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function fasticag(mixedsig, InitialGuess)
%FASTICAG - Fast Independent Component Analysis, the Graphical User Interface
% FASTICAG gives a graphical user interface for performing independent
% component analysis by the FastICA package. No arguments are
% necessary in the function call.
% Optional arguments can be given in the form:
% FASTICAG(mixedsig, initialGuess) where the matrix mixedsig contains the
% multidimensional signals as row vectors, and initialGuess gives the
% initial value for the mixing matrix used in the algorithm.
% FASTICA uses the fixed-point algorithm developed by Aapo Hyvarinen,
% see http://www.cis.hut.fi/projects/ica/fastica/. The Matlab package
% was programmed by Hugo Gavert, Jarmo Hurri, Jaakko Sarela, and Aapo
% Hyvarinen.
% See also FASTICA
% @(#)$Id: fasticag.m,v 1.5 2005/10/19 13:05:34 jarmo Exp $
% Global values
% Handle to this main figure
global hf_FastICA_MAIN;
% Check to see if GUI is already running
% Can't have more than one copy - otherwise the global
% variables and handles can get mixed up.
if ~isempty(hf_FastICA_MAIN)
error('FastICA GUI already running!');
% Handles to other controls in this main window
global ht_FastICA_mixedStatus;
global ht_FastICA_dim; |