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[综合讨论] 怎么去除CM中的默认警告信息啊????

发表于 2011-3-22 22:03 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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VSEL,S,VOLU,,6,23  !选择其余减去体的编号
CM,volum,VOLU      !生成一个元件名
VSBV,3,volum        !从3中减去其余所有要减去的体

CM, Cname, Entity

Groups geometry items into a component.

DATABASE: Components

MP ME ST PR PRN <> <> FL EM <> <> PP <>

An alphanumeric name used to identify this component. Cname may be up to 32 characters, beginning with a letter and containing only letters, numbers, and underscores. Component names beginning with an underscore (e.g., _LOOP) are reserved for use by ANSYS and should be avoided. Components named “ALL,” “STAT,” and “DEFA” are not permitted. Overwrites a previously defined name.

Label identifying the type of geometry items to be grouped:

VOLU  —  Volumes.

AREA  —  Areas.

LINE  —  Lines.

KP  —  Keypoints.

ELEM  —  Elements.

NODE  —  Nodes.

Components may be further grouped into assemblies [CMGRP]. The selected items of the specified entity type will be stored as the component. Use of this component in the select command [CMSEL] causes all these items to be selected at once, for convenience.

A component is a grouping of some geometric entity that can then be conveniently selected or unselected. A component may be redefined by reusing a previous component name. The following entity types may belong to a component: nodes, elements, keypoints, lines, areas, and volumes. A component may contain only 1 entity type, but an individual item of any entity may belong to any number of components. Once defined, the items contained in a component may then be easily selected or unselected [CMSEL]. Components may be listed [CMLIST], modified [CMMOD] and deleted [CMDELE]. Components may also be further grouped into assemblies [CMGRP]. Other entities associated with the entities in a component (e.g., the lines and keypoints associated with areas) may be selected by the ALLSEL command.

An item will be deleted from a component if it has been deleted by another operation (see the KMODIF command for an example). Components are automatically updated to reflect deletions of one or more of their items. {{{{Components are automatically deleted and a warning message (大家看这里ANSYS中默认警告信息,不知道是否可以去除啊???)is issued if all their items are deleted. }}}}Assemblies are also automatically updated to reflect deletions of one or more of their components or subassemblies, but are not deleted if all their components and subassemblies are deleted.

This command is valid in any processor.

Menu Paths
Main Menu>General Postproc>Manual Rezoning>Create Rezone Component
Utility Menu>Select>Comp/Assembly>Create Component

使用道具 举报

发表于 2011-3-22 23:10 | 显示全部楼层
/NERR,0 !关闭所有警告和错误信息的显示,但不能关闭写入.ERR文件。
/UIS,MSGPOP,3 !则仅显示错误对话框信息




 楼主| 发表于 2011-3-23 09:01 | 显示全部楼层
回复 2 # Chelsea 的帖子

发表于 2011-3-23 10:54 | 显示全部楼层

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