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Welcome to the 1th International Conference onMechanics of Composites (MECHCOMP2014). This conference intends to bringforward the best research and applications on composite materials andstructures. Theconference has the support of Composite Structures, an International Journal of Elsevier.
Venue: to be announced, possibly at Atlanta, Georgia (USA),or Stony Brooks University (USA)
Dates: 8-11June 2014
Conference Chair
Antonio J. M. Ferreira, University of Porto, Porto,Portugal (Ferreira@fe.up.pt)ConferenceTopics
Advanced Structural Models for
Thin-Walled Structures and Slender Bodies
Analysis of composite
beams, plates and shells
Auxetic materials and
Beam, Plate and Shell
Theories and Computational Models for Laminated

Structures Bio-inspired design of composites
Composite structures in
civil engineering
Novel Composite
Composites in Innovative
Durability of composite
Dynamics of Composite
Electro-thermal properties
of composite materials
Experimental analysis of
laminated plate and shell structures
Porous and cellular
FRP and Historic Masonry
FRP reinforced concrete
Functionally graded
materials and structures
Health Monitoring
Techniques in Composite Structures
Impact Problems

Advanced Numerical
Micromechanics Modeling, simulation and testing of sandwich and adaptivestructures
Modelling and
Characterization of CNT-Polymer Composites
Multiscale Analysis of
Natural Fibre Composites
Multi-scale Modeling of
Graphene- and Carbon Nanotube-Reinforced Composites

