你如果说的是MatCont的话,它不是Matlab自带的 toolbox,需要从网上下载,
[1]continuation of equilibrium and periodic solutions with respect to a control parameter;
[2]computation of phase response curves and their derivatives for periodic solutions;
[3]detection of fold, Hopf and branching points on curves of equilibria;
[4]computation of normal form coefficients for fold and Hopf equilibrium bifurcations;
[5]continuation of fold and Hopf equilibrium bifurcations in two control parameters;
[6]detection of all codim 2 equilibrium bifurcations (cusp, Bogdanov-Takens, generalized Hopf, zero-Hopf, and double Hopf) on fold and Hopf curves;
[7]computation of normal form coefficients for all codim 2 equilibrium bifurcations;
[8]detection of branch bifurcation points on fold curves;
[9]continuation of [8]branching equilibria in three control parameters;
[10]detection of flip, fold, torus and branch bifurcations of periodic solutions;
[11]computation of normal form coefficients for bifurcations of periodic solutions;
[12]continuation of flip, fold and torus bifurcations of periodic solutions in two control parameters;
[13]detection of several codim 2 bifurcations of periodic [13]solutions on fold, flip and torus bifurcation curves;
[14]switching to the period doubled branch in a flip point;
[15]branch switching at branch points of equilibria and limit cycles;
[16]continuation of branching periodic solutions in three control parameters;
[17]continuation of orbits homoclinic to a hyperbolic saddle; continuation of orbits homoclinic to a saddle-node.
等分析,不知道能否达到你的要求。Good Luck:@D
[ 本帖最后由 gaoxj3000 于 2008-3-7 22:21 编辑 ] |