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- function sgolaydemo(action);
- %SGOLAYDEMO Demonstrates Savitzky-Golay filtering.
- % This GUI demonstrates the smoothing obtained
- % with Savitzky-Golay filters on noisy ECG signals.
- %
- % Three plots are shown: The noisy ECG signal,
- % the smoothed signal and the noiseless signal.
- %
- % The noise level can be changed with a slider
- % control. The Savitzky-Golay parameters can be
- % varied; in particular the degree of the polynomial
- % used to fit the data, and the frame size can be
- % changed.
- % Author(s): R. Losada
- % Copyright 1988-2002 The MathWorks, Inc.
- % $Revision: 1.11 $ $Date: 2002/03/28 12:47:39 $
- if nargin==0,
- action = 'initialize';
- end
- x1 = ecg(500).';
- x = [x1;x1;x1;x1;x1;x1];
- y = sgolayfilt(x,0,15); %noiseless signal
- switch action,
- case 'initialize',
- % Initialize Graphics
- hfig = figure('NumberTitle','off',...
- 'Name','Savitzky-Golay Filtering Demo');
- bgc = get(0,'DefaultUIControlBackgroundColor');
- % Frame for the all uicontrols
- framepos = [.74 .05 .25 .85];
- uicontrol( ...
- 'Style','frame',...
- 'Units','normalized',...
- 'BackgroundColor',bgc,...
- 'Position',framepos);
- % Frame for the parameters section
- framepos2 = [.75 .36 .23 .23];
- uicontrol( ...
- 'Style','frame',...
- 'Units','normalized',...
- 'ForegroundColor','black',...
- 'Position',framepos2);
- % Savitzky-Golay Filter Parameters Text
- titlepos = [.76 .57 .17 .03];
- titlelabel = ' Filter Parameters';
- uicontrol( ...
- 'String',titlelabel,...
- 'HorizontalAlignment','left',...
- 'Style','text',...
- 'Units','normalized',...
- 'BackgroundColor',bgc,...
- 'ForegroundColor','black',...
- 'Position',titlepos);
- % SG degree menu
- menuname1 = 'Polynomial Degree';
- tposition1 = [.77 .5 .2 .05];
- uicontrol( ...
- 'String',menuname1,...
- 'HorizontalAlignment','left',...
- 'Style','text',...
- 'Units','normalized',...
- 'ForegroundColor','black',...
- 'Position',tposition1);
- mposition1 = [.77 .46 .1 .05];
- popstr1 = {'0','1','2','3','4'};
- degreehndl = uicontrol('String',popstr1,...
- 'Style','Popup',...
- 'Tag','degreepopup',...
- 'Units','normalized',...
- 'Backgroundcolor','white',...
- 'Position',mposition1,...
- 'UserData',str2double(popstr1),...
- 'CallBack','sgolaydemo(''recal'')');
- % SG frame size menu
- menuname2 = 'Frame Size';
- tposition2 = [.77 .4 .2 .05];
- uicontrol( ...
- 'String',menuname2,...
- 'Style','text',...
- 'HorizontalAlignment','left',...
- 'Units','normalized',...
- 'ForegroundColor','black',...
- 'Position',tposition2);
- mposition2 = [.77 .37 .1 .05];
- popstr2 = {'5','15','25','55'};
- framehndl = uicontrol('String',popstr2,...
- 'Style','Popup',...
- 'Tag','framepopup',...
- 'Backgroundcolor','white',...
- 'Units','normalized',...
- 'Position',mposition2,...
- 'UserData',str2double(popstr2),...
- 'CallBack','sgolaydemo(''recal'')');
- % Noise variance slider
- sliname1 = 'Noise Level';
- tposition4 = [.76 .8 .21 .05];
- uicontrol(...
- 'String',sliname1,...
- 'Style','text',...
- 'Units','normalized',...
- 'BackgroundColor',bgc,...
- 'ForegroundColor','black',...
- 'Position',tposition4);
- mposition4 = [.76 .75 .21 .05];
- sliderhndl = uicontrol('Style','slider',...
- 'Tag','noiseslider',...
- 'Units','normalized',...
- 'Value',0.7,...
- 'Min',0,'Max',1.4,...
- 'Position',mposition4,...
- 'CallBack','sgolaydemo(''recal'')');
- slimin = 'Less';
- tposition5 = [.76 .68 .07 .07];
- uicontrol(...
- 'String',slimin,...
- 'Style','text',...
- 'Units','normalized',...
- 'HorizontalAlignment','left',...
- 'ForegroundColor','black',...
- 'BackgroundColor',bgc,...
- 'Position',tposition5);
- slimax = 'More';
- tposition6 = [.9 .68 .07 .07];
- uicontrol(...
- 'String',slimax,...
- 'Style','text',...
- 'Units','normalized',...
- 'HorizontalAlignment','right',...
- 'ForegroundColor','black',...
- 'BackgroundColor',bgc,...
