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<CENTER><FONT size=+4>Planar Manipulators Toolbox</FONT>
<P><FONT size=+2>for use with <a href="http://www.mathworks.com/" target="_blank" >MATLAB/SIMULINK</A></FONT></P></CENTER>
<H2>Introduction</H2><IMG src="http://cathy.ijs.si/~leon/Images/PMTLogo.gif" align=left border=0> The Planar Manipulator Toolbox is a simulation package for simulation ofn-DOF planar manipulators with revolute joints in MATLAB and Simulink.The Toolbox is a very useful and effective tool for many purposes: kinematicsimulation, dynamic simulation, analysis and synthesis of control systems,trajectorygeneration, etc. The Toolbox has been developed to make thesimulation andthe analysis of redundant systems easier.
<P>The Planar Manipulators Toolbox is based on a kinematic and dynamicmodel of a planar manipulator with revolute joints. As the complexity ofthe model increases slower with the number of DOF than in the case of generalmanipulators, the derived toolbox permits simulation of manipulators withmany DOF within reasonable simulation times. Actually, the package enablesthe real-time simulation and the online robot control, i.e. Manipulatorin the loop simulation, using MATLAB functions and Simulink blocks.</P>
<P>The package consists of several M-files for the calculation of the model and other functions for planar manipulators which can not be created using the standard ones. The M-file functions are written in a straightforwardmanner to gain the understanding of the functions. It is very easy to extendandto adapt the simulation package to different requirements. Actually,the Planar Manipulator Toolbox can be used also with any type of manipulators.The user has to write only some model specific functions. Thus, it shouldbe of interest to the researchers involved in the development of advancedrobot control systems. For better computational efficiency some functionshave been converted toMEX-files using the MATLAB Compiler. For the usewith Real-Time Workshop mainfunctions have been rewritten into C MEX S-functionsversions.</P>
<H2>Current version</H2>
<P><IMG src="http://cathy.ijs.si/~leon/Images/new_blk.gif" align=left>The current version is <B>RELEASE 6.1</B> (March 2002).<BR><BR> <BR>On request also older versions are available.</P>
<H2>Requirements</H2>The Planar Manipulator Toolbox 6.1 requires MATLAB 6.1 and Simulink4.1. It has been tested with Release 12.1 on PC under MS-Windows.<BR><BR>The Planar Manipulator Toolbox Patch 6 requires MATLAB 6 and Simulink4. It has been tested with Release 12 on PC under MS-Windows.<BR><BR>The Planar Manipulator Toolbox Release 5.3 requires MATLAB 5.3 and Simulink 3. It has been tested with Release 11 on PC under MS-Windows. <BR><BR>Avalable is also the older version (Release 1.0) which requires at least version 4.c of MATLAB and version 1.3 of SIMULINK.
<H2>How to get it</H2>The Toolbox can be obtained free. Please, send an e-mail to <a href="mailtleon.zlajpah@ijs.si" target="_blank" >leon.zlajpah@ijs.si</A> and you will obtain the complete Toolbox (latestversion in zipped file: pmtxxx.zip). <BR>The manuals can be obtained here:
<LI><a href="http://cathy.ijs.si/~leon/shortman.zip" target="_blank" >shortman.pdf</A> (zipped 160k)
<LI><a href="http://cathy.ijs.si/~leon/manual.zip" target="_blank" >manual.pdf</A> (zipped 400k) or <a href="http://cathy.ijs.si/~leon/manual_ps.zip" target="_blank" >manual.ps</A>(zipped 570k) </LI></UL>
<H2>Instalation</H2>Unzip the archive pmtxxx.zip in the target folder. The following new folders will be created:
<P><TT> ..\planmant</TT><BR><TT> ..\planmant\normalq</TT><BR><TT> ..\planmant\absolutq</TT></P>
<P>The Planar Manipulators Toolbox provides two types of manipulator model: </P>
<P><B>NormalQ</B><BR>     where joint positions are relative angles between two links<BR><B>AbsolutQ</B><BR>     where joint positions are absolute angles of links </P>
<P>As the model functions have the same names in both cases only one type can be used at a time. The user selects the type of the robot model byinserting the desired folder in the MATLABPATH.</P>
<P>Add the folder <TT>planmant</TT> and the forder of the corresponding model type to the MATLABPATH.</P>
<P>The model based functions necessary for Simulink and RTW are C MEX S-functions. The user has to compile and link them using the command line</P>
<P>   mex xxx.c</P>
<P>where xxx is the name of the S-function to be compiled.</P>
<HR width="100%" noShade SIZE=5>

