本帖最后由 ChaChing 于 2011-4-13 00:11 编辑
官网找到一个可能符合(我还没空细看并试), LZ先试试看, 结果再分享!
Make a contour plot in the xy-plane at a specific height
- function [cout, hand] = contour(varargin)
- %CONTOURZ Contour plot.
- % CONTOURZ(Z) is a contour plot of matrix Z treating the values in Z
- % as heights above a plane. A contour plot are the level curves
- % of Z for some values V. The values V are chosen automatically.
- % CONTOURZ(X,Y,Z) X and Y specify the (x,y) coordinates of the
- % surface as for SURF.
- % CONTOURZ(Z,N) and CONTOURZ(X,Y,Z,N) draw N contour lines,
- % overriding the automatic value.
- % CONTOURZ(Z,V) and CONTOURZ(X,Y,Z,V) draw LENGTH(V) contour lines
- % at the values specified in vector V. Use CONTOURZ(Z,[v v]) or
- % CONTOURZ(X,Y,Z,[v v]) to compute a single contour at the level v.
- % Use CONTOURZ(X,Y,Z,[v v],height) to draw at the z value 'height'.
- % [C,H] = CONTOURZ(...) returns contour matrix C as described in
- % CONTOURC and a column vector H of handles to LINE or PATCH
- % objects, one handle per line. Both of these can be used as
- % input to CLABEL. The UserData property of each object contains the
- % height value for each contour.
- %
- % The contours are normally colored based on the current colormap
- % and are drawn as PATCH objects. You can override this behavior
- % with the syntax CONTOURZ(...,'LINESPEC') to draw the contours as
- % LINE objects with the color and linetype specified.
- %
- % Uses code by R. Pawlowicz to handle parametric surfaces and
- % inline contour labels.
- %
- % Example:
- % [x,y]=meshgrid(-4:0.2:4,-4:0.2:4);
- % z=sin(sqrt(x.^2+y.^2)).^2;
- % surfl(x,y,z);
- % hold on;
- % contourz(x,y,z,'',-2);
- % contourz(x,y,z,[0.01 0.05 0.1 0.13],3);
- % hold off;
- %
- %
- % Additional details:
- %
- % CONTOURZ uses CONTOUR3 to do most of the contouring. Unless
- % a linestyle is specified, CONTOUR will draw PATCH objects
- % with edge color taken from the current colormap. When a linestyle
- % is specified, LINE objects are drawn. To produce the same results
- % as MATLAB 4.2c, use CONTOUR(...,'-').
- %
- % Thanks to R. Pawlowicz (IOS) rich@ios.bc.ca for 'contours.m' and
- % 'clabel.m/inline_labels' so that contour now works with parametric
- % surfaces and inline contour labels.
- % Copyright 1984-2001 The MathWorks, Inc.
- % $Revision: 5.17 $ $Date: 2001/04/15 12:03:50 $
- error(nargchk(1,5,nargin));
- nin = nargin;
- if isstr(varargin{end})
- nin = nin - 1;
- end
- if nin <= 2,
- [mc,nc] = size(varargin{1});
- lims = [1 nc 1 mc];
- else
- lims = [min(varargin{1}(:)),max(varargin{1}(:)), ...
- min(varargin{2}(:)),max(varargin{2}(:))];
- end
- if nin>4
- height=varargin{end};
- varargin=varargin(1:end-1);
- if isempty(varargin{end}) varargin=varargin(1:end-1); end
- end
- [c,h,msg] = contour3(varargin{:});
- if ~isempty(msg), error(msg); end
- if exist('height')
- for i = 1:length(h)
- zd=get(h(i),'zdata');
- zd(~isnan(zd))=height;
- set(h(i),'Zdata',zd);
- end
- else
- for i = 1:length(h)
- set(h(i),'Zdata',[]);
- end
- end
- if ~ishold
- view(2);
- set(gca,'box','on');
- grid off
- end
- if nargout > 0
- cout = c;
- hand = h;
- end
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