- *
- * To approximate the solution of the initial value problem:
- * Y' = F(T,Y), A <= T <= B, Y(A) = ALPHA,
- * at n+1 equally spaced points in the interval [A,B].
- *
- * INPUT: endpoints a, b; initial condition ALPHA; integer n.
- *
- * OUTPUT: Approximation W to Y at the (n+1) values of T.
- *)
- TEMP=Input["This is the Runge-Kutta Order Four Method\n
- Input the function F(T,Y) in terms of t and y\n
- \n
- For example: y-t^2+1\n"];
- F[t_,y_] :=Evaluate[TEMP];
- OK = 0;
- While[OK == 0,
- A=Input["Input the left endpoint\n"];
- B=Input["Input the right endpoint\n"];
- If[A >= B,
- Input["Left endpoint must be less than right endpoint\n
- \n
- Press 1 [enter] to continue\n"],
- OK = 1;
- ];
- ];
- ALPHA=Input["Input thr initial condition\n"];
- OK=0;
- While[OK == 0,
- n=Input["Input a positive integer for the number of\n
- subintervals\n"];
- If[n<=0,
- Input["Number must be a positive integer\n
- \n
- Press 1 [enter] to continue\n"],
- OK=1;
- ];
- ];
- If[OK == 1,
- FLAG = Input["Select output destination\n
- 1. Screen\n
- 2. Text file\n
- Enter 1 or 2\n"];
- If[FLAG == 2,
- NAME = InputString["Input the file name\n
- For example: output.dta\n"];
- OUP = OpenWrite[NAME,FormatType->OutputForm],
- OUP = "stdout";
- ];
- Write[OUP,"Runge-Kutta Fourth Order Method\n"];
- Write[OUP,"t w \n"];
- Write[OUP,"\n"];
- (* Step 1 *)
- H=N[(B-A)/n];
- T=A;
- Write[OUP,T," \n",N[W,9]];
- (* Step 2 *)
- For[i=1,
- i<=n,
- i++,
- (* Step 3 - Use K1,K2,K3,K4, for K(1),K(2),K(3),K(4) resp. *)
- K1=H*F[T,W];
- K2=H*F[T+H/2.0,W+K1/2.0];
- K3=H*F[T+H/2.0,W+K2/2.0];
- K4=H*F[T+H,W+K3];
- (* Step 4 - Compute W(I) *)
- W=W+(K1+2.0*(K2+K3)+K4)/6.0;
- (* Comput T(I) *)
- T=A+i*H;
- (* Step 5 *)
- Write[OUP,T," \n",N[W,9]];
- ];
- (* Step 6 *)
- If[OUP == "OutputStream[",NAME," 3]",
- Print["Output file: ",NAME," created successfully\n"];
- Close[OUP]
- ];
- ];
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