冯博 您好 请问 我边界元网格检测出现如下问题 该如何修复呢 琢磨了两天也没琢磨出来 特来请教 非常感谢
Getting mesh information...
WARNING: 66 elements have duplicated nodes. Please fix your mesh.
WARNING: 1016 pair(s) of coarse elements are too close from each other.
This might lead to inaccurate results.
Those elements should preferably be refined.
First pair(s) of conflicting elements:
(45694, 63160)
(45694, 63186)
(45695, 56559)
(45695, 63159)
(45695, 63186)
(45697, 56549)
(45697, 56551)
(45697, 60407)
(45697, 63185)
(45697, 63186)
Detecting junctions and free edges...
ERROR: Problem occurred in junction detection.
The mesh topology might be incorrect: please check the connectivities of elements 45694 and 45695!
Errors = 1; Warnings = 2