- %file name: qpsk.m
- %Written by Dr. James S. Kang, Cal Poly Pomona.
- %Plot of QPSK waveform and spectrum.
- %d = input data such as [1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1].
- %fb = data rate in bps.
- %fc = carrier frequency.
- %Ac = Amplitude of the carrier.
- %fstart = start frequency for spectrum plot.
- %fend = end frequency for spectrum plot.
- %To run the program, try
- % >>qpsk([1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1],500,1000,1,0,4000) <Enter>
- function[s] = qpsk(d,fb,fc,Ac,fstart,fend)
- N=size(d,2); %N = number of data bits.
- if rem(N,2) == 1
- N=N+1
- d(N)=0
- end
- N2=N/2;
- M=32; %M = number of samples per bit duration.
- tb=1/fb;tc=1/fc;
- Nc=floor(M*tc/tb); %Nc = number of samples per period of carrier.
- step=tb/M; %step = sampling interval.
- for j = 1:N
- if d(j) == 1
- for i = 1:M
- m((j-1)*M+i)=1;
- end
- else
- for i = 1:M
- m((j-1)*M+i)=-1;
- end
- end
- end
- for j = 1:N2
- if d(j*2-1) == 1
- for i = 1:2*M
- mi((j-1)*2*M+i)=1;
- si((j-1)*2*M+i)=Ac*cos(2*pi*(i-1)/Nc);
- end
- else
- for i = 1:2*M
- mi((j-1)*2*M+i)=-1;
- si((j-1)*2*M+i)=Ac*cos(2*pi*(i-1)/Nc+pi);
- end
- end
- if d(j*2) == 1
- for i = 1:2*M
- mq((j-1)*2*M+i)=1;
- sq((j-1)*2*M+i)=Ac*sin(2*pi*(i-1)/Nc);
- end
- else
- for i = 1:2*M
- mq((j-1)*2*M+i)=-1;
- sq((j-1)*2*M+i)=Ac*sin(2*pi*(i-1)/Nc+pi);
- end
- end
- end
- for k=1:M*N
- t(k)=(k-1)*step;
- s(k)=si(k)+sq(k);
- end
- figure
- subplot(3,1,1)
- plot(t,m)
- grid
- %xlabel('Time')
- ylabel('Amplitude')
- title('Input Waveform')
- subplot(3,1,2)
- plot(t,mi)
- grid
- %xlabel('Time')
- ylabel('Amplitude')
- title('I Channel Waveform')
- subplot(3,1,3)
- plot(t,mq)
- grid
- xlabel('Time')
- ylabel('Amplitude')
- title('Q Channel Waveform')
- figure
- subplot(3,1,1)
- plot(t,si)
- grid
- %xlabel('Time')
- ylabel('Amplitude')
- title('I Channel Modulated Waveform')
- subplot(3,1,2)
- plot(t,sq)
- grid
- %xlabel('Time')
- ylabel('Amplitude')
- title('Q Channel Modulated Waveform')
- subplot(3,1,3)
- plot(t,s)
- grid
- xlabel('Time')
- ylabel('Amplitude')
- title('QPSK Waveform')
- %
- %Spectrum of QPSK
- %
- M1=64; %M1 = number of points per lobe.
- fstep=fb/M1; %fstep = freq. step.
- Nf=floor((fend-fstart)/fstep); %Nf = total number of freq. points computed.
- for i = 1:Nf
- f(i)=(i-1)*fstep+fstart;
- if f(i) == fc S(i)=Ac^2*tb;
- else
- S(i)=(Ac^2*tb)*(sin(pi*(f(i)-fc)*2*tb)/(pi*(f(i)-fc)*2*tb))^2;
- end
- end
- for i = 1:Nf
- dBS(i) = 10*log(S(i));
- if dBS(i) < -200 dBS(i)=-200; end
- end
- figure
- subplot(2,1,1)
- plot(f,S)
- grid
- %xlabel('Frequency')
- ylabel('Magnitude')
- title('QPSK Spectrum (Linear)')
- subplot(2,1,2)
- plot(f,dBS)
- grid
- xlabel('Frequency')
- ylabel('Magnitude')
- title('QPSK Spectrum (dB)')
- end
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