
楼主 |
发表于 2012-9-11 10:20
- !1) Initialisation of elements and material properties
- /TITLE, Piezoelectric Vibration Energy Harvester
- accelx=0 !Acceleration in X
- accely=0 !Acceleration in Y
- accelz=2.5 !Acceleration in Z
- /COM,
- /COM, Finite Element Model of a Piezoelectric Energy Harvester
- /COM,
- /PREP7
- /COM, Define Element Types Used During FEA Analysis
- ET,1,SOLID5,0 !8-Node Coupled Field Piezoelectric Element For PZT
- ET,2,SOLID45 !8-Node Solid Element For Modelling Tungsten Mass and
- !steel Shim
- ET,3,SHELL41 !4-Node Membrane Shell Element (Electrode), Not used in
- !this project
- ET,4,TARGE170,0 !3D Target surface for modelling bonding contact
- !between tungsten mass and beam
- ET,5,CONTA174 !Coupled field contact surface for modelling contact
- !between tungsten mass and beam
- /COM, Define Element Type Used During Electrical Analysis
- ET,6,CIRCU94,0 !Define Resistor
- /COM, !Define Keyopts for Finite Elements
- KEYOPT,4,5,1 !Set TARGE 170 to solid-solid constraint
- KEYOPT,5,1,0 !UX,UY,UZ
- KEYOPT,5,2,2 !Contact algorithm: MPC
- KEYOPT,5,4,1 !Contact detection on nodal point
- KEYOPT,5,5,0 !No automated contact adjustment
- KEYOPT,5,7,0 !No element level time increment control
- KEYOPT,5,8,0 !No asymmetric contact selection
- KEYOPT,5,9,1 !Exclude both initial geometrical penetration or gap
- !and offset
- KEYOPT,5,10,1 !Update contact stiffness each substep based on mean stress
- !of underlying elements
- KEYOPT,5,12,5 !Bonded always contact behaviour
- /COM, ZT-SH4 (Navy Type VI) Material Properties
- /COM, iezo Systems Inc.
- EMUNIT, MKS ! Free space permittivity
- MP,DENS,1,7500 !Material density
- MP,PERX,1,3130 !Relative permittivity MP,PERY,1,3130
- MP,PERZ,1,3400
- TB,ANEL,1,1,,1 !Flexibility matrix - inverted by Ansys
- TBDATA,1,16.5e-12,-4.78e-12,-8.45e-12
- TBDATA,7,16.5e-12,-8.45e-12
- TBDATA,12,20.7e-12
- TBDATA,16,43.5e-12
- TBDATA,19,43.5e-12
- TBDATA,21,42.6e-12
- TB,PIEZ,1 ! Piezoelectric constant matrix
- TBDATA,3,-6.622
- TBDATA,6,-6.622
- TBDATA,9,23.24
- TBDATA,11,17.034
- TBDATA,13,17.394
- MP,MURX,1,0 !False material properties to suppress error messages
- MP,KXX,1,0
- /COM, Steel Shim Material Properties
- MP,DENS,2,7700 !Density
- MP,EX,2,207e9 !Young's Modulus
- MP,PRXY,2,0.3 !Poisson's ratio
- !MP,RSVX,2,72e-8 !Resistivity (Volt DOF will be coupled later)
- /COM, Tungsten Mass Material Properties
- MP,DENS,3,17000 !Density
- MP,EX,3,540e9 !Mass deformation will be negligible
- MP,PRXY,3,0.28 !Poisson's ratio
- /COM, Nickel Electrode Material Properties, not used in this
- /COM, project
- R,1,0.2e-6 !Thickness of top nickel electrode
- R,2,0.2e-6 !Thickness of bottom nickel electrode
- MP,EX,4,207e9 !Young's Modulus
- MP,PRXY,4,0.3 !Poisson's ratio
- /COM, Contact material properties
- REAL,3 !Set element real constant attribute pointer
- R,3,,,,,,
- RMORE,,,,,,
- RMORE,,0,,,,
- RMORE,0 !Set electrical contact conductance
- ALLSEL,ALL,ALL !Select all entities
- /COM, Define real constants for circuit elements
- R,4,180e3 !Define Resistor Properties (Defaults)
- !Application of material properties to solid geometry
- /COM, Apply material properties to volumes of imported
- /COM, ro/Engineer Wildfire 2 IGES model
- VSEL,S,VOLU,,2,,,0 !Select volume 2 (Bottom Piezo layer)
- VSEL,A,VOLU,,3,,,0 !Additionally select volume 3 (Top Piezo layer)
- VATT,1,1,1,0 !Apply PZT-5144 material properties
- VSEL,S,VOLU,,1,,,0 !Select volume 1(Steel centre shim)
- VATT,2,1,2,0 !Apply steel material properties
- VSEL,S,VOLU,,4,,,0 !Select volume 4 (Tungsten mass)
- VATT,3,1,2,0 !Apply tungsten material properties
- /COM, Set mesh densities
- /COM, ZT thickness density
