会议名称: |
International Conference on Gears 2017 |
所属学科: |
会议类型: |
国际会议 |
论文是否检索: |
不详 |
开始时间: |
2017年9月13日 |
结束时间: |
2017年9月15日 |
会议地点: |
Technische Universität München (TUM) Garching (near Munich), Germany |
主办单位: |
承办单位: |
摘要截稿时间: |
2016年11月4日 |
全文截稿时间: |
2017年3月24日 |
联系人: |
Caroline Koerber |
联系电话: |
2116214504 |
电子邮件: |
koerber@vdi.de |
通讯地址: |
邮编: |
- |
网址: |
https://www.vdi-wissensforum.de/en/event/international-conference-on-gears/ |
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The seventh International Conference on Gearsand Transmissions in Garching/Germany is alreadyan established platform for manufacturers of andresearchers into gears and transmission systems.At the conference you can learn about the latestdevelopments and research results from thepowertrain industry and academia.
Gears are the vital core of most powertrains.State-of-the-art gears already transmit power andadjust torque and speed with high efficiency andPurposepower density but low noise. But, the overallmegatrends – especially, climate change, resourcescarcity and technological breakthroughs –continue to challenge the gear and powertrainindustry and demand further improvements fromtheir developments. The presentations at theconference will show that there is still room forimprovement, and how gears can contribute toincreasing energy efficiency, reducing resourceconsumption and how new technologies will beincorporated in the powertrain.
The exhibition accompanying the conference willoffer the opportunity to monitor the state-of-theartof industrial powertrain applications and tonetwork with your peers. We are looking forward toseeing you in Garching!
1. Industrial applications
1.1 Transmissions for energy systems, e.g. powerplants, wind generators, water turbines etc.
1.2 Transmissions for mobility systems, e.g. gearboxes in the marine, aircraft, railway andautomotive sectors
1.3 Transmissions for production machinery, e.g.transportation in manufacturing lines
1.4 Application of gears in the context of Industry4.0
1.5 Transmissions for new applications, e.g.medical technology, fitness machines
2. Design, analysis and simulation of gearsand transmissions
2.1 Optimized gear design (cylindrical, beveland worm gears, beveloids) with improvedstrength, efficiency and/or reduced noise andvibration
2.2 New design for gears (asymmetric, low-lossgears, cycloid gears and gear modifications)for efficiency and/or reduced noise and vibration
2.3 New materials, heat treatment, lubricationand coatings e.g. for higher durability
2.4 Improved simulation programs for lifetimeprediction, NVH and efficiency
3. Manufacturing
3.1 Productivity increase by new concepts formachine and manufacturing processes
3.2 Main time or throughput time – balancing ofproductivity and flexibility
3.3 Alternative, resource-efficient gear manufacturingchains (e.g. additives, powder metallurgy)
3.4 Gear Manufacturing 4.0 – additivity,cross-linking and process monitoring in gearmanufacturing
3.5 Tailored surface integrity – manufacturingrelatedcomponent properties
3.6 New materials and heat treatment procedures
3.7 Simulation of manufacturing processes
4. Testing
4.1 New test methods and/or procedures forlifetime, efficiency and noise behavior
4.2 Correlation of system and component tests
4.3 Time-scaling strategies for fatigue tests oftransmissions (e.g. windmill transmissions)
4.4 Condition monitoring and predictivemaintenance
5. Possibilities and potential of plasticgears
5.1 Typical and future materials and tribology
5.2 Gear design: limits and changes of shape andform
5.3 Experimental and analytical load carryingcapacity