1:LLL;
- if mod(KLL,1)==0,KLL
- end
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- zxn1=zeros(1,NP);
- zyn1=zeros(1,NP);
- zn1=zeros(1,NP);
- zn2=zeros(1,NP);
- phn=zeros(1,NP);
- amp1=zeros(1,NP);
- qd3=zeros(1,NNt);
- %%% Generation of Rayleigh fading
- %%% Amplitude
- zxn1(1:NP)=randn(1,NP);
- zyn1(1:NP)=randn(1,NP);
- zn1(1:NP)=zxn1(1:NP)+j*zyn1(1:NP);
- zn2(1:NP)=abs(zn1(1:NP))/sqrt(2);
- %%% Phase
- phn(1:NP)=atan2(zyn1(1:NP),zxn1(1:NP));
- amp1(1:NP)=zn2(1:NP).*amp(1:NP).*exp(j*phn(1:NP));
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- ya=zeros(L,M);
- x3=zeros(L,N);
- L1=N/2+1-M/2;
- L2=N/2+M/2;
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%Data generation %%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- ya(1:L,1:M)=randint(L,M,MMMa);
- %%%%%%%%%%%%% Modulation %%%%%%%%%
- x3(1:L,L1:L2)=f_EnMQAM(ya(1:L,1:M),MMMa);
- %%%%%%%%%%%Converting from Frequency to Time domain signal %%%%%%%%%
- for k=1:L;
- zz1(k,1:N)=ifft(fftshift(x3(k,1:N)))*sqrt(N);
- %%%% Adding Guard Interval
- z3(k,1:Nt)=[zz1(k,N-Ng+1:N) zz1(k,1:N)];
- end
- q13=z3';
- q73=q13(:)';
- %%%%%%%%%% Evaluation of Power Spectrum under AWGN condition
- q73a=fftshift(fft(q73));
- pow1=q73a.*conj(q73a);
- pow2=10*log10(pow1/max(pow1));
- %%%%%%%%%%%
- po3=mean(q73.*conj(q73));
- c3=po3/2*cn1;
- %%%%%% Noise Generation %%%%%
- zxc(1:L,1:Nt)=sqrt(c3).*randn(L,Nt);
- zyc(1:L,1:Nt)=sqrt(c3).*randn(L,Nt);
- znc(1:L,1:Nt)=zxc(1:L,1:Nt)+j*zyc(1:L,1:Nt);
- znn1c=znc';
- znnc=znn1c(:)';
- qd3(1:NNt)=amp1(1).*q73(1:NNt);
- %%%% Generation of Multi-path fading signal
- for k=2:NP;
- qu23(k,1:NNt)=[q73(NNt+1-dts1(k):NNt) q73(1:NNt-dts1(k))];
- qu23(k,1:NNt)=amp1(k).*qu23(k,1:NNt);
- qd3(1:NNt)=qd3(1:NNt)+qu23(k,1:NNt);
- end
- %%%%%%%%%% Evaluation of Power Spectrum under multi-path fading condition
- qd3a=fftshift(fft(qd3));
- pow3=qd3a.*conj(qd3a);
- pow4=10*log10(pow3/max(pow3));
- %%%% Adding AWGN
- q73x=qd3+znnc;
- q73y=q73+znnc;
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- imax=1;
- %%% Removing Guard interval
- for k=1:L;
- p93(k,1:Nt)=q73x(imax-1+(k-1)*Nt+(1:Nt));
- p993(k,1:N)=[p93(k,Ng+1:N+Ng)];
- %%%%%%%%%% FFT %%%%%
- p813(k,1:N)=fftshift(fft(p993(k,1:N))/sqrt(N));
- HH3(1:M)=p813(1,L1:L2)./x3(1,L1:L2);
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- p8x3(k,1:M)=p813(k,L1:L2)./HH3(1:M);
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- p93y(k,1:Nt)=q73y(imax-1+(k-1)*Nt+(1:Nt));
- p993y(k,1:N)=[p93y(k,Ng+1:N+Ng)];
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- p813y(k,1:N)=fftshift(fft(p993y(k,1:N))/sqrt(N));
- p8y3(k,1:M)=p813y(k,L1:L2);
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- end
- %%% Demodulation of signal under AWGN
- pb1(1:L,1:M)=f_DeMQAM(p8x3(1:L,1:M),MMMa);%%%
- %%% evaluation of bit error rate performance
- per1(KLL)=biterr(pb1(2:L,1:M),ya(2:L,1:M))/(M*(L-1)*MMM1a);
- %%% Demodulation of signal under multi-path fading
- pb2(1:L,1:M)=f_DeMQAM(p8y3(1:L,1:M),MMMa);%%%
- per2(KLL)=biterr(pb2(2:L,1:M),ya(2:L,1:M))/(M*(L-1)*MMM1a);
- end
- %%%% Final BER
- ERR1=mean(per1(1:LLL));
- ERR2=mean(per2(1:LLL));
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- figure(1)%%%%%% Information Real Data in Freq
- stem(real(x3(2,1:N)))
- grid on
- figure(2)%%%%%% Information Imag Data in Freq
- stem(imag(x3(2,1:N)))
- grid on
- figure(3)%%%%%% Time domain signal
- plot(abs(z3(1,1:Nt)))
- grid on
- figure(4)
- plot(abs(z3(1,1:Ng)))
- grid on
- figure(5)
- plot(abs(z3(1,Nt-Ng:Nt)))
- grid on
- figure(6)
- plot(pow2)
- grid on
- figure(7)
- plot(pow4)
- grid on
- figure(8)
- plot(abs(HH3))
- grid on
- figure(9)
- stem(real(p8x3(2,1:M)))
- grid on
- figure(10)
- stem(imag(p8x3(2,1:M)))
- grid on
- figure(11)
- plot(p8x3(2:L,1:M),'x')
- grid on
- figure(12)
- plot(p8y3(2:L,1:M),'x')
- grid on
- etime(clock,t0)/60
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