- %
- %
- % the procedure of ant colony algorithm for VRP
- %
- % % % % % % % % % % %
- %initialize the parameters of ant colony algorithms
- load data.txt;
- d=data(:,2:3);
- g=data(:,4);
- m=31; % 蚂蚁数
- alpha=1;
- belta=4;% 决定tao和miu重要性的参数
- lmda=0;
- rou=0.9; %衰减系数
- q0=0.95;
- % 概率
- tao0=1/(31*841.04);%初始信息素
- Q=1;% 蚂蚁循环一周所释放的信息素
- defined_phrm=15.0; % initial pheromone level value
- QV=100; % 车辆容量
- vehicle_best=round(sum(g)/QV)+1; %所完成任务所需的最少车数
- V=40;
- % 计算两点的距离
- for i=1:32;
- for j=1:32;
- dist(i,j)=sqrt((d(i,1)-d(j,1))^2+(d(i,2)-d(j,2))^2);
- end;
- end;
- %给tao miu赋初值
- for i=1:32;
- for j=1:32;
- if i~=j;
- %s(i,j)=dist(i,1)+dist(1,j)-dist(i,j);
- tao(i,j)=defined_phrm;
- miu(i,j)=1/dist(i,j);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- for k=1:32;
- for k=1:32;
- deltao(i,j)=0;
- end;
- end;
- best_cost=10000;
- for n_gen=1:50;
- print_head(n_gen);
- for i=1:m;
- %best_solution=[];
- print_head2(i);
- sumload=0;
- cur_pos(i)=1;
- rn=randperm(32);
- n=1;
- nn=1;
- part_sol(nn)=1;
- %cost(n_gen,i)=0.0;
- n_sol=0; % 由蚂蚁产生的路径数量
- M_vehicle=500;
- t=0; %最佳路径数组的元素数为0
- while sumload<=QV;
- for k=1:length(rn);
- if sumload+g(rn(k))<=QV;
- gama(cur_pos(i),rn(k))=(sumload+g(rn(k)))/QV;
- A(n)=rn(k);
- n=n+1;
- end;
- end;
- fid=fopen('out_customer.txt','a+');
- fprintf(fid,'%s %i\t','the current position is:',cur_pos(i));
- fprintf(fid,'\n%s','the possible customer set is:')
- fprintf(fid,'\t%i\n',A);
- fprintf(fid,'------------------------------\n');
- fclose(fid);
- p=compute_prob(A,cur_pos(i),tao,miu,alpha,belta,gama,lmda,i);
- maxp=1e-8;
- na=length(A);
- for j=1:na;
- if p(j)>maxp
- maxp=p(j);
- index_max=j;
- end;
- end;
- old_pos=cur_pos(i);
- if rand(1)<q0
- cur_pos(i)=A(index_max);
- else
- krnd=randperm(na);
- cur_pos(i)=A(krnd(1));
- bbb=[old_pos cur_pos(i)];
- ccc=[1 1];
- if bbb==ccc;
- cur_pos(i)=A(krnd(2));
- end;
- end;
- tao(old_pos,cur_pos(i))=taolocalupdate(tao(old_pos,cur_pos(i)),rou,tao0);%对所经弧进行局部更新
- sumload=sumload+g(cur_pos(i));
- nn=nn+1;
- part_sol(nn)=cur_pos(i);
- temp_load=sumload;
- if cur_pos(i)~=1;
- rn=setdiff(rn,cur_pos(i));
- n=1;
- A=[];
- end;
- if cur_pos(i)==1; % 如果当前点为车场,将当前路径中的已访问用户去掉后,开始产生新路径
- if setdiff(part_sol,1)~=[];
- n_sol=n_sol+1; % 表示产生的路径数,n_sol=1,2,3,..5,6...,超过5条对其费用加上车辆的派遣费用
- fid=fopen('out_solution.txt','a+');
- fprintf(fid,'%s%i%s','NO.',n_sol,'条路径是:');
- fprintf(fid,'%i ',part_sol);
- fprintf(fid,'\n');
- fprintf(fid,'%s','当前的用户需求量是:');
- fprintf(fid,'%i\n',temp_load);
- fprintf(fid,'------------------------------\n');
- fclose(fid);
- % 对所得路径进行路径内3-opt优化
- final_sol=exchange(part_sol);
- for nt=1:length(final_sol); % 将所有产生的路径传给一个数组
- temp(t+nt)=final_sol(nt);
- end;
- t=t+length(final_sol)-1;
- sumload=0;
- final_sol=setdiff(final_sol,1);
- rn=setdiff(rn,final_sol);
- part_sol=[];
- final_sol=[];
- nn=1;
- part_sol(nn)=cur_pos(i);
- A=[];
- n=1;
- end;
- end;
- if setdiff(rn,1)==[];% 产生最后一条终点不为1的路径
- n_sol=n_sol+1;
- nl=length(part_sol);
- part_sol(nl+1)=1;%将路径的最后1位补1
- % 对所得路径进行路径内3-opt优化
- final_sol=exchange(part_sol);
- for nt=1:length(final_sol); % 将所有产生的路径传给一个数组
- temp(t+nt)=final_sol(nt);
- end;
- cost(n_gen,i)=cost_sol(temp,dist)+M_vehicle*(n_sol-vehicle_best); %计算由蚂蚁i产生的路径总长度
- for ki=1:length(temp)-1;
- deltao(temp(ki),temp(ki+1))=deltao(temp(ki),temp(ki+1))+Q/cost(n_gen,i);
- end;
- if cost(n_gen,i)<best_cost;
- best_cost=cost(n_gen,i);
- old_cost=best_cost;
- best_gen=n_gen; % 产生最小费用的代数
- best_ant=i; %产生最小费用的蚂蚁
- best_solution=temp;
- end;
- if i==m; %如果所有蚂蚁均完成一次循环,,则用最佳费用所对应的路径对弧进行整体更新
- for ii=1:32;
- for jj=1:32;
- tao(ii,jj)=(1-rou)*tao(ii,jj);
- end;
- end;
- for kk=1:length(best_solution)-1;
- tao(best_solution(kk),best_solution(kk+1))=tao(best_solution(kk),best_solution(kk+1))+deltao(best_solution(kk),best_solution(kk+1));
- end;
- end;
- fid=fopen('out_solution.txt','a+');
- fprintf(fid,'%s%i%s','NO.',n_sol,'路径是:');
- fprintf(fid,'%i ',part_sol);
- fprintf(fid,'\n');
- fprintf(fid,'%s %i\n','当前的用户需求量是:',temp_load);
- fprintf(fid,'%s %f\n','总费用是:',cost(n_gen,i));
- fprintf(fid,'------------------------------\n');
- fprintf(fid,'%s\n','最终路径是:');
- fprintf(fid,'%i-',temp);
- fprintf(fid,'\n');
- fclose(fid);
- temp=[];
- break;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;