nargin, nargout
Number of function arguments.
n = nargin
n = nargout
In the body of a function M-file, nargin and nargout indicate how many input or output arguments, respectively, a user has supplied.
nargin returns the number of input arguments specified for a function.
nargout returns the number of output arguments specified for a function.
This example shows portions of the code for the function fplot, which has an optional number of input and output arguments:
function [x0,y0] = fplot(fname,lims,npts,angl,subdiv)
%FPLOT Plot a function.
% FPLOT(fname,lims,npts,angl,subdiv)
% The first two input arguments are
% required; the other three have default values.
% [x,y] = fplot(...) returns x and y instead
% of plotting them.
if nargin < 5, subdiv = 20; end
if nargin < 4, angl = 10; end
if nargin < 3, npts = 25; end
if nargout == 0
x0 = x;
y0 = y;
end |