- LSEL,S,LINE,,38,,,0 !Select bottom PZT layer thickness
- LSEL,A,LINE,,84,,,0 !Select top PZT layer thickness
- LESIZE,ALL,,,3 !Specify 3 divisions mesh density
- /COM, Steel shim thickness density
- LSEL,S,LINE,,12,,,0
- LESIZE,Al1,,,2 !Specify 2 divisions mesh density
- /COM Beam width density
- LSEL,S,LINE,,4,,,0
- LSEL,A,LINE,,10,,,0
- LSEL,A,LINE,,41,,,0
- LESIZE,ALL,,,4 !4 divisions mesh density
- /COM, Beam length density
- LSEL,S,LINE,,2,,,0
- LSEL,A,LINE,,9,,,O
- LSEL,A,LINE,,81,,,0
- LESIZE,ALL,,,120 ! 120 divisions mesh density
- /COM, Tungsten mass mesh density
- LSEL,S,LINE,,109
- LSEL,S,LINE,,111,,,0
- LSEL,S,LINE,,110,,,0
- /COM, Mesh all volumes and areas
- MSHKEY,1 !Set mapped mesh
- ALLSEL,ALL,VOLU !Select all volumes to be meshed
- VMESH,ALL !Mesh all volumes
- !Coupling DOF
- !The VOLT DOF is coupled between the dielectric and
- !conductive layers in the model. This procedure uses the CP command to couple the
- !DOF set of the nodes in the selected region, hence, the procedure must be performed after
- !meshing.
- /COM, Couple voltage degree of freedom between layers
- ASEL,S,AREA,,41,,,0 !Select top electrode
- NSLA,S,1 !Select nodes related to top electrode
- NSEL,U,LOC,X,10.7e-3,30e-3
- CM,top_electrode,NODE !Create component from nodes
- ASEL,S,AREA,,34,,,0 !Select bottom electrode
- NSLA,S,1 !Select nodes related to top electrode
- NSEL,U,LOC,X,10.7e-3,30e-3
- CM,bottom_electrode,NODE!Create component from nodes
- NSEL,S,NODE,,top_electrode
- NSEL,A,NODE,,bottom_electrode
- CP,I,VOLT,ALL !Couple voltage degree of freedom for all nodes
- *GET,OUT ELECT,NODE,O,NUM,MIN !Get master node on top electrode
- VSEL,S,VOLU,,1,,,1 !Select centre shim
- NSLV,S,1 !Select nodes associated with volume
- CM,centre shim,NODE !Create component from nodes
- CP,NEXT,VOLT,ALL !Couple voltage degree of freedom for all nodes
- *GET,NCENTRE,NODE,O,NUM,MIN !Get master centre electrode node
- !D.1.5 Modelling contact of proof mass
- !In this section of the analysis, a target element is defined on the base of the tungsten
- !mass and a contactelement is defined on the top surface of the beam as described in ANSYS
- !Inc. (2004d).
- ASEL,S,AREA,,48,,,0 !Select bottom of tungsten mass
- NSLA,S,1 !Select nodes related to top electrode
- CM,target_surface,NODE !Create component from nodes
- ALLSEL,ALL,ALL !Select all entities
- /COM, Define contact pair's
- NSEL,S,,,target_surface !Select nodes on base of tungsten mass
- TYPE,4 ! Set target element
- ESLN,S,0 !Select elements attached to nodes
- ESURF,ALL !Create target elements
- ASEL,S,AREA,,41,,,0 !Select top electrode
- NSLA,S,1 !Select nodes related to top electrode
- TYPE,5 !Set contact element type
- ESLN,S,0 !Select elements attached to nodes
- ESURF,ALL !Create contact elements
- ALLSEL !Select all
- !2) Analysis
- !2.1) Static analysis
- /COM, Static analysis to test regime
- /SOLU !Enter solution pre-processor
- /COM, Apply boundary conditions
- /COM Completely rigid fixture, constrained Y for all
- NSEL,S,LOC,X,0 !Select nodes at fixture location
- D,ALL,UX,0,,,,UY,UZ, !Constrain all DOF
- /COM, Define Model symmetry
- NSEL,S,LOC,Y,0 !Select nodes at model symmetry line
- DSYM,SYMM,Y !Apply symmetry boundary conditions
- ALLSELL,ALL,ALL !Select all entities
- /COM, Apply 5V to top and bottom electrode, OV to shim
- D,top_electrode,VOLT,5
- D,bottom_electrode,VOLT,5
- D,centre_shim,VOLT,0
- ALLSELL,ALL,ALL !Select all entities
- !2.2) Modal analysis
- /COM Modal analysis for determining resonance response of
- /COM, harvester
- /COM, Delete DOF from static analysis
- DDELE,top_electrode,VOLT
- DDELE,bottom_electrode,VOLT
- ANTYPE,MODAL !Modal analysis