Natural Fibre Composites Non-destructive
Inspection Techniques for Composite Materials and Structures
Optimization techniques
and methods
Probabilistic  modeling and reliability of composites
Plate  and Shell finite elements
Stability  of Nano, Micro and Macro Composite Structures
Failure  of Composites
Analysis  of Wood and Natural Fibre Composites
Design  and application of composite structures
FRP  in concrete, steel and composite steel/concrete structures
Laminated compositeswith material uncertainties
Thermal  problems on Composite structures
Composite  structures subjected to high temperatures
High  pressure vessels: from micromechanics to controled design
Delamination  and fracture
Damage  in Composites Structures
Structural  Health Monitoring
Adaptive  Functionally Graded Materials and Structures
Modeling  of Nano Composites
Vibration  modelling and behavior of laminated structures
Experimental  Methods
Mechanics  of composite, functional and smart materials and structures
Strategies  for computational modeling and identification of composite
materials Variable
Stiffness Composite Laminates
Morphing ofcomposites
Smart  Composites
Dynamic  stiffness vibration analysis of plates
Marine  Applications of Composites
Scalable Manufactureof Nanostructure Composites: Enabling the Carbon
Nanomaterials Modeling  and testing of reinforced and unreinforced joints and laminatedbeams in Civil
Deadline for payment: 1st March 2014,please see fees below.
Student fee does not include banquet.
Registration fees (in EURO)
before Jan 1, 2014
Regular delegate 650,00 euro
Student delegate 450,00 euro
Extrabanquet ticket 75,00 euro
after Jan 1, 2014
Regular delegate 850,00 euro
Student delegate 650,00 euro
Extra banquet ticket 100,00 euro
Submission of abstracts
Submissionsof Abstracts is very easy, you just need to insert asmall text in a text box (max 1500 characters, no figures, no tables):
step2: fill your title, names, affiliation and your abstract (max 1500 characters);
Step3: choose the Session in which you feel your abstracts fits best.
In caseyou are experiencing some problems submitting your abstract, and you receivethis message:
"Invalidfile extension. Extensions allowed"
When yousubmit the abstract: you cannot copy/paste from word, because of embeddedformatting of Microsoft Word.
However,it works if you copy/paste from NOTEPAD (windows) or TEXEDIT (MAc)
It alsoworks well if you type directly into the text box
Thedeadline for submission of abstracts is September 1st, 2013.
Thelanguage of communication at the Conference will be English, and all abstractsmust be written in clear English.
Acceptedabstracts will be collected together and published as the Proceedings of the1st International Conference on Mechanics of Composites. The Proceedings willcomprise a CD-ROM with the abstracts. The Proceedings will be available to allregistered participants upon arrival at the Conference.
The authors may also wish to submit afull-length paper (max 20 pages) using the format suggested in the CompositeStructures journal. The submission of the full-length paper is optional, andshould be sent by email before July 1st, 2014. Delegates can participate in theconference without a full-paper. Afterthe conference, some papers will be selected and invited to submit an extendedpaper to Composite Structures (an Elsevier’s Journal-Impact Factor 2.240).
Scientific CommitteeThescientific committee is being continuously updated. The current SC list is asfollows:§        Akbar Alibeigloo, ModaresUniv., Iran§        Ahmed Elmarakbi, Univ.Sunderland, UK§        Alexander Tessler, NASA,USA§        Anastasia Muliana, TexasA&M, USA§        Antonio Ferreira, FEUP,Portugal§        Antonio Miravete, MIT, USA§        Anthony Waas, University ofMichigan, USA§        Arun Shukla, Univ. Rhodeisland, USA§        Arun Srinivasa, TexasA&M Univ., USA§        Assimina Pelegri, RutgersUniv., USA§        Aurelio Araujo, InstitutoSuperior Técnico, Portugal§        Ayman Mosallam, Univ.California at Irvine, USA§        Bhavani Sankar, Univ.Florida, USA§        Carla Roque, INEGI,Portugal§        Conor McCarthy, Universityof Limerick, Ireland§        Cristovão Mota Soares,Instituto Superior Técnico, Portugal§        Dai-Gil Lee, KAIST, SouthKorea§        Damiano Pasini, McGillUniversity, Canada§        Daniel Simkins, Univ. S.Florida, USA§        Dewey Hodges, Georgia Tech,USA§        Donald Kelly, Univ. NewSouth Wales, Australia§        Edson Botelho, Univ.Estadual Paulista, Brazil§        Erasmo Carrera, Politecnicodi Torino, Italy§        Erdogan Madenci, Universityof Arizona, USA§        Evgeny Morozov, Univ. NewSouth Wales, Australia§        Farid Taheri, Dalhousie Univ.,Canada§        Fu-Pen Chiang, Stony BrooksUniversity, USA§        Gaurav Nilakantan, University of Southern California,USA§        Glaucio Paulino, Univ.Illinois, USA§        Heng Hu, Wuhan Univ., China§        H. Hosseini-Toudeshky,Amirkabir Univ., Iran§        Hamid Ovesy, AmirkabirUniv., Iran§        Igor Tsukrov, Univ. NewHampshire, USA§        J. N. Reddy, Texas A&MUniv., USA§        Jack Vinson, University ofDelaware, USA§        Jack Gilespie, Univ.Delaware, USA§        Jason Carey, Univ. Alberta,Canada§        John Michopoulos, NavalResearch Laboratory, USA§        Jonathan Gosse, Boeing, USA§        Julie Young, Univ.Michigan, USA§        K. M. Liew, City Univ. ofHong Kong, China§        Kumbakonam Rajagopal, TexasA&M, USA§        Kyriaki Kalaitzidou,Georgia Tech, USA§        Lorenzo Dozio, Politecnicodi Milano, Italy§        Luciano Feo, University ofSalerno, Italy§        Luciano Demasi, San DiegoState Univ., USA§        Mahesh Hosur, Univ.Tuskegee, USA§        Marc Zupan, Univ. Maryland,USA§        Marco Amabili, McGillUniversity, Canada§        Marco Petrolo, Politecnicodi Torino, Italy§        Maria Cinefra, Politecnicodi Torino, Italy§        Massimo Ruzzene, GeorgiaTech., USA§        Maurizio Porfiri, Polytech.Institute of New York Univ., USA§        Michelle Hoo Fatt, Univ.Akron, USA§        Mohamad Qatu, Univ. CentralMichigan, USA§        Nuno Silvestre, InstitutoSuperior Técnico, Portugal§        Olivier Polit, Univ. ParisX, France§        Patrick Selvadurai, McGillUniversity, Canada§        Pedro Camanho, FEUP,Portugal§        Raja RizwanHussain, King Saud University, Saudi Arabia§        Rakesh Kapania, VirginiaTech., USA§        Ramesh Talreja, TexasA&M Univ., USA§        Reza Haghani, University ofChalmers, Sweden§        Romesh Batra, VirginiaTech, USA§        Rhys Jones, Monash Univ.,Australia§        Roberto Capozucca, Univ.Politecnica delle Marche, Italy§        Ryan Karkkainen, U.S. ArmyResearch Laboratory, USA§        Samit Roy, University ofAlabama, USA§        Sarp Adali, Univ.Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa§        Senthil Vel, Univ. Maine,USA§        Serge Abrate, SouthernIllinois University, USA§        Seyed Hashemi, RyersonUniversity, Canada§        Suong Hoa, Concordia Univ.,Canada§        Todd Williams, Los AlamosNational Laboratory, USA§        Torsten Kuehn, EADS,Germany§        Tsu-Wei Chou, Univ.Delaware, USA§        Valeria Lasaponara, UCDavis, USA§        Victor Birman, MissouriUniversity of Science and Technology, USA§        Vinu Unnikrishnan, TheUniversity of Alabama, USA§        Vistasp Karbhari, Univ.Alabama in Huntsville, USA§        Volnei Tita, University ofSao Paulo, Brasil§        Young Kwon, NavalPostgraduate School, USA§        Yoshihiro Narita, HokkaidoUniversity, Japan§        Werner Wagner, Univ. Karlsruhe,Germany§        Wesley Cantwell, Univ.Liverpool, UK§        Wilfried Becker, Univ.Darmstadt, Germany§        Xue Feng Yao, TsinghuaUniv., China§        Xin-Lin Gao, University ofDallas, USA§        Zengtao Chen, Univ. NewBrunswick, Canada§        Zhongyi Zhang, University ofPortsmouth, UKThematic Sessions