<H3>Use of MATLAB functions</H3>As an example of use in MATLAB a trajectory generation is given. Let thedesired task path be a line and the manipulator should avoid singular configurations by using the manipulability measure. The solution can be obtained by thefollowing commands:<PRE>   nj=7;L=[1 1 1 1 1 1 1];<BR>   q=[-0.2; 0.1; 0.1; -1.0; -2.1; -1.3; 0.1];<BR>   x0=kinmodel(q,L); x1=x0+[-5;3];<BR>   velmax=2; acc=10;<BR>   tsamp=0.001;<BR>   [xp,xv,xa,t]=refline(x0,x1,velmax,acc,tsamp);<BR>   n=length(xp);<BR>   qp=zeros(n,nj);<BR>   qv=zeros(n,nj);<BR>   for i=1:n<BR>     [x,J]=kinmodel(q,L);<BR>     J1=J'/(J*J');<BR>     NS=(eye(nj)-J1*J);<BR>     [CN,Grad]=idxman(q,L);<BR>     e=xp(i,:)'-x;<BR>     qd=J1*100*e+10*NS*Grad;<BR>     q=q+qd*tsamp;<BR>     qp(i,:)=q';<BR>     qv(i,:)=qd';<BR>   end<BR>   lm=linkplot(qp(1:(n-1)/10:n,:),L,'iniall',1);<BR>   set(lm,'linewidth',1)<BR>   hold on;<BR>   lt=plot(xp(:,1),xp(:,2));<BR>   set(lt,'linewidth',2)<BR>   hold off<BR>   axis([-4 4 -2 4.5]), grid off</PRE>and the following plot is produced showing the motion in the task space
<P><IMG src="http://cathy.ijs.si/~leon/Images/HTML_EX1.gif"></P>
<H3>Simulation in SIMULINK</H3>For illustration of the capabilities of the Planar Manipulator Toolbox,adynamic simulation of a 7-R manipulator moving along a straight linehas beenchosen. The redundancy resolution has been done at the accelerationleveland the null-space controller is used to stabilize the null spacemotion.The SIMULINK block structure of the system is
<P><IMG src="http://cathy.ijs.si/~leon/Images/Html_mo2.gif"></P>
<P>As it can be seen from the figure the model calculations require somematrix operations for the calculation of the joint accelerations and forthe direct kinematic transformations (inversion, product, etc.). As thestandard SIMULINK does not provide any blocks for the matrix operationsthe Toolbox includes the necessary blocks.</P>
<P>The analysis of the simulation results is then made in MATLAB. For example, by using the following commands<PRE>   n=length(rxt);<BR>   lm=linkplot(qt(1:(n-1)/10:n,:),L,'iniall',1);<BR>   set(lm,'linewidth',1)<BR>   hold on;<BR>   lt=plot(rxt(:,1),rxt(:,2));<BR>   set(lt,'linewidth',2)<BR>   hold off<BR>   axis([-0 6 -1.2 5]), grid off<BR><BR>   subplot(211);<BR>   l1=plot(T,xdt);<BR>   set(l1,'linewidth',2)<BR>   xlabel('time');<BR>   ylabel('task velocities')<BR>   subplot(212);<BR>   l2=plot(T,qdt);<BR>   set(l2,'linewidth',2)<BR>   xlabel('time');<BR>   ylabel('joint velocities')</PRE>which produce the following figures
<P><IMG src="http://cathy.ijs.si/~leon/Images/Html_ex2.gif"><IMG src="http://cathy.ijs.si/~leon/Images/HTML_EX3.gif"> <BR> </P>
<P><!-- <H3>Bugs to the current version</H3>

<P>Any bug should be send by email to <a href="mailtleon.zlajpah@ijs.si" target="_blank" >leon.zlajpah@ijs.si</A>.

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<H2>Related publications</H2>
<BLOCKQUOTE><FONT size=+0><B>Integrated environment for modelling, simulation and control design for robotic manipulators</B> , </FONT><I>Leon Zlajpah</I> ,<B>3rdMATHMOD, IMACS Symp. on Mathematical Modelling</B>, Vienna, Austria, pages761 - 764, 2000. (<a href="http://cathy.ijs.si/~leon/Papers/mathmod_2000.html" target="_blank" >Abstract</A>,<a href="http://cathy.ijs.si/~leon/Papers/MathMod_00.zip" target="_blank" > Paper(150k ps zip)</A>)
<P><FONT size=+0><B>Simulation of n-R planar manipulators,</B>  </FONT><I>LeonZlajpah</I>, <B>Simulation Practice and Theory</B>, Vol.6, No.3, pages305 - 321, 1998. (<a href="http://cathy.ijs.si/~leon/Papers/SIMPRA_1998.html" target="_blank" >Abstract</A> )</P>
<P><FONT size=+0><B>Hardware-In-The-Loop Simulation Using the PlanarManipulatorsToolbox,</B> </FONT><I>Leon Zlajpah</I>, In <B>Proceedings ofEUROSIM '98Simulation Congress</B> , Helsinki, Finland, pages 565 - 572, 1998.(<a href="http://cathy.ijs.si/~leon/Papers/EUROSIM_1998.html" target="_blank" > Abstract</A>)</P></BLOCKQUOTE>

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