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2012 HKICEPS @ Hong Kong

发表于 2012-6-6 19:23 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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2012 Hong Kong InternationalConference on Education, Psychology and Society
2012 HKICEPS @ Hong Kong
December 14-16, 2012

2012 Hong Kong International Conference on Education,Psychology and Society (2012 HKICEPS) is an interdisciplinary internationalconference that invites academics and independent scholars and researchers fromaround the world to meet and exchange the latest ideas and discuss issuesconcerning education, psychology and society towards sustainable development.
We are nowaccepting submissions in any area related to education,psychology and society, and all submissions will berefereed, and accepted papers will be included in the official conferenceproceedings, which will have an assigned ISBN number. If you require anyfurther information

VenueWe are pleased to be holding the conference at the an excellent hotel near theAsiaWorld-Expo and Hong Kong Airport.

Apply tobe a reviewer
Dear colleagues, if you would like toapply for a paper reviewer, session chair, or member of internationalcommittee, please send your concise vita (1-2 pages) to

All research papers, technical reports, trend observations, andinnovative thoughts related to the below fields are all welcome. The deadline for submitting abstracts/full Papers is


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