在模态扩展"MXPAND"命令和谱分析的模态合并“SRSS,CQC"等命令中都有 SIGNIF 这一项。一直不太清楚到底什么意思,想请教一下大家。是指模态参与系数吗?英文帮助是这样的:<BR> <BR>Expand only those modes whose significance level exceeds the SIGNIF threshold. The significance level of a mode is defined as the mode coefficient of the mode, divided by the maximum mode coefficient of all modes. Any mode whose significance level is less than SIGNIF is considered insignificant and is not expanded. The higher the SIGNIF threshold, the fewer the number of modes expanded. SIGNIF defaults to 0.001. If SIGNIF is specified as 0.0, it is taken as 0.0. SIGNIF value is only used for single-point or DDAM response (SPOPT,SPRS or DDAM) analyses. <BR>