*** WARNING *** CP = 483.219 TIME= 17:20:00
There are 9058 positive pivots with ratios less than 1.E-13 indicating
a possible poorly conditioned stiffness matrix.
*** WARNING *** CP = 483.219 TIME= 17:20:00
There are 1762 negative pivots with ratios greater than -1.E-13
indicating a possible poorly conditioned stiffness matrix.
*** WARNING *** CP = 93.953 TIME= 21:11:25
Lanczos recursions terminated after 3 vectors. Apply a new shift
(FREQB) using MODOPT command and re-run for additional eigenvalues of
the problem.
*** WARNING *** CP = 93.953 TIME= 21:11:25
There are no solutions in the selected range.
*** ERROR *** CP = 94.000 TIME= 21:11:25
Mode file does not exist.