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RESP IR, LFTAB, LDTAB, ITYPE, RATIO, DTIME, TMIN, TMAX ——Generates a response spectrum The response spectrum is defined as the maximum response of single degree of freedom systems of varying frequency (or period) to a given input support excitation. The equation describing the response of the system in terms of the relative displacement (X) is:
式中:ξ表示阻尼比(ratio of viscous damping to critical damping);ωn表示系统固有频率(natural frequency of the system);Xo表示ground displacement。 The solution of this equation for the maximum response, ,at various frequencies results in the spectral response curve。 从上面ansys中的help文件看出,通过resp得到的频域位移曲线是最大值,是peak? 如果是peak的话,那么在计算辐射噪声的时候又采用RMS,是不是矛盾了?求解释 |