- % This script generates colored noise by filtering white noise with a
- % Butterworth bandpass filter. Figures are then generated to compare the
- % PSD of the colored noise to the filter transfer function magnitude. In
- % addition, the autocorrelation is taken of the input white noise sequence
- % and the output colored noise sequence for comparisons.
- %
- % Written by Kevin D. Donohue (donohue@engr.uky.edu) March 2004
- fs = 8000; % Sampling Frequency
- dur = 20; % Sound duration in seconds
- ord = 6;
- plen = 32; % PSD segment length
- % Bandlimit on the filter
- f1 = [500]; % lower bandlimit
- f2 = [1500]; % corresponding upper bandlimit
- % colors for the plots
- col = ['g', 'r', 'b', 'k', 'c', 'b'];
- no = randn(1,round(fs*dur)); % Generate noise signal
- [b,a] = butter(ord,2*[f1 f2]/fs); % Generate filter
- % perform filter operation to get colored noise
- cno = filter(b,a,no);
- % Compute the PSD
- [p, fax] = pwelch(cno,hamming(plen),fix(plen/2),2*plen, fs); % Compute PSD of noise
- figure(1); lh = plot(fax,abs(fs*p/2),col(1)) % Plot PSD
- set(lh,'LineWidth',2) % Make line thicker
- hold on
- % Find filter transfer function
- [h,fq] = freqz(b,a,2*plen,fs);
- plot(fq,abs(h).^2,col(2))
- hold off
- % Label figure
- xlabel('Hertz', 'Fontsize', 14)
- ylabel('PSD', 'Fontsize', 14)
- % Compute autocorrelation of input sequence
- mxlag = fs*.02; % Only compute lags up to 20 milliseconds
- [acwno, lagwno] = xcorr(no, mxlag, 'coef');
- % Plot lags
- figure(2); plot(1000*lagwno/(fs),acwno)
- xlabel('milliseconds','Fontsize', 14); ylabel('Correlation coefficient','Fontsize', 14)
- % Compute autocorrelation of output sequence
- mxlag = fs*.02; % Only compute lags up to 20 milliseconds
- [accno, lagcno] = xcorr(cno, mxlag, 'coef');
- % Plot lags
- figure(3); plot(1000*lagcno/(fs),accno)
- xlabel('milliseconds','Fontsize', 14); ylabel('Correlation coefficient','Fontsize', 14)
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