*** WARNING *** CP = 2.512 TIME= 20:16:36
There may be missing modes in the list of frequencies reported. The
Sturm sequence check is not consistent with the number of reported
modes. Restart the Lanczos run with a new initial shift point (or
Begin Frequency) using the MODOPT command. The current initial shift
point is FREQB= 100000000.
*** WARNING ***
The ratio of the maximum diagonal terms in the stiffness and mass
matrices exceeds 1.0e24. This may result in poor performance and
possibly missing modes. Please scale either the stiffness matrix
values or mass matrix values (i.e., by changing either your stiffness
or mass related material properties while maintaining a consistent set
of units). Be aware then that the results will need to be scaled back
to the original system of units. Alternatively, you may want to use
the FRQSCL command.