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[结构分析] ansys中LN09是什么文件?

发表于 2016-3-12 15:51 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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在静力学运行失败后文件里面出现了LN09 LN20, LN31这些文件是什么呢?

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 楼主| 发表于 2016-4-3 14:59 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2016-4-5 11:06 | 显示全部楼层
2 emat element matrices
3 esav element svr variables
4 full subspace and lanzos full k and m
redm reduced mass (kan=2) or ss (kan=1)
5 inp standard input file
6 out standard output file
7 erot rotated element matrices for solver
mass reduced mass for full subspace
LN07 distributed sparse solver
8 sub substructure matrix file
9 redm reduced k and m matrices
mode reduced modal matrices
LN09 block Lanczos
10 rdsp reduced linear transient displacement
rfrq reduced linear frequencies
LN10 sparse solver
11 tri frontal solver (triangularized matrix)
LN11 sparse solver/block Lanczos
12 rst structural results file
rth thermal results file
rmg electromagnetic results file
rfl Flotran results file
13 dsub substructure disp file
usub renamed dsub file for stress pass
14 elem element definitions (EWRITE)
node node definitions (NWRITE)
mp material library (MPWRITE)
cdb coded database (CDWRITE)
loop looping file for optimization
abd a-b-d matrix writing for shell99
15 pfl Flotran printed output
16 db database (SAVE)
dbb database backup (SAVE)
17 dscr scratch file
lscr scratch file
sscr scratch file
18 log log file
19 err error log file
20 LN20 sparse solver/block Lanczos
21 LN21 sparse solver/block Lanczos
gst graphical solution tracking (/GST)
cmap colormap file (/CMAP)
gsav graphics saved file (/GSAVE)
22 LN22 sparse solver/block Lanczos
23 opo optimization loop output file
24 mcom mode combination factors
fatg fatigue
25 LN25 sparse solver/block Lanczos
26 mntr solution monitor file (MONITOR)
27 ldhi load history file (RESCONTROL)
28 dbg Flotran solver debug file
k LS-DYNA keyword file
LN28 sparse solver/block Lanczos
29 r000 multiframe restart files (RESCONTROL)
m000 multiframe restart files (RESCONTROL)
30 page pagefile
31 LN31 sparse solver/block Lanczos
32 LN32 sparse solver/block Lanczos
33 grph graphics neutral file
34 sda solution information file
35 .mac macro library file (maclib)
36 opt optimization data file
37 parm saved parameters (PARSAV)
38 LN38 sparse solver
39 file for /OUTPUT
40 LN40 sparse solver
41 sord file for substructure use names
LN41 sparse solver
42 LN42 sparse solver
43 seld substructure element load data
44 stat status file
45 cms CMS file
46 mode CMS mode file
61 sxtmp VT temporary file
62 xml FiberSIM XML file
63 ist initial stress file (INISTATE, ISWRITE)
90 DSPtri distributed sparse solver
91 DSPstack distributed sparse solver
92 DSPmat distributed sparse solver
93 DSPsymb distributed sparse solver


谢谢啦  详情 回复 发表于 2016-4-5 16:46
 楼主| 发表于 2016-4-5 16:46 | 显示全部楼层
Chelsea 发表于 2016-4-5 11:06
2 emat element matrices
3 esav element svr variables

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