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[ADAMS专区] 【ADAMS中运动副添加摩擦因素】之 Revolute Joint Friction

发表于 2016-3-21 13:56 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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  借着回答网友的机会,把Revolute Joint Friction详细地看了一下。下面总结一下我的心得体会!
  关于其他运动副中添加摩擦的详细讲解见:Adding Friction to Idealized Joints
  一、Revolute Joint Model
  Joint reactions (Fa and Fr), bending moment (Tr), and torque preload (Tprfrc) determine the frictional torque in a revolute joint. You can turn off one or more of these force effects using switches SW1 through SW3. The joint reactions (Fa and Fr) (注:图3中FR21和Ff21) are converted into equivalent torques using the respective friction arm (Rn) (注:图3中p) and pin radius (Rp)(注:图3中r). The joint bending moment (Tr) is converted into an equivalent torque using pin radius (Rp) divided by bending reaction arm (Rb). The frictional torque (Tfrict) is applied along the axis of rotation in the direction that the FRD block computes.

  图1 Revolute Joint Model


  图2 Block Diagram of Revolute Joint
  上述是帮助文件中关于转动副中摩擦的描述。这是一个较为复杂的模型,限于水平,这里将不对bending reaction 进行讨论。在模型中也将不对其进行设置。图2是ADAMS中如何将各个因素添加在一起,最终构成整个转动副的摩擦扭矩。


  图3 轴颈摩擦力的确定
  图3是常见的转动副轴颈摩擦模型(《机械原理》孙恒 陈作模 第六版 P91)。详细分析了轴颈摩擦的原理。设受径向载荷G作用下的轴颈1,在驱动力矩Md作用下,在轴承2中等速转动。轴承2对轴颈1的摩擦力Ff21=fv*G,其中fv=(1-0.5pi)f (注:对于配合进门且未经跑合的转动副取较大值,而对于有较大间隙的转动副去较小值)。摩擦力对轴颈的摩擦力矩为Mf=Ff21*r=fv*G*r。根据轴颈1受力平衡可得:G=-FR21,Md=-Mf,故可得:p=fv*r,其中r为转动副半径,红色圆为摩擦圆,p为摩擦圆半径。
  二、Friction Regime Determination (FRD)
  Three friction regimes are allowed in ADAMS/View:
  The regime:Means:
  Dynamic friction A joint is in dynamic friction if its joint velocity magnitude exceeds 1.5 times the stiction transition velocity. The dynamic coefficient of friction (md) is used in the computation of frictional forces.
  Transition between dynamic and static frictionIf the joint velocity magnitude is between 1 and 1.5 times the stiction transition velocity, the joint is considered to be transitioning between static and dynamic friction. A STEP function transitions the coefficient of friction between the dynamic (md) and static (ms) coefficients of friction.
  Static frictionA joint is in static friction when the joint velocity magnitude falls below the stiction transition velocity. The effective coefficient of friction is computed using the joint creep, joint velocity, and static coefficient of friction ( ms ).
  Revolute Joint Options:详细讲解了各个参数的含义。
  For the option:Do the following:
  Mu StaticDefine the coefficient of static friction in the joint. The magnitude of the frictional force is the product of Mu Static and the magnitude of the normal force in the joint, for example:
  Friction Force Magnitude, F = μN
  where μ = Mu Static and N = normal force
  The static frictional force acts to oppose the net force or torque along the Degrees of freedom of the joint.
  The range is > 0.
  Mu DynamicDefine the coefficient of dynamic friction. The magnitude of the frictional force is the product of Mu Dynamic and the magnitude of the normal force in the joint, for example:
  Friction force magnitude, F = μN
  where μ = Mu Dynamic and N = normal force
  The dynamic frictional force acts in the opposite direction of the velocity of the joint.
  The range is > 0.
  Friction ArmDefine the effective moment arm used to compute the axial component of the friction torque. The default is 1.0, and the range is > 0.
  Bending Reaction ArmDefine the effective moment arm use to compute the contribution of the bending moment on the net friction torque in the revolute joint. The default is 1.0, and the range is > 0.
  Pin RadiusDefines the radius of the pin.
  The default is 1.0, and the range is > 0.
  Stiction TransitionVelocityDefine the absolute velocity threshold for the transition from dynamic friction to static friction. If the absolute relative velocity of the joint marker is below the value, then static friction or stiction acts to make the joint stick.
  The default is 0.1 length units/unit time on the surface of contact in the joint, and the range is > 0.
  Max StictionDeformationDefine the maximum displacement that can occur in a joint once the frictional force in the joint enters the stiction regime. The slight deformation allows Adams/Solver to easily impose the Coulomb conditions for stiction or static friction, for example:
  Friction force magnitude < static * normal force
  Therefore, even at zero velocity, you can apply a finite stiction force if your system dynamics require it.
  The default is 0.01 length units, and the range is > 0.
  Friction Torque PreloadDefine the preload friction torque in the joint, which is usually caused by mechanical interference in the assembly of the joint.
  The default is 0.0, and the Range is > 0.
  EffectDefine the frictional effects included in the friction model, either Stiction and Sliding, Stiction, or Sliding. Stiction is static-friction effect, while Sliding is dynamic-friction effect. Excluding stiction in simulations that don't require it can greatly improve simulation speed. The default is Stiction and Sliding.
  Input Forces to FrictionDefine the input forces to the friction model. By default, all user-defined preloads and joint-reaction force and moments are included. You can customize the friction-force model by limiting the input forces you specify. The inputs for a translational joint are:
  &#8226; Preload
  &#8226; Reaction Force
  &#8226; Bending Moment
  Friction Inactive DuringSpecify whether or not the frictional forces are to be calculated during a Static equilibrium or Quasi-static simulation.

  The joint velocity determines the instantaneous friction regime for a joint. The following is a block diagram of the friction regimes available in ADAMS/Solver.


  图4 Block Diagram of Friction Regimes



  图5 ADAMS模型(施加0.12N.m扭矩)


  图6 ADAMS模型(施加0.121N.m扭矩)

  当模型确定后,如果驱动力矩小于产生的摩擦阻力矩,那么系统仍保持静止,如果大于则圆柱体加速转动。通过Mf=Ff21*r=fv*G*r进行计算,通过 p=fv*r,由于转动副半径和摩擦圆半径已知,可计算出fv,则整个系统匀速运动的驱动力矩为0.12N.m附近,因此本文中加载了0.12N.m 和0.121N.m两种情况。通过对比发现当驱动力矩大于摩擦阻力矩时,圆柱体逐渐加速;驱动力矩小于摩擦阻力矩时,圆柱体保持静止(稳态)。注意对比图中曲线。

  图7 ADAMS模型(圆柱体具有初始速度)




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