% T: sampling times (line vector) (default: 1:length(x))
% MAXITERATIONS: maximum number of sifting iterations for the computation of each
% mode (default: 2000)
% MAXMODES: maximum number of imfs extracted (default: Inf)
% DISPLAY: if equals to 1 shows sifting steps with pause
% if equals to 2 shows sifting steps without pause (movie style)
% rem: display is disabled when the input is complex
% INTERP: interpolation scheme: 'linear', 'cubic', 'pchip' or 'spline' (default)
% see interp1 documentation for details
% MASK: masking signal used to improve the decomposition according to [5]
% Examples
%X = rand(1,512);
%IMF = emd(X);
%IMF = emd(X,'STOP',[0.1,0.5,0.05],'MAXITERATIONS',100); |