- 'Position',tposition6);
- % Info and Close buttons
- tposition7 = [.77 .18 .19 .1];
- uicontrol(...
- 'String','Info',...
- 'Units','normalized',...
- 'Position',tposition7,...
- 'Callback','sgolaydemo(''info'')');
- tposition8 = [.77 .06 .19 .1];
- uicontrol(...
- 'String','Close',...
- 'Units','normalized',...
- 'ForegroundColor','black',...
- 'Position',tposition8,...
- 'Callback','sgolaydemo(''done'')');
- % Initial values
- noise = 0.7;
- degree = 0;
- frame = 5;
- subplot('Position',[.07 .05 .65 .23]), plot(y)
- set(gca,'XTick',[])
- axis([0 3000 -.6 .8])
- title('Noiseless ECG')
- ha1 = subplot('Position',[.07 .67 .65 .23]); plot(y)
- set(gca,'XTick',[])
- axis([0 3000 -.6 .8])
- title('Noisy ECG')
- ha2 = subplot('Position',[.07 .36 .65 .23]); plot(y)
- set(gca,'XTick',[])
- axis([0 3000 -.6 .8])
- title('Filtered ECG')
- ud.handles.ax = [ha1 ha2];
- ud.handles.uis = [degreehndl framehndl sliderhndl];
- set(hfig,'UserData',ud);
- update_gui(y,noise,degree,frame)
- case 'recal',
- hfig = gcf;
- ud = get(hfig,'UserData');
- hn = ud.handles.uis(3);
- hd = ud.handles.uis(1);
- hf = ud.handles.uis(2);
- noise = get(hn,'Value');
- degindx = get(hd,'Value');
- deg = get(hd,'UserData');
- degree = deg(degindx);
- frmindx = get(hf,'Value');
- frm = get(hf,'UserData');
- frame = frm(frmindx);
- update_gui(y,noise,degree,frame)
- case 'info',
- ttlStr = 'Savitzky-Golay Filtering Demo';
- hlpStr1= ...
- ['This demo shows the smoothing of an electrocardiogram (ECG) signal' sprintf('\n')...
- 'by filtering the noisy ECG with a Savitzky-Golay FIR filter.' sprintf('\n')...
- 'You can vary the noise level of the ECG signal to be filtered with the' sprintf('\n')...
- 'slider control on the upper right of the GUI. The parameters of the' sprintf('\n')...
- 'Savitzky-Golay filter can be changed through the two popup menus provided.' sprintf('\n')...
- '' sprintf('\n')...
- 'Savitzky-Golay filters act as smoothers by performing a least squares' sprintf('\n')...
- 'fitting of a frame of data to a polynomial of a given degree.' sprintf('\n')...
- '' sprintf('\n')...
- 'The frame size indicates the number of samples you are using to perform' sprintf('\n')...
- 'the smoothing for each data point. The degree is the order of the polynomial' sprintf('\n')...
- 'to which each frame of data is fitted.' sprintf('\n')...
- '' sprintf('\n')...
- 'The noiseless or ideal ECG is shown at the bottom of the figure for' sprintf('\n')...
- 'comparison purposes'];
- helpwin(hlpStr1, ttlStr);
- case 'done',
- close(gcf);
- end
- function [s,f] = update_signal(y,noise,degree,frame)
- %UPDATE_SIGNAL Recalculates the noisy ECG and the filtered ECG signals.
- v = 0.05*noise*randn(3000,1); % noise
- s = y + v; % noisy ecg
- f = sgolayfilt(s,degree,frame);
- function update_gui(y,noise,degree,frame)
- %UPDATE_GUI This function is called to update the GUI with the new values.
- hfig = gcf;
- [s,f] = update_signal(y,noise,degree,frame);
- ud = get(hfig,'UserData');
- axhdlnp = ud.handles.ax(1);
- axhdlfp = ud.handles.ax(2);
- hdn = get(axhdlnp,'Children');
- hdf = get(axhdlfp,'Children');
- set(hdn,'YData',s);
- set(hdf,'YData',f);
- function x = ecg(L)
- %ECG generator.
- % x = ecg(L)
- % generates piecewise linear ECG signal of length L
- % must post-smooth it with an N-point smoother:
- % y = sgolayfilt(x, d, F), usually with d=0, and N=3,5,9, etc.
- a0 = [0,1,40,1,0,-34,118,-99,0,2,21,2,0,0,0]; % template
- d0 = [0,27,59,91,131,141,163,185,195,275,307,339,357,390,440];
- a = a0 / max(a0);
- d = round(d0 * L / d0(15)); % scale them to fit in length L
- d(15)=L;
- for i=1:14,
- m = d(i) : d(i+1) - 1;
- slope = (a(i+1) - a(i)) / (d(i+1) - d(i));
- x(m+1) = a(i) + slope * (m - d(i));
- end
[ 本帖最后由 suffer 于 2006-10-26 17:59 编辑 ] |