  • Mechanics     of Carbon Nanotubes and Graphene, chaired by Nuno Silvestre (IST-Portugal)

  • Composite     bolted joints, chaired by Conor McCarthy (Univ. Limerick, Ireland)

  • Interfacial     Interaction in Composites, chaired by Vikas Mittal (The Petroleum     Institute, United Arab Emirates)

  • Instabilities     in composite materials and structures, chaired by Salim Bellouetar, Heng     Hu, Michel Potier-Ferry (Centre de Recherches George tudor, Luxembourg,     Wuhan Univ., China, Univ. Metz, France)

  • NDT/NDE,     chaired by Zhongyi Zhang (Univ. Portsmouth, UK)

  • Ageing     of composite materials and structures, chaired by Zhongyi Zhang (Univ.     Portsmouth, UK)

  • FRP     in Civil Engineering, chaired by Roberto Capozucca (Univ. Politecnica     delle Marche, Italy)

  • FRP     and Historical Masonry, chaired by Roberto Capozucca (Univ. Politecnica     delle Marche, Italy)

  • Behaviour     of composites under extreme environments, chaired by Zhan-Cheng Guo,     Shanghai University, China

  • Multifunctional     composites, chaired by Gaurav Nilakantan, (University of Southern California, USA), Editor-in-Chief of Journal of     Multifunctional Composites (a special issue for this event is under     consideration at this journal)

  • Damage     and Failure of Composite Materials, chaired by Ramesh Talreja (Texas     A&M Univ., USA) and C. V. Singh (Univ. Toronto, Canada)

  • Textile     composites, chaired by Bhavani Sankar and Ming Song (Univ. Florida, USA)

  • Dynamic     Failure of composites, chaired by Ryan Karkkainen (US Army Research Lab.,     USA), and Gaurav Nilakantan, (University of Southern California, USA)

  • Natural,     Synthetic and Recycled Polymers in Composite Materials, chaired by Gonzalo     Martinez-Barrera (A. University of State of Mexico, Mexico)

  • Delamination     Growth in Composite Materials using Cohesive Elements, chaired by Ahmed     Elmarakbi (University of Sunderland, UK)

  • Composites     and sustainability, chaired by Reza Haghani (University of Chalmers,     Sweden)
VERY IMPORTANT: InvitationLetters WILL NOT be sent to delegates
Best wishes


Antonio J. M. Ferreira
Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Professor Catedrático de Engenharia Mecânica
Editor, Composite Structures

Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto
Departamento de Engenharia Mecanica
Rua Dr Roberto Frias, 4200-465 Porto, Portugal

Chairman, 17th International

Conference on Composite Structures, FEUP, Porto, Portugal, 17-21 June 2013,

Chairman, 1º Encontro Luso-Brasileiro de
Engenharia de Compósitos, FEUP, 12-14 Junho de 2013 (em conjunto com a ICCS17),

Chairman, 1st International

Conference on Mechanics of Composites, Atlanta, 8-11 June 2014 ,


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