- MODOPT,REDUC,8 !4 modes using reduced method
- MXPAND,8 !Expand a114 modes
- TOTAL,10,1
- D,NCENTRE,VOLT,0.0 !Ground centre electrode
- DMPRAT,0.031 !Constant damping ratio
- NSEL,ALL !Select all nodes
- SOLVE !Solve current load step
- !2.3) Harmonic analysis without resistor
- /COM, Haitnonic analysis around first resonant frequency
- ANTYP,HARM !Set harmonic analysis
- HARFRQ,30,120 !Set frequency range
- NSUBST,36 !Set 2.5 Hz increments
- KBC,1 !Loads step changed
- D,NCENTRE,VOLT,0.0 !Ground centre electrode
- DMPRAT,0.031 !Constant damping ratio
- ACEL,accelx,accely,accelz !Set accelerations
- /POST26
- NSOL,9, OUT_ELECT, VOLT,,output_voltage ! Store output power
- !2.4) Harmonic analysis with resistor
- /COM, Harmonic analysis around first frequency with
- /COM, resistance load
- /COM, Create circuit geometry
- /PREP7
- N,,0,-5e-3,0, !Defines node 1 for circuit
- N,,5e-3,-5e-3,0, !Defines node 2 for circuit
- /COM, Create circuit elements on geometry
- TYPE,6 !Set circuit element type (Resistor)
- REAL,4 !Set circuit element constants (Resistance)
- E,5505,5506 !Plot Resistor
- /ICSCALE,1,0.1 !Scale circuit elements to correct size
- /COM, Couple voltage degrees of freedom between circuit
- /COM, and FE model. Places resistor between top and bottom
- /COM electrode
- NSEL,S,NODE,,5505 !Select input node in circuit
- CP,1,VOLT,ALL !Couple voltage Degree of Freedom on top elect
- NSEL,S,NODE,,5506 !Select input node in circuit
- CP,4,VOLT,ALL !Couple voltage Degree of Freedom on centre elect
- ALLSELL,ALL,ALL !Select all entities
- /COM, Harmonic analysis with resistor coupled to outer electrodes
- ANTYP,HARM !Set harmonic analysis
- /COM Set constraints on DOF
- NSEL,S,LOC,X,0 !Select nodes at fixture location
- D,ALL,UX,O,,,,UY,UZ, !Constrain all DOF
- /COM Define Model symmetry
- NSEL,S,LOC,Y,0 !Select nodes at model symmetry line
- DSYM,SYMM,Y !Apply symmetry boundary conditions
- ALLSELL,ALL,ALL !Select all entities
- HARFRQ,30,120 !Set frequency range
- NSUBST,36 !Set 2.5 Hz increments
- KBC,1 !Loads step changed
- D,NCENTRE,VOLT,0.0 !Ground centre electrode
- DMPRAT,0.031 !Constant damping ratio
- ACEL,accelx,accely,accelz !Set accelerations
- !2.5) Spectral Analysis
- /COM, Spectral analysis
- DDELE,ALL,ALL !Delete all previous constraints
- ACEL,0,0,0 !Set accelerations to zero (zero gravity)
- D,NCENTRE,VOLT,0.0 !Ground centre electrode
- NSEL,S,LOC,X,0 !Select nodes at fixture location
- D,ALL,UX,0,,,,UY,UZ, !Constrain all DOF
- /COM, Define Model symmetry
- NSEL,S,LOC,Y,0 !Select nodes at model symmetry line
- DSYM,SYMM,Y !Apply symmetry boundary conditions
- ALLSELL,ALL,ALL !Select all entities
- /COM, Modal analysis
- ANTYPE,MODAL ! Mode-frequency analysis
- MODOPT,REDUC,,,,4 ! Householder, print first 3 reduced mode shapes
- MXPAND,4, ! Expand first mode shape
- TOTAL,10,1
- /COM, Spectrum Analysis
- ANTYPE,SPECTR ! Spectrum analysis
- SPOPT,SPRS ! Single point spectrum
- DMPRAT,0.031 !Constant damping ratio
- SED,0,0,1 ! Global Z-axis as spectrum direction
- SVTYPE,2 ! Seismic acceleration spectrum
- MCOMB,SRSS,0.001,
- /COM Define frequency table (from table 4.1)
- FREQ,12,31,32,34,35,57,59,67,68 !Frequency points 1-9 (Hz)
- FREQ,69,70,72,73 ! Frequency 10-13 (Hz)
- /COM, Define acceleration table to match frequency table (from
- /COM, table 4.1)
- SV,0.031,0.167,0.052,0.067,0.067,0.059,0.168,0.054,0.072,0.284
- SV,0.031,0.078,0.078,0.068,0.07 ! Acceleration magnitudes (m/s2)
- OUTRES,ALL,ALL, !Output all results to file
- /Post26 !Enter post processing
- /INPUT,,mcom,,1,0 !Input combined modes results file
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