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- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- function demsvm1()
- % DEMSVM1 - Demonstrate basic Support Vector Machine classification
- %
- % DEMSVM1 demonstrates the classification of a simple artificial data
- % set by a Support Vector Machine classifier, using different kernel
- % functions.
- %
- % See also
- %
- %
- % Copyright (c) Anton Schwaighofer (2001)
- % This program is released unter the GNU General Public License.
- %
- X = [2 7; 3 6; 2 2; 8 1; 6 4; 4 8; 9 5; 9 9; 9 4; 6 9; 7 4];
- Y = [ +1; +1; +1; +1; +1; -1; -1; -1; -1; -1; -1];
- % define a simple artificial data set
- x1ran = [0 10];
- x2ran = [0 10];
- % range for plotting the data set and the decision boundary
- disp(' ');
- disp('This demonstration illustrates the use of a Support Vector Machine');
- disp('(SVM) for classification. The data is a set of 2D points, together');
- disp('with target values (class labels) +1 or -1.');
- disp(' ');
- disp('The data set consists of the points');
- ind = [1:length(Y)]';
- fprintf('X%2i = (%2i, %2i) with label Y%2i = %2i\n', [ind, X, ind, Y]');
- disp(' ')
- disp('Press any key to plot the data set');
- pause
- f1 = figure;
- plotdata(X, Y, x1ran, x2ran);
- title('Data from class +1 (squares) and class -1 (crosses)');
- fprintf('\n\n\n\n');
- fprintf('The data is plotted in figure %i, where\n', f1);
- disp(' squares stand for points with label Yi = +1');
- disp(' crosses stand for points with label Yi = -1');
- disp(' ')
- disp(' ');
- disp('Now we train a Support Vector Machine classifier on this data set.');
- disp('We use the most simple kernel function, namely the inner product');
- disp('of points Xi, Xj (linear kernel K(Xi,Xj) = Xi''*Xj )');
- disp(' ');
- disp('Press any key to start training')
- pause
- net = svm(size(X, 2), 'linear', [], 10);
- net = svmtrain(net, X, Y);
- f2 = figure;
- plotboundary(net, x1ran, x2ran);
- plotdata(X, Y, x1ran, x2ran);
- plotsv(net, X, Y);
- title(['SVM with linear kernel: decision boundary (black) plus Support' ...
- ' Vectors (red)']);
- fprintf('\n\n\n\n');
- fprintf('The resulting decision boundary is plotted in figure %i.\n', f2);
- disp('The contour plotted in black separates class +1 from class -1');
- disp('(this is the actual decision boundary)');
- disp('The contour plotted in red are the points at distance +1 from the');
- disp('decision boundary, the blue contour are the points at distance -1.');
- disp(' ');
- disp('All examples plotted in red are found to be Support Vectors.');
- disp('Support Vectors are the examples at distance +1 or -1 from the ');
- disp('decision boundary and all the examples that cannot be classified');
- disp('correctly.');
- disp(' ');
- disp('The data set shown can be correctly classified using a linear');
- disp('kernel. This can be seen from the coefficients alpha associated');
- disp('with each example: The coefficients are');
- ind = [1:length(Y)]';
- fprintf(' Example %2i: alpha%2i = %5.2f\n', [ind, ind, net.alpha]');
- disp('The upper bound C for the coefficients has been set to');
- fprintf('C = %5.2f. None of the coefficients are at the bound,\n', ...
- net.c(1));
- disp('this means that all examples in the training set can be correctly');
- disp('classified by the SVM.')
- disp(' ');
- disp('Press any key to continue')
- pause
- X = [X; [4 4]];
- Y = [Y; -1];
- net = svm(size(X, 2), 'linear', [], 10);
- net = svmtrain(net, X, Y);
- f3 = figure;
- plotboundary(net, x1ran, x2ran);
- plotdata(X, Y, x1ran, x2ran);
- plotsv(net, X, Y);
- title(['SVM with linear kernel: decision boundary (black) plus Support' ...
