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- %Immune Algorithm based on the immune network model for function f(x1,x2) optimum
- %copy right SCUT Guangxing Tan 2005.02.18
- clear all;
- %Parameters
- Size=120;
- G=200;
- CodeL=15;
- E=round(rand(Size,2*CodeL)); %Initial Code
- %Main Program
- for k=1:1:G
- time(k)=k;
- for s=1:1:Size
- m=E(s,:);
- y1=0;y2=0;
- %Uncoding
- m1=m(1:1:CodeL);
- for i=1:1:CodeL
- y1=y1+m1(i)*2^(i-1);
- end
- x1=10.24*y1/65535.0-5.12;
- m2=m(CodeL+1:1:2*CodeL);
- for i=1:1:CodeL
- y2=y2+m2(i)*2^(i-1);
- end
- x2=10.24*y2/65535.0-5.12;
- %f(X1,X2)=(a/(b+(x1*x1+x2*x2)))*(a/(b+(x1*x1+x2*x2)))+(x1*x1+x2*x2)*(x1*x1+x2*x2)
- %here -5.12=<x1<-2, -5.12=<x2<=5.12, a=3.0, b=0.05;
- % f(X1,X2)=90+(a/(b+(x1*x1+x2*x2)))*(a/(b+(x1*x1+x2*x2)))+(x1*x1+x2*x2)*(x1*x1+x2*x2)
- % here -2=<x1<=5.12, -5.12=<x2<=5.12
- % f(X)=(-x+3*M_PI-0.5)(1+sinx*sinx) if 1.5M_PI<x<=2M_PI;
- if x1<-2
- F(s)=(3.0/(0.05+(x1*x1+x2*x2)))*(3.0/(0.05+(x1*x1+x2*x2)))+(x1*x1+x2*x2)*(x1*x1+x2*x2);
- else
- F(s)=90+(3.0/(0.05+(x1*x1+x2*x2)))*(3.0/(0.05+(x1*x1+x2*x2)))+(x1*x1+x2*x2)*(x1*x1+x2*x2);
- end
- end
- sumf=0;
- for s=1:1:Size;
- sumf = sumf+F(s);
- end
- favg=sumf./Size;
- %initiate density
- x=F./sumf;
- % This function updates the concentrations of the population antibodies
- % according to the algorithm update rule:
- %UpdateConcentrations
- %Hamming distance
- for i=1:1:Size
- for j=1:1:Size
- H(i,j)=0;
- for Q=1:1:20
- H(i,j)=H(i,j)+E(i,Q).*(1-E(j,Q))+E(j,Q).*(1-E(i,Q));
- end
- affinity(i,j)=F(i)*H(i,j);
- end
- end
- % 亲密度计算完毕
- %**************以上是人工免疫的,以下是遗传算法的交叉、突变代码*****************
- %Euclider distance
- %for i=1:1:Size;
- %for j=1:1:Size;
- %H(i,j)=0;
- %H(i,j)=sqrt((x1(i)-x1(j)).^2+(x2(i)-x2(j)).^2);
- %affinity(i,j)=F(i)./(H(i,j)+1);
- %end
- %end
- % This function normalizes the values of the concentrations of the
- % population. If the concentrations are perceived as percentages of
- % the total concentration of the system then their sum must be 1.0.
- % This function recalculates the concentrations so that this rule
- % is followed.
- c =0.8;
- k1 =0.1;
- k2 =0.3;
- %x = popv(:,fitness);
- for i = 1:1:Size
- xsum = 0.0;
- for j = 1:1:Size
- xsum= abs(xsum+(F(j).*affinity(i,j)-k1.*F(j).*affinity(j,i)-k2/(c*Size)).*F(i));
- %m(j,i)=popv(i,fitness).*affinity(i,j);
- %m(i,j)=popv(j,fitness).*affinity(j,i);
- %n(i,j)= m(j,i)-k1.*m(i,j)-k2/(c*popsize);
- %sum= sum+n(i,j).*popv(j,fitness);
- end
- x=x+x.*c.*xsum;
- end
- Fitness=x./sum(x);
- Ji=1./Fitness;
- %****** Step 1 : Evaluate BestJ ******
- fi=Fitness; %Fitness Function
- [Oderfi,Indexfi]=sort(fi); %Arranging fi small to bigger
- Bestfi=Oderfi(Size); %Let Bestfi=max(fi)
- BestS=E(Indexfi(Size),:); %Let BestS=E(m), m is the Indexfi belong to max(fi)
- bfi(k)=Bestfi;
- %****** Step 2 : Select and Reproduct Operation******
- fi_sum=sum(fi);
- fi_Size=(Oderfi/fi_sum)*Size;
- fi_S=floor(fi_Size); %Selecting Bigger fi value
- kk=1;
- for i=1:1:Size
- for j=1:1:fi_S(i) %Select and Reproduce
- TempE(kk,:)=E(Indexfi(i),:);
- kk=kk+1; %kk is used to reproduce
- end
- end
- %************ Step 3 : Crossover Operation ************
- pc=0.80;
- n=ceil(20*rand);
- for i=1:2:(Size-1)
- temp=rand;
- if pc>temp %Crossover Condition
- for j=n:1:20
- TempE(i,j)=E(i+1,j);
- TempE(i+1,j)=E(i,j);
- end
- end
- end
- TempE(Size,:)=BestS;
- E=TempE;
- %************ Step 4: Mutation Operation **************
- %pm=0.001;
- %pm=0.001-[1:1:Size]*(0.001)/Size; %Bigger fi, smaller Pm
- %pm=0.0; %No mutation
- pm=0.1; %Big mutation
- for i=1:1:Size
- for j=1:1:2*CodeL
- temp=rand;
- if pm>temp %Mutation Condition (varify incident)
- if TempE(i,j)==0
- TempE(i,j)=1;
- else
- TempE(i,j)=0;
- end
- end
- end
- end
- %Guarantee TempPop(30,:) is the code belong to the best individual(max(fi))
- TempE(Size,:)=BestS;
- E=TempE;
- M(k)=F(Size);
- end % Is special for if k
- Max_Value=F(Size)
- BestS
- x1
- x2
- figure(1);
- plot(time,M);
- xlabel('Times');ylabel('Best F');
- figure(2);
- plot(time,bfi);
- xlabel('times');ylabel('Best Fitness');
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