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美国X-37太空战机 声学控制试验和振动控制采集系统采用m+p系...

发表于 2010-4-30 13:09 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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本帖最后由 wdhd 于 2016-8-2 09:44 编辑

  Dynamic Response of X-37 Hot Structure Control Surfaces Exposed to Controlled Reverberant Acoustic Excitation
  1.1 Introduction
  The Boeing X-37 vehicle incorporates a hot structure “Flaperon” control surface that will be subjected to vibratory and acoustic loads from the lift-off mission phase of flight. A subcomponent design for the carbon-silicone carbide (C/SiC) Flaperon was developed and manufactured. This subcomponent incorporates the major features of the full scale control surface, including the inboard spindle, a torque tube with a 180o cutout containing an outboard hinge pin assembly, bottom face sheets, and a continuous top face sheet which serves as an access panel for assembly of the Flaperon itself. The goal of the Flaperon subcomponent vibroacoustics tests is to simulate the dynamic response of the C/SiC Flaperon subcomponent when subjected to excitation loads corresponding to the lift-off environment for this hot structure control surface. Measured responses will be compared to predicted strains and accelerations to determine the validity of the mathematical model for this C/SiC subcomponent test article. This report covers the vibro-acoustic testing in the reverberation room of the Structural Acoustics Loads and Transmission (SALT) facility (Reference 1-1) at NASA Langley Research Center.
  1.2 Acoustic Test Objective
  The objective of the vibro-acoustic test is to measure the dynamic response of the C/SiC Flaperon subcomponent when subjected to the acoustic loads corresponding to an envelope of the Atlas V and Delta IV launch environments. The measured responses (acceleration and strain) will be used to assess the construction techniques and mathematical model using a stochastic acoustic input that replicates the launch environment of the X-37 vehicle. This document describes the test article, the facility configuration, test setup, instrumentation, acoustic test loads spectra, test sequence, test results, and the data reporting of the C/SiC Flaperon subcomponent.
  1.3 Test Article
  The C/SiC Flaperon subcomponent test article consists of carbon-silicone carbide (C/SiC) composite materials fabricated by GE Power Systems Composites (GE PSC). The architecturem of all the elements of the Flaperon, including the torque tube, ribs, gussets, and face sheets, is specified as quasi-isotropic layups (0/45/90/-45)nS. A picture of the test article with the access panel removed is shown in Figure 1-1.
  NASA 文献:

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发表于 2010-5-10 13:51 | 显示全部楼层

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