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发表于 2007-10-10 16:03 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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固佰轮胎选择M+P一流的通过噪声测试系统Cooper Tire operates several test tracks across the country to aidtheir advanced noise and vibration design and development. They also provideservices to outside companies in key areas such as Pass-by-Noise. Cooper Tirerecently chose m+p international’s unique GPS basedPass-by-Noise (PBN) solution.
This single person operated system is the only currently availablePBN solution which does not require the old optical triggers and radar units.Optical triggers and radar prevent flexible setup and have many mechanicallimitations. Often various size vehicles and different tests require moving thetrigger point. m+p PBN solution allows this in seconds and also enable audibletones and indicators to help the operator adjust the throttle position for theon and off points - allowing quick tuning and repeatable results. The latestISO 362 standard Reg 51 has been implemented along side the existing 1998standard - with many software customizations to allow identification of thegear and run to aid the complex Reg 51 measurement gathering. This results ingetting more testing completed and quickly gathering both the 1998 method andthe latest method as is required until the new method is fully adopted. Thisadvanced solution allowed Cooper Tire to maintain their existing largeturnaround distances - while enabling immediate results processing andtroubleshooting if necessary by allowing spare measurement channels in the vehicle.
Other custom features include easy calibration and storage ofresults to provide certification as per the new standard, gathering tracksurface temperature along with all weather variables at the beginning and endof runs as well as continuously during the run, and simple single button exportinto existing Microsoft Excel results worksheets, or to standard resultsprintouts with provided templates.
Please download our SO Analyzer Pass-by-Noisedatasheet for more detailed information.



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