- ' Vectors (red)']);
- fprintf('\n\n\n\n');
- disp('Adding an additional point X12 with label -1 gives a data set');
- disp('that can not be linearly separated. The SVM handles this case by');
- disp('allowing training points to be misclassified.');
- disp(' ');
- disp('Training the SVM on this modified data set we see that the points');
- disp('X5, X11 and X12 can not be correctly classified. The decision');
- fprintf('boundary is shown in figure %i.\n', f3);
- disp('The coefficients alpha associated with each example are');
- ind = [1:length(Y)]';
- fprintf(' Example %2i: alpha%2i = %5.2f\n', [ind, ind, net.alpha]');
- disp('The coefficients of the misclassified points are at the upper');
- disp('bound C.');
- disp(' ')
- disp('Press any key to continue')
- pause
- fprintf('\n\n\n\n');
- disp('Adding the new point X12 has lead to a more difficult data set');
- disp('that can no longer be separated by a simple linear kernel.');
- disp('We can now switch to a more powerful kernel function, namely');
- disp('the Radial Basis Function (RBF) kernel.');
- disp(' ')
- disp('The RBF kernel has an associated parameter, the kernel width.');
- disp('We will now show the decision boundary obtained from a SVM with');
- disp('RBF kernel for 3 different values of the kernel width.');
- disp(' ');
- disp('Press any key to continue')
- pause
- net = svm(size(X, 2), 'rbf', [8], 100);
- net = svmtrain(net, X, Y);
- f4 = figure;
- plotboundary(net, x1ran, x2ran);
- plotdata(X, Y, x1ran, x2ran);
- plotsv(net, X, Y);
- title(['SVM with RBF kernel, width 8: decision boundary (black)' ...
- ' plus Support Vectors (red)']);
- fprintf('\n\n\n\n');
- fprintf('Figure %i shows the decision boundary obtained from a SVM\n', ...
- f4);
- disp('with Radial Basis Function kernel, the kernel width has been');
- disp('set to 8.');
- disp('The SVM now interprets the new point X12 as evidence for a');
- disp('cluster of points from class -1, the SVM builds a small ''island''');
- disp('around X12.');
- disp(' ')
- disp('Press any key to continue')
- pause
- net = svm(size(X, 2), 'rbf', [1], 100);
- net = svmtrain(net, X, Y);
- f5 = figure;
- plotboundary(net, x1ran, x2ran);
- plotdata(X, Y, x1ran, x2ran);
- plotsv(net, X, Y);
- title(['SVM with RBF kernel, width 1: decision boundary (black)' ...
- ' plus Support Vectors (red)']);
- fprintf('\n\n\n\n');
- fprintf('Figure %i shows the decision boundary obtained from a SVM\n', ...
- f5);
- disp('with radial basis function kernel, kernel width 1.');
- disp('The decision boundary is now highly shattered, since a smaller');
- disp('kernel width allows the decision boundary to be more curved.');
- disp(' ')
- disp('Press any key to continue')
- pause
- net = svm(size(X, 2), 'rbf', [36], 100);
- net = svmtrain(net, X, Y);
- f6 = figure;
- plotboundary(net, x1ran, x2ran);
- plotdata(X, Y, x1ran, x2ran);
- plotsv(net, X, Y);
- title(['SVM with RBF kernel, width 36: decision boundary (black)' ...
- ' plus Support Vectors (red)']);
- fprintf('\n\n\n\n');
- fprintf('Figure %i shows the decision boundary obtained from a SVM\n', ...
- f6);
- disp('with radial basis function kernel, kernel width 36.');
- disp('This gives a decision boundary similar to the one shown in');
- fprintf('Figure %i for the SVM with linear kernel.\n', f2);
- fprintf('\n\n\n\n');
- disp('Press any key to end the demo')
- pause
- delete(f1);
- delete(f2);
- delete(f3);
- delete(f4);
- delete(f5);
- delete(f6);
- function plotdata(X, Y, x1ran, x2ran)
- % PLOTDATA - Plot 2D data set
- %
- hold on;
- ind = find(Y>0);
- plot(X(ind,1), X(ind,2), 'ks');
- ind = find(Y<0);
- plot(X(ind,1), X(ind,2), 'kx');
- text(X(:,1)+.2,X(:,2), int2str([1:length(Y)]'));
- axis([x1ran x2ran]);
- axis xy;
- function plotsv(net, X, Y)
- % PLOTSV - Plot Support Vectors
- %
- hold on;
- ind = find(Y(net.svind)>0);
- plot(X(net.svind(ind),1),X(net.svind(ind),2),'rs');
- ind = find(Y(net.svind)<0);
- plot(X(net.svind(ind),1),X(net.svind(ind),2),'rx');
- function [x11, x22, x1x2out] = plotboundary(net, x1ran, x2ran)
- % PLOTBOUNDARY - Plot SVM decision boundary on range X1RAN and X2RAN
- %
- hold on;
- nbpoints = 100;
- x1 = x1ran(1):(x1ran(2)-x1ran(1))/nbpoints:x1ran(2);
- x2 = x2ran(1):(x2ran(2)-x2ran(1))/nbpoints:x2ran(2);
- [x11, x22] = meshgrid(x1, x2);
- [dummy, x1x2out] = svmfwd(net, [x11(:),x22(:)]);
- x1x2out = reshape(x1x2out, [length(x1) length(x2)]);
- contour(x11, x22, x1x2out, [-0.99 -0.99], 'b-');
- contour(x11, x22, x1x2out, [0 0], 'k-');
- contour(x11, x22, x1x2out, [0.99 0.99], 'g-